Fighting Games General /fgg/

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SNK Heroines will be better than DBZ.

I'm not a tranny but I wish I would turn into a girl like mai

anyone else?

All I want is a current-gen game where I can play Ryu with an invulnerable DP. MvCI gives me that. SFV does not.

7 days

most games will be, if dbz didn't have the dragon ball license literally no one would shill it

they're gonna fix the netcode with the blanka patch right bros


blanka will fix literally everything

>no symphogear fg
>no Maria gf
Why live bros...

dbz shows that no-one cares about netcode

even reddit is starting to admit that Doobz is actually garbage

Play Weiss

DBZ's netcode is fine.

I legitimately want to play DBFZ but 1 in 5 matches results in one of us getting disconnected from the lobby and therefore the match


>mfw I see a Guile

Thread reminder that Yoshinori Ono is a hack.

The TMNT designs in IJ2 are amazing.

>2012 nickelodeon turtles
not ugly enough
>michael bay turtles
too ugly

these are perfect.

netcode hasn't been horrible from my experience, it's all of the other online features that are garbage

Happy Birthday Shermie!

Who would galko main in jive?

Genuinely my favourite turtle depiction and I hate NRS games

If I turned into Mai Natume for say, 1 week only, I would play Blazblue and live stream 24 hours a day. All the virgins would find my channel and found me thousands of dollars.

Bruh, look at this dood

Oh ho, wait till you see the








I look forward to seeing her in SNK Heroines

>BR problems.

>variable delay with already 5f of native input delay
>hasn't been horrible
Were you born and raised on wifi

i wish you had never been born, kill yourself you fucking idiot

It's not my connection dumbfuck, DBFZ is literally the only game that has this problem. East Coast USA


>autismo spammed his "campaign against dooberz" again

vappa character

>Posting footage from the game is campaigning against anything


holy fucking based


Look mom, I posted it again!

But how is he at Pump It Up?

will to keep fighting..

Was away for a couple of days. Was this discussed yesterday? How legit is this? MvCI being shut down this October

will playing rythm games make me better at fighting games?


Is vappa still mad at him because he won't be playing the second coming a.k.a dbfz?

when did void become so based?

0.000% legit

>2 months ago
>worried about Android 16 because lol big body grappler in marvel

>16 is far and away the best character in the game

Are these actually real? How do we know capcucks didn't doctor the footage?

H-Hey user. W-wanna buy a Blanka?

based /ourguy/ void btfoing vappa left and right

What is it with transgirls and dead games (emphasis on girls because I don't see any transmales)
SFV/Tekken: Noticeable but low amount of transgirls
Xrd/BB: Surprisingsly high amount of transgirls
Melty/Skullgirls: Trans city


wish that was me...

hilarious if true

i can understand dropping support from the game entirely, but removing from steam/etc ? seems a bit much


Living voraciously through Mai while denying your transexuality!

Why is KoF 2002 so god damn hard

I'm getting thrashed by Brazilians on Fightcade

No but staying pure will

I prefer the Kanon one.

I need to look at the poster's chronology so I can verify if he has some credibility or not. Let's just say that the way he wrote the "leak" is not really common and doesn't sound it comes from someone who actually knows stuff like that.

I've heard that he supposedly leaked something else, but hearing thing is one thing and verifying them is another so I don't know. I'm tempted to say he's full of shit.

they have years of experience

King of fighter 2002 for free bros

>but removing from steam/etc ?
didn't the same thing happen with umvc3? during ps3/360 times, way before the rereleases

My computer chair broke and I can't afford a new one
Any way to DIY this shit?

Because that's how most fighting games are.

Rhythm games don't have neutral, oki or hard reads.

Mai looks so hot in that pic. Sleeping beauty.

Is it true Tokido, Daigo etc. are dropping jive to play in the dbzf world tour?

>vanilla KoF02

All of the games where execution is important are based heavily on esoteric knowledge and muscle memory instead of any transferable skills, so playing anything else doesn't help.
Anything that focuses more on fundamentals instead of esoteric knowledge won't reward you for practicing Osu.

They had to delist because the licensing deal ran out. Even if Infinite was that much of a dismal failure Marvel still has to honor the contract.

How exactly did it break? Are you a fat fuck who crushed it into smithereens?

>KOF 2002 is pretty great, and that game IS here. Lets get that straight. Its just that its a straight port of the arcade version; there's hardly any options here AT ALL. Your video options are limited to fullscreen or windowed (a tiny window, because c'mon, this is ancient resolutions we're talking about). Your Control "Options" are limited to looking at a picture of the keyboard (this is with a controller plugged in, which the game detects no problem and that works) and that's it - you can't rebind things, which makes it a pain to play immediately. Its just real lazy, and that's a shame.
if that guy is correct, sounds like shit

Ahh yes another """""""source""""""" that we should listen to because it's what we want to hear.

no, but it is true that Infiltration is dropping dooberz to play sfv

Look around your neighbourhood on the night before garbage day and sometimes people throw out perfectly fine chairs.

For now, just move everything onto the floor and sit on a pillow or a cushion

I guess if the mouse considers this as a big enough PR liability they could remove it to just make the world forget it ever happened. It's kind of become a laughing stock and not just for vappa but it would probably just go away by itself after a last surge of 'whens mvci' jokes during evo

It looks legit, albeit very situational and probably going to be patched anyway.

HiFight has a history of being a Capcom sympathizer, he happens to post stuff like that since it's an anime fighting game and anime players had beef with him in the past, while he was mostly posting positive MvC:I clips.

any updated version of this?

Just play UM on Fightcade or Steam

Kuso king GO-1 was a rhythm game player before he got into fighters and so was marvel GOD fanatiq

why would vappa be mad at their boy?

>we ARE getting more DLC
Really that's good news. Yeah dropping it from digital download sucks but I mean that was exactly what happened with UMvC3 and it turned out great. 9 or 10 extra characters and dropped support is actually pretty equivalent to what happened with Ultimate, really.

>pr liability
>game in a niche genre that barely anyone pays attention to besides a bunch of nerds
>99% of the world have no idea it even exists
This is your mind on vappa

good riddance. now they need to fire all the worthless dead weight at capcom who work on the fighting games. literally the only good thing theyve done in over 10 years are the graphics, animations, and audio for sfv. everything else has been a disaster in every game.


The seat part is not longer attached in the back of the chair and only in the front, so the seat stays in diagonal position with angling downward in the front. The rest of the chair is still stands "upright" like it should, it's only the seat.

I don't have a car to bring the chair back tough

Only 6 more days till the savior of SFV comes out

It's only a chair, just carry it??

So fgg >>> vappa?

Does SFV actually have depth?

Mai is a sexy bunny!

Look at Abigail.

Not him but you must be insane if you think anyone would carry a chair to the store which is God knows how far from the house.

Didn't he say he didn't like sfv? Does he just hate dbfz that much?