The American Dream

>Early 20th Century and Late 19th Century USA
>Mass migration regularly
>Some tension but evolved into the creation of the American Dream
>20th Century America creates some of the greatest culture ever made

>21st Century USA
>Less Mass migration
>More hysteria and tension
>Loss of the American Dream
>Arguably deterioration of culture

So how does this make any fucking sense?

Are people today simply blaming migration for Capitalism's failure to accommodate them?
Is this always the case with increased automation and market crashes?

Other urls found in this thread:

immigration is at an all time high and that doesn't even include illegal immigration

>>Less Mass migration
Wrong, America's problem are institutional.

the first wave of mass immigration was people with largely the same race, culture and religion, and since there was no welfare system, they were forced to contribute economically.

>>Mass migration regularly
>>Some tension but evolved into the creation of the American Dream

>>Less mass migration
>>More hysteria and tension

Maybe because the immigration before was from European countries, where people are at least somewhat civilized, and now the immigration is primarily from third world shitholes.

You can't just import massive amounts of uneducated non-whites into a primarily white and educated society, and not expect there to be fucking problems.


When you account for population and immigrants, it is a different story.

t. person who knows nothing about the era in question

>swedes Italians and German pig farmers all lived together in relative harmony, therefore syrians, hindus, and Vietnamese will too


There's better "harmony" now than then actually.

>crime lower, murder lower, rape lower now

>haha everyone back then got on better

You actually believe this?

>the first wave of mass immigration was people with largely the same race, culture and religion,
lol nope

Italians created the biggest crime syndicate in American history. The Italiam Mafia is STILL to this day the biggest group of organized criminals here and the largest waste of police resources. Look it up.

>19th and 20th century
Germans, Poles, Italians, Irishmen, Dutchmen, Brits, Hungarians, Scandinavians

>21st century
Mexicans, Salvadoreans, Hondurans, Colombians, Nigerians, Philipinos, Indians, Guatemalans

Gee I wonder what could be the difference?

>Less crime, more productivity, and increasingly religious and conservative

Sounds like the new batch is better desu

>less crime
>Latin Americans

Top hoh

woah man you don't buy the American dream what a hot take. GROUNDBREAKING

why can't it be both why so reductionist

Because he made his decision long ago, he just wants self-affirmation from other anons

Literally no one answered OP's question.

We didn't used to have a welfare state in America

Delete your thread

>So how does this make any fucking sense?
Logically none, historically a lot. Whenever any large negative event happens, people usually blame the "outsider" for their problems.
>Are people today simply blaming migration for Capitalism's failure to accommodate them?
>Is this always the case with increased automation and market crashes?
Yes, plus all the other disasters that happen throughout history.