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Pascal Wager assumes that only Christfaggotry is right.

If you take into account other religions then Pascal's Wager turns into Pascal's Russian Roulette.

No it doesnt

But it does.
>Belief = Joy
Assumes that only one is correct. And since Blaise Pascal is from a Christian background, then Christianity it was by defaut.

But what if you believed in Jebus and all of the sudden, you go to Norse Hel instead because you're unheroic as fuck. Sucks right?

Stop embarrassing yourself

And if you are wrong with Christianity being the true religion then you'll have to enjoy eternal suffering in the religion that is right.

This assumes that the religion you believe in is right and no others are.
What happens if you're wrong and for example, Germanic Paganism is the true religion?

You're assuming that Hell can be any worse than being alive.

Even within Christianity this "wager" only serves to bring more problems in the moral equation. What if the Cathars, Protestants, Aryans, Augustines, Anglicans, Puritans, or the Reformists were right after all and catholicism is actually outright heresy? That would mean Pascal participated in a most heinous movemnet for which eternal punishment is due. Thats right, there will be a special circle of hell reserved for apostates such as Pascal. It would have been better to be agnoist in the end then.

In Pascals view only Christianity without sects and atheism exists


Perhaps I'm wrong, but I always thought that the main flaw in Pascal's wager is that "choosing to believe" based on game theory wouldn't be true belief, and any God would know that.

You need to make it bigger for all the branches of christianity that hate each other.

What does game theory say to do if infinite gain/loss shows up more than once?

I know, but I wasted enough time on that and it puts the message across.
If anyone wants to make one with all the sects of islam and christianity or with zoroastrianism and all the dead religions too, be my guest

well there you go

it is a fact that atheism wouldn't exist without Protestantism

thanks Luther

It's somewhere to start, at least

I'm probably replying to bait here, but you realise there were atheists before christianity existed?

It's very easy to imagine scenarios where atheists are rewarded and Christians punished.

>inb4 but what if god's evil XDDDD?

>t. aurelius

>purgatory, then nothing

You have to live your life by the rules of the religion though, which if Atheism is right means that you're wasting that one life you have on meaningless superstition. Not to mention that there are countless other religions that could also be right.

This implies a jealous and vengful God. Or one that excepts your "faith" just-to-be-safe.
And that the absence of a "hell" is tied in with the non existence of God.

But for christfags it works fine, except they don't need it.

Pascal dropped the ball on this one.

What did he mean by this?

You're right, in traditional russian roulette there's only a bullet in one chamber. But as you can see by , you're likely to be fucked no matter what you believe.

Doesn't Pascal's wager basically invalidate itself?
If you only "believe" because of it, you're being insincere and opportunistic, so it's not gonna earn you haven.
If you have other reasons to believe, you don't need it anyway.

Just to be sure, I actually calculated the expected value and it is negative for all bets.

Even Pascal didn't think Pascal's wager was a good argument, it was just a personal musing on his part.

I'd like to give this to my game theory prof and see if he has any insight on what would be the best choice strategically, counting in the chances of repeated games from reincarnation

Not only all the other existing beliefs need to be taken into account but also the ones that do not exist but 'could'. Basically there is an infinity of possibilities.

Why is this shit called 'Pascal's wager' like it was an actual genuine product of thought anyway? This is something literally at least of 50% of 12 year olds came up with independently in the past 200 years.

>bad deeds: -666

Gaius Iulius Ceasar was an atheist you dumb fuck

he was a smart guy tho

What? Atheism existed even with Induism. Years before Christianity was even invented.

None is righteous, no, not one, no one understands, no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless, no one does good, no not even one.

>papists are this retarded

>existence is ultimately about seeking pleasure and avoiding suffering

When will this meme stop?

>i like suffering
then kill yourself

Atheism is a myth

>Bad deeds

Not gonna lie, kinda spooked

>suffering has no inherent meaning or value

Patience, grasshopper

There is no heaven or hell in Judaism. There's She'ol, but that's basically just a metaphor for your grave.

Pascal's Wager assumes true belief is a choice.

It's not; you're either convinced or you aren't. It's not something you do its something that happens to you. Like catching a cold.

Kind of like being attracted to teenage girls. You really don't have a choice in the matter.

What if you are right "believing" but then God sees that you only acted based in a selfish purpose of not going to hell? And then he procedes with sending you to hell

>tfw all de facto go to hell

religious real politik

It's called building proper character by internalizing good values and not relying on yourself to do so.

read paul, that is exactly what happens you will likely end up in hell if act good for fear of punishment/for a reward. You don't do good works to be saved, you do good works because you are saved, and are free do be a good person. You will follow gods law regardless of where it leads and God promises to reward you for this, you must have faith and accept whatever judgement he lays upon you.

he obtained two clergical positions
one of them being pontifex

If you have to internalize them and don't come from within, then where do they come from?

This wager is dumb.
What if I tell someone they will go to super hell if they don't join my cult. I can say my cult provides greater joy for listening and greater suffering if you fail to obey. I have exactly as much empirical evidence to substantiate my claim, so you must join my cult if you believe Pascal.

the image of autism

Why is it called a Wager?
Was Pascal a huge douche?
Belief isn't some insurance policy
And you can't just choose to believe
not only is it disingenuous,
but surely a God would take not of such fickleness and bring judgement???

not him, but that was his civic duty. It doesn't really say much about his beliefs. seriously doubt he was an atheist tho

Meme? Thats literally how I approach life, im not even kidding

What about bizzarro christianity where god sends only christians to hell?

That of course assumes that just going through the motions specifically to hedge your bets, is sincere enough a belief to do the job.