Hunter Gatherer

What caused the transition from Nomadic Hunter Gatherers to Settling Farmers.
Why is it such a traumatic event. Nearly all cultures have a story of a former paradies were natur (god) provided for all needs. (Adam & Eve, Dilmun etc.)

What has the Green Sahara period to do with this?

I think those described paradies was the Sahara Desert before drying out. It is a wast area of a good climate full of fertile lands and animals. It could propably supply a very big population of people living their simple lifestyle.
It was propably a very safe and careless survival for the humans there. Until it dries out. This traumatic change caused big suffering to those humans. Was migraztion from there maybe the cause of founding of civilization?

>What caused the transition from Nomadic Hunter Gatherers to Settling Farmers.


What a poor comment. In your 9 year old brain you may think that making such a mentally disabled comment is funny.

Don't post in this thread ever again.

he might have had a point

barley and hops plus grapes are the basis of much of the ancient alcohol production, the refinement treatment and production of booze was a huge deal in the ancient world

one of the first sea worthy boats capable of crossing the english channel were indeed transporting wine

So it stands to reason that such high interest in alcoholic beverages might have tipped the scales toward forming permanent settlements.
another reason is security, both in food production and the huge benefits of static fortifications

What caused the Trauma that you can also read in Genesis story of Adam and Eve.
Similiar Stories from places of early civilization.

It seems more like people became forceful settled.

>What caused the transition from Nomadic Hunter Gatherers to Settling Farmers.

consistent food availability in comparison to the previous lifestyle

>Why is it such a traumatic event. Nearly all cultures have a story of a former paradies were natur (god) provided for all needs. (Adam & Eve, Dilmun etc.)

large settlements need strict and enforceable set of rules to function - the old traditions had to be mend to accommodate the new lifestyle
as such large scale cultural conflict was inevitable

>What has the Green Sahara period to do with this?

not that much, as far as I know since farming started in indus valley and the fertile crescent

it, however severed migration routs

> I think those described paradies was the Sahara Desert before drying out. It is a wast area of a good climate full of fertile lands and animals. It could propably supply a very big population of people living their simple lifestyle.
It was propably a very safe and careless survival for the humans there. Until it dries out. This traumatic change caused big suffering to those humans. Was migraztion from there maybe the cause of founding of civilization?

a speculation as most surviving written fables come from other sources in far greater region

however I am not directly opposed to the notion, we simply do not know

well, we have religious fables from the region conductive to the large cultural change that took place

usually it takes form in dynastic wars between the gods as the old are imprisoned or subjugated and the new rule as divine monarchs

I doubt however actual people were forced to start farming. The new lifestyle have distinct advantages and the ones who were slow to change usually got themselves conquered, as permanent settlements can produce larger populations.

Perhaps the forceful integration of enslaved tribes found some resonance in the religious myths.

This however is not indicative to the majority in my opinion. Most populations adopted agriculture without external pressure.

>Most populations adopted agriculture without external pressure.

My Theory is that the dry out of the Sahara Desert caused a death to millions of people. Others migrated and forced themselve inside of already populated better lands (fertile crescent).
The city Jericho shows that there have been several thousand years a consistent settlement before agriculture.
Also there are European settlements that show solid houses before agriculture, meaning there were people living settled already before agriculture.

First people settled down and then they developed farming.

> Most populations adopted agriculture without external pressure.
The ones that did it first all have mytholigical Trauma telling a horrible experience.

>religious fables
Your atheist agenda is leaking.
Shit is called Mythology. It's an acient way of telling unforgoten stories.

I know you are 12 years old and recently discovered how much smarter you are than everything else but this should not make your brain go amok in euhporia. Try to remain neutral even its seems hard for someone of your mental incapabilities.

Alcohol have been valuable enough that people for thousands of years, up until the 20th century in the western world, have been paid in it.

Don't underestimate booze.

So you say the Apple tree was a symbol for maybe Applemead. Eve got addcited to alc and was forced into growing appletrees for Mead to sustain her addiction (agricultural revolution)?

Eve was the first crackwhore?

"Everybody" didn't transition, only very few people did. And we are the descendants odd those people, because their population could grow and hunter-gatherer populations could not.

Accountable reciprocity.

Humorous theory

Mead is made from honey though.

apple mead or also called cider.
It's actually a wine but so is mead from honey.

>What caused the transition from Nomadic Hunter Gatherers to Settling Farmers.
In the middle-east and north Africa, desertification leading to a lack of things to hunt and gather.
>Why is it such a traumatic event.
Early farmers had worse health than hunter-gatherers, and worked much more.

I don't think this happened at such a quick rate, you just want something to support an ancient tale, that maybe is to be taken metaphorically

Yeah those bible priests also try to tell me this shit "metaphorically".
I don't believe in those fairy tale theories. I see a Trauma there.
This kind of stories are plenty and all similiar to each other.
This is mythological psychology or kets call it psychoarcheology.
People told those stories. What if men ruined there enviroment by themselves?

What if hunter gatherers went violent and just raped the farmers?
I'm sure the would be attracted by all those wealth the farmers store.

> muh Green Sahara

This is being pushed by ivory tower academics to further the politically correct notion of “we’re all the same! out of Africa!” narrative and while the climate of the Sahara was much wetter in ancient times, farming was developed independently by humans all over the world and whatever few nomadic hunter-gatherers lived in the “Green Sahara”, (there is no evidence of herding, let alone agriculture) all died off and/or were absorbed by more advanced cultures in the Nile Valley and Mediterranean costal regions when the Sahara dried up.

>large settlements need strict and enforceable set of rules to function - the old traditions had to be mend to accommodate the new lifestyle
>as such large scale cultural conflict was inevitable
Violence relative to the size of the population almost certainly went down after the agricultural revolution. In relative terms, that is -- the absolute number of violent deaths obviously went way up, because the population was bigger.

Hunter-gatherers are almost universally more violent than settled, agricultural societies.

What we do know is that the agricultural revolution was disastrous health-wise -- people afterwards lived shorter lives, were more likely to suffer from malnutrition and various diseases, women became more likely to die in childbirth, and so on. Probably because agricultural diets, while they provide *more* food, supporting a larger population, are less varied than hunter-gatherer ones, and because they're more susceptible to drought-based feast-or-famine cycles. The agricultural revolution pretty much was a traumatic event, and inherently, not just because of the lifestyle changes it necessitated.

God you are stupid
I believe you are following the myth too strongly.

Hunter foragers aren't necessarily nomadic and there are probably hundreds of examples of quiet sedentary populations where ever fertile soil it around.

It's not as though the places with high soil fertility were used the same way Hunter foragers of the Kalahari did.

Also ask me anything you want about the Neolithic Subpluvial it's a specialty of mine.