/rlg/ - Roguelike General

so softly this general dies edition

>What to Play

>Individual Game Pastas

New gigantic DDA mod release that lets you win DDA!
This post explains some shit I guess

IVAN 0.51 released

New Sil fork out.

ADOM r88 released for free, includes new secret boss and dinosaurs, get it here:

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

>Roguelike Servers:
roguenex.us/ (CDDA, angband, PCB)
angband.live/ (Angband and variants, including PCB)
hardfought.org/ (Nethack and variants, including slex)

final sage for tangledeep

>three times in a row

>already on page 10
just pack it up boys

I mean, I can post some sil screenshots to help foster some life. I just gotta wait till something interesting actually happens. This guy is doing pretty well, mostly because I'm playing as if forges don't exist.

>He doesn't want to ascend
Pity this man.

Yeah, last game my plan was to pump grace and smithing, and use the first forge I found to make amulet of grace, crown of grace, and lesser jewel of grace. By the time I found my 2nd forge, I'd have hopefully found an herb of restoration to get my grace back. Then I could make some gloves of +3 smithing, then gloves of +4 smithing, then a custom artefact of +2 grace (it was slightly cheaper than a regular amulet of +2 grace because it didn't include sustain grace), then similarly a custom artefact crown of +2 grace. Just pump up grace and smithing, and by the time I got to the later forges, I could really make some high-quality artefacts. However, I think I was maybe putting the cart in front of the horse with that line of reasoning.

>and use the first forge I found to make amulet of grace, crown of grace, and lesser jewel of grace.
>when the next guaranteed forge is 400 feet
>wasting charges on gloves of +3 smithing AND THEN gloves of +4 smithing AND THEN a crown of +grace to smith things without realizing you could have smithed excellent gear with those three charges
Man, I thought you were getting shitty drops but no
you're just retarded
do you literally not know how to play smiths in sil

the problem was that I got better drops than anything I could smith. Mithril gloves of strength, dwarf mask of clarity, some artefact boots (+3, 1d1) of free action, hauberk of venom's end, +2 cloak of warmth, greataxe of slay spiders/wolves. There was hardly anything I could craft. I just went with two rings of +2 dodging, and an amulet of regeneration, because 29 smithing took a decent amount of effort to get to, but it wasn't enough to make anything better than what I just found on the ground.

>How smithing works in sil:
>craft really good shit really really early so you have a great edge over any enemy in the earlygame (pre-500') at the cost of two/three points of melee
>by the time you reach mid-game, supply your growing inventory with hard-to-find items you sorely need with medium smithing skill not to be gimped in all other skills, like rings of dex and a feanorian lamp by 500'
>by the time you reach 800' you are a really well-balanced character because you didn't put all your points into smithing but still reaped all the benefits from having it and you can start making an artifact warhammer of +3 smithing for some serious 900' forging
>at 900', forge an endgame weapon of sharpness to destroy literally everything in your path

That's how you play smiths. Don't treat it as your only tool to victory, because it isn't. Treat it as an added bonus. They're literally guaranteed, so why not put some points in it?


couldnt page10animebump because too busy playing Fantasy Strike (tm)

>dcss devs remove mutagenic chunks
>/rlg/ dies
what did they mean by this

I really don't know why they removed mutagenic chunks. I know they reworked the potions, so that they favored good mutations, but I don't think they had to make mut chunks also favor good mutations.

they removed mut chunks because they were just-for-fun aka suboptimal
there is no reason to eat them if you are pro tier scorerunner trying to get 1st place in tournament, so dev team feels there is no reason for them to exist

Patently false. Scorerunners were actually *the* most likely to eat mutagenic chunks, since they were pretty likely to give you good early mutations that would carry an otherwise weak character through the game.

The reason mutagenic chunks were removed is because at least a few devs thought they were redundant (since the newest iteration of !mut actually might increase the number of mutations you have).

I think my best options are to quaff grace to help give me some resistance to the fear, then quaff my healing as needed, and if things get too desperate use the mirovir

>encountering a monster is worth as much as killing a monster

Got him. Quaffing grace really helped, still had to burn both potions of healing though. When I started fighting this guy, my plan was to pillar dance on that rubble near the stairway, but of course some werewolves got aggro'd.

I think it's designed that way for stealth/pacifist characters. You get XP for entering a floor depth for the first time too

one of sil's design goals is to have stealth and pacifism be truly viable, and this is a part of that
note that, both for encounters and kills, the xp award halves for each encounter or kill after the first (counted separately)
so you cannot simply stealth in a corner for 10,000 turns and get free xp by staring at orcs. infinity orcs would only be twice as much xp as 1 orc, or 33% more xp than 2 orcs

>you cannot simply stealth in a corner for 10,000 turns and get free xp by staring at orcs
What a game that would be.

>so you cannot simply stealth in a corner for 10,000 turns and get free xp by staring at orcs.
That makes for a great mental image though.
Orcs creeped out but pretending they don't notice anything, because that fucking elf has been sitting in a corner and staring at orcs for ages and now could easily tear you a new asshole with all his accumulated knowledge, if provoked.

>Orcs creeped out but pretending they don't notice anything
sil actually has such a mechanic
rather than focusing on stealth your character can focus on song and sing the song of mastery
each turn, all monsters who fail a check of their will vs your song skill simply fail to act. with high enough skill a pacifist can use this to avoid fights and walk right past enemies to the staircase, even with 0 investment in stealth
there are also songs that inspire fear and force enemies to flee, or that put them to sleep

when did vg start moving so fucking fast, god damn

In IVAN, can the holy handgrenade be set off in your inventory if you're hit by an explosion? How about from an enner beast screech?

flavour of the month games get too many threads on /v/ so they get a general

i don't believe enner beast screeches set off explosions
they just break things
however if the things being broken are wands, THOSE can cause explosions
i am not much of an IVAN player however, so don't rely on my advice

Ah, yeah you're right about the enner beast screeches. I'll be real careful about my wands. I'm just worried about explosions from mines directly breaking the grenades. I'm currently walking around with 2 of them and don't have a lockbox. I've been leaving them on the floor then coming back once I clear the level for now

>find a still-usable power armor suit halfway down the road from the shelter in a pile of dead military zombies
This is a good run already

Good news, I stepped on a mine and neither blew up. Either good luck, or they don't go off from getting blown up

>find power armor with helmet early on
>immediately die to shitter zombies
I don't know if it's the encumbrance or a bug that has since been patched out, but I took less damage wearing a trenchcoat.

Bad news, I stepped on another mine and died. Pretty much everything in my inventory broke in a chain reaction, but the handgrenades were fine. Mystery solved?

This is what science looks like. Congratulations on a job well done, user.

Is IVAN a Marxist roguelike? Why is IVAN a Marxist roguelike? Also are the white people in the game actually Jews, they seem like Jews to me.

I never saw it as legitimately pushing any sort of agenda. The commentaries on capitalism (if you could even call them commentaries) are done for humorous effect. Like, the guy who sends you out is made to be comically greedy, and you live in equally comically poor condition (like how it opens with you waking up by brushing a spider off your face). I think it's mostly just done for comedic affect. "Lets send this slave through the deadly underwater tunnel full of monsters so he deliver this letter about taxes"

The real question is: why not just flood the tunnels with water?

Alternatively use boats.

Any tips on removing enemy faces in Qud? That ego boost from certain creatures is too much to pass up for my Esper.

>16 bottles of orcish liquor
time to get snoggered good

>try to hit the turret
>throw it into the wall right next to you instead

why is your throwing 0
you can practice for free just by throwing garbage against a wall

wew lad

You fall through a shaft! The shaft crumbles and collapses. Beware, you cannot shaft yourself on this level. A Brimstone Fiend, an Ice Fiend, a necrophage and Dispater come into view. Dispater is wielding a golden staff. The Brimstone Fiend roars! Dispater shouts, "I will devour thy head!"


>being a ant
if you don't have castable pog at minimum you should really be ^Zin so you have some panic/escape options for shit like this

Just curious on people's thoughts. Do you think that Zin, Elyvilon, Lugonu, or Cheibriados is best for an extended game formicid?

lucy and chei are shit

does anyone even play elyvilon? at some point she was even less popular than nemelex

lugonu is more of a midgame god and will not nearly be as useful in a 15rune where a.) MR goes way up and banish's reliability goes way down, and b.) enemies on rune levels are stronger than the shitty abyss monsters you get from Corruption

you fucker, now you're making me itch to do extended game formicid of lucy

These monster descriptions in Sil are so good, I'm getting scared reading them

I think fighting this was a mistake.

>there will never be a moonman roguelike

>chilly temperature



Remember when /rlg/ didn't need bumps to stay alive? I remember

Remember when roguelikes were fun and you weren't just playing them to distract from being a 24 year old virgin

Do you remember when life used to be fun

Do you remember when you had more than one reason to live

Do you remember when you thought you had a chance

Do you remember when you could feel happiness

Do you remember when you could feel emotion at all

Do you even remember why you're still going on at this point

I don't

delet this


tfw cant play webtiles because homeless


>not living in a country with public libraries

user the lag on webtiles is already bad enough. trying it on public wifi is mindblowingly painful


>craft feanorian lamp of true sight
>find one on the ground next floor
>craft hauberk of venom's end, find one on floor
>craft hauberk of sustain all stats, find one on floor
>craft ring of +2 dodgine, find one on floor

I'm getting real tired of this

Is Slay the Spire fair game to talk about?


I was scouring 800 feet, 850 feet, 900 feet, 9 hundred and 50 fucking feet for a forge, but I didn't get one, so here I am now for the first time in Morgoth's hall at 1000 and I am about to take it in the ass

>str 4
>dex 4
>con 4
>gra 2
Is this normal? Those seem like very small numbers.

it's not a roguelike but /rlg/ can't violate your constitutional right to free speech
technically you can shitpost about anything you want

yeah, it seems in this game they tried to keep most of the numbers small. +1 to a stat is pretty significant

How is my smol bepis supposed to become the big bepis with such tiny numbers?

This is basically that 20 perception meme image, I guess.

these numbers are actually too big
disgusting filthy elv

you take that back

holy fuck, it's Morgoth himself
should I try to kill him or just take a silmaril? Do you take a silmaril by just melee-ing him, or do you have to do that '/'-direction on him

You take a silmaril by somehow fucking with the crown. (I think maybe k or ctrl-d?). Befoere that, you must knock the crown off Morgoth's head, either through the time-honored strategy of "Hit Man with Sword" or by singing him to sleep Luthien-style and having it slip off his head

ah, well I already spent all my XP on melee, so I don't think I'll be able to sleep him. I have a shitton of buffs and healing, I think I'll be able to knock it off of him then get out of there.

But of course I'm gonna look at the dice rolls to see his attack/defense, and try to do a little damage and make an inference on his HP pool. I think the highest HP monster I've come across so far was a drake, and it had about 100 HP.

I-If there are too many things on the ground, and the crown falls off, d-d-does it dd-d-disappear?

if the crown no longer exists morgoth is no longer a threat

Alright, I got a silmaril. However, I think my chances of getting out are slim.

>when a nigger steals all your runes but you still got the orb
Haha CIA nigger not today

Damn, so close

And I'm not mad about getting grounded and pounded by Morgoth, I'm mad that I only saw 3 forges that entire game, and not a single forge after 750 feet.

What do forges do you double negro?

you can make just about any item in the game in a forge, including fancy enchanted items, but those take a pretty significant amount of investment. It can be tough to get to them though, because there's a soft-ish clock running, constantly forcing you to go deeper in the fortress. So if you waste time dancing around with a unique, fall down a trap shaft, or are forced to flee downstairs, you can miss them.

How do you make items? What do you need my kind quadruple negroid Internet pal? Is it just an infinite item factory. Like a welfare office is for negroidians.

oh yeah, I forgot to say, the forges have a limited number of uses

fucking hell rlg

Guys, play slex and post screenshots. Otherwise the thread dies again!

I gotta beat Sil before I try another one. What is slex? some sort of sex-modded nethack?

I tried tangledeep its shit
Too bad I played it too long for a refund

Yeah. Contrary to popular belief, the dev does not have a foot fetish though, she just happens to like high heels.

try 28 years old, pal

so there's like titties and succubi and all that in there?

You bet. There's also graphical seduction messages when consorting with a succubus. And pregnancy. And slexually transmitted diseases. And all kinds of other disturbing crap.


>shacking up at the Makeshift Command Center with the bioweapon bro-and-sis
>turned it into a fairly respectable little place to store my shit, everything going pretty okay
>come back one night after foraging in a forest, don't shut the door because nothing ever spawns nearby or tries to come in
>go to sleep
>vinebeast somehow followed all the fucking way back and murdered the leader of the bunker
always.......... close the door. :'^(

Seeing this sexy stuff makes me want someone to turn Corruption of Champions into a roguelike :(

I gave it a try yesterday and suicided after I got a captcha trap.
Kill yourself unironically and fucking stop posting here you fucking tranny.

Go Team Nastytrap!