/wowsg/ -- world of warships admiral

Neutral boats edition

Tell us your server and get a referral code from a fellow /wowsg/ to get extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one after you play a T6 ship).

>Newbie guide
pastebin.com/ec862KsG (embed)
pastebin.com/6evJAyns (embed)

>0.7.1 update

>French BB collection

>World of Waifubaits collection

>Captain Skill calculator

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel" (by Varzov)
NA Channel: Search for "Veeky Forums" (by antibullyranger)
SEA Channel: "Veeky Forums"

[BOTES] on SEA - contact Erobeat
[HOTEL] or [KUMA] on EU - just ask chat.
[???] -- no clans on NA, only discord faggotry.

Other urls found in this thread:


xth for BOTES
also why do you keep intentionally putting wrong info about clans into the OP?

Second for grind USN CL/CA for split.

Des Moines
Basically only American and Japanese ships.

How do we bully Hotel?

Shit I forgot about YueYang.
I kinda tend to forget that asian line exist.

Worcester (when it comes out) will be on that list too

And before you ask, maybe RN and MN DD lines will get T10 that was actually fully built. (not sure since everyone assumed that Stalingrad or Strasbourg will be part of the line. And yet, here we are)
Oh and also Worcester, from USN CL/CA split.

[BOTES] and [HOTEL] NA- Contact JakeNS

On top of , depending on your definition of "existed", Montana was laid down, but never completed, so it kinda existed in a way; it's more real than France, for instance, a ship ENTIRELY made up, literally no such thing was even ever conceived.

What would t10 RN DD be?

Montana was never laid down
>The entire Montana class was suspended in June 1942 following the Battle of Midway, before any of their keels had been laid. In July 1943, the construction of the Montana class was finally canceled after the Navy fully accepted the shift in naval warfare from surface engagements to air supremacy and from battleships to aircraft carriers.[7][12][24]

Good idea or GREAT idea?
The maps for scenarios should be used for player fleet bases.
They can be attacked by other fleets.
You can upgrade the arty.airfield and sentry outposts.
The attacking fleet and the defending both put up resources that will be lost if they lose.

WG take note

can anyone help me with skills? it seems they are free and i kinda wanna know whats the setup for minotaur and zao.

Will have Chaff launchers to counter radar..

To add.
The chaff will allow you to see but not target the ship.
ala the ones that are far away.

standard cruiser build would be
em or ar
si or de
then whatever the fuck you want

Even more additions.
If you are visually spotted or hydro'd normal rules apply.

Kiss her on the cheek.

o i c

ill make sure to pick BoS then

Force him to div with someone other than Chain and Abrach

I'm asking about the botegirl you spastic dramafag.

"Sorry I have to study and make dinner"

*joins battle with Abrach five minutes later*

The only one who is spastic is you for defending that lying piece of shit whenever he gets mentioned. You're quick to turn your back on innocent anons who's been blamed, but not when it comes to Hotel_a_qt.

>wowsg in jokes are considered drama now

Sad day

HP_Autismasauce here.

I've actually played with Hotel_A_QT!!!

It was just one battle, but he plays with all of /wowsg/ because he played one (1) battle with me!!!

I'm autistic btw.

I'm actually only severely depressed and suffering from chronic anxiety. Get it right!!!

am I the only one who doesn't give a flying fuck about botes/hotel retarded drama?

wow look at you want a medal?

No, it's being artificially perpetuated. Just ignore it.

yes please

Was that pic of a split Soviet cruiser line that was posted official?
Or was that a clever ruse?

what skills benefit AA the most for HMS captains? i plan on sitting on edinburg for quite a while

use your brain and maybe your eyes to closely examine the picture


RN carriers will have the gmmick that their torpedo bombers will have increased chance to disable rudder.

Hotel: Literally, the QTest.

>not kisaragi


What's with the Asashio? Is it good or bad?


It's a one trick pony torpwall spammer.
Busted as fuck against baBBies but will be useless against everything else. It's a kitakami style meme that will make every game shit for everyone.

Hey bros, anyone got an invite code for SEA?

Can someone explain me why mid tier IJN DDs have torps that reload twice as long as Isokaze and guns are equally useless?


Because of balans tovarish
Battleship customer of being complain to finger exercise on WASD

Hi all, just picked this back up a couple days ago (NA server). Is there currently a /wowsg/ discord that is chill and not filled with endless drama? Tried finding one in the last thread, but it was seemingly just a bunch of people endlessly bitching at each other.

Reminder that KUMA is still the only pure and rightful EU Clan.
HOTEL apologists still provide cover for outsiders that ruin the community and board culture.

Real talk, /wowsg/

When will GregL385 bag you in?

there's far less drama in there than there is here
the drama here is because someone recently got banned from there and they're now shitposting here

The NA clan discord is actually pretty chill, despite what you see in the thread. Certain individuals only shit up the thread because they are anonymous and can't be called out for it.

Gotcha. Thanks for the info. What's the NA clan called so I can PM one of the members once I get more tiered up? The OP had no info about it for some reason.

[BOTES], though you can usually just find people though the Veeky Forums channel in game

Gotcha, yeah just found the ingame Veeky Forums channel and I see all the BOTES people in there. Thanks!


My daughter hibiki is very khorosho

we cute wife chino


bop dat bep

please do not wake the bep

Question, is the only thing that makes a captain unique the skills they have? Can they freely move from ship class to ship class with no penalties other than skills perhaps not being optimal unless you respec?

Some unique captains get bonuses to certain skills. Like the special french captain will get a bonus to expert marksman and something else, and isoroku uses speedhacks. Otherwise yes, only skills distinguish captains unless they happen to be a haifuri. In which case you can read all about them.

Thanks! That means I can move this nice level 5 captain off this weird sushi Jap premium that I don't remember getting.


why is WG so fucking obsessed with anime. they even paid Kizuna Ai to play their game

weebs are a dedicated market with disposable income

Yeah all the premiums come with a level 5 captain you can retrain on something else so they can actually be useful.

I raff

all that weeb anime merch isn't cheap and it exists because there's a market willing to pay for it
not everyone is a broke NEET, if you've ever seen the buyfag threads on /a/, and how much money some people drop, it's not hard to see why other companies would also like to take advantage of that market if they get the chance without much investment

I was kinda suprised how cheap gunpla was for example. I can understand why some NEETs have so much random merch. It's like the same price I would spend on a really good burger and beer at some place midtown.

Well, it all started with the battle of tsushima...

>yfw greg sempi won't div with you in botes or tarkov


Play on NA, don't come on SEA.

It's a terrible server, trust me. Almost all the SEA players have jumped ship to NA.

>every game shit for everyone.
It will only make the every game shit for baBBies, and that's fine by me.

and when you have no DDs and the enemy team does on a Domination map because your DDs are 10km behind you trying to max range spam torps at BBs? when your DDs can't actually contest caps because they're totally useless even by IJN DD standards against other DDs? or when your BBs are playing even more passively than they do now because they're terrified of new-20kmShima at a tier where people have even less practice doding torps?
it literally brings nothing to the table except worse overall state of the game for everyone in matches with it.

Is the ping any good though? iirc it gets laggy when I try NA servers.

>tfw no incentive to scout because little to no reward
>damage gets the most credits for repair and consumables
>doesn't matter if you lose because credits is tied to damage
It promotes damage farming, if nothing else.

from what the people that have moved from SEA to NA have said it's not any significant difference, it might be different if you're playing from some literally who country like burma but if you're where most of the SEAs are from it should be fine

>damage farming is bad
>damage farming is the current state of the game
>therefore more damage farming is ok.
Unlike you some of us want the game to improve.

Alright cheers, anyone got a referral code for NA then?

>ever improving

>1. Priority Target
>2. Adrenaline Rush
>3. Superintendent
>4. Concealment Expert
>5. Advanced Firing Training
The last 5 points can vary a lot. For example:
>6. Manual AA
>7. Preventative Maintenance
>6. Radio Location
>7. Preventative Maintenance
>6. Jack of All Trades
>7. Basic Firing Training
Or a bunch of others. Some of them even go for Survivability Expert.

>1. Priority Target
>2. Expert Marksman
>3. Superintendent
>4. Concealment Expert
>5. Advanced Firing Training
Now you can vary it again. Eg:
>6. Adrenaline Rush
>7. Demolition Expert
>6. Manual AA
>7. Preventative Maintenance
or stuff with Vigilance and SE or something else entirely.

Sure. playtogether.worldofwarships.com/invite/n3mvKmJ

On that note, I forgot Veeky Forums existed until 2 days after I started playing. Is there a way for me to retroactively apply to someone else's referral link?

I know a couple of other games let you apply a referrer anytime during the first week.

>making the game worse is ok

What's your favorite container to open, /wowsg/? I've just been selecting consumable over and over.

It's maintaining the status quo.

>making the game worse by adding KTKM 2.0 is making it stay the same

Thanks bud. Do I need put anything in for "Have an invite code?" or is it fine if I just register using your link?

>can only hit BBs and CVs

Just register using the link.

The invite code is for promos and stuff I think.

Thanks by the way!

it promotes shitty gameplay for everyone involved
it's not like the only change will just be BBs sinking faster and everything else stays the same, it never is

It will, in a small way. BBs will hide more, letting cruisers roam easier without being deleted. Good BB players will still be out in the open so it wouldn't matter, but it lets cruisers stay alive longer now than ever. If a potato is out in the open they will just get deleted outright, again, letting cruisers roam more.

No problem! All done on my end, see you in game.

>adding a damage farm boat that doesn't compete with other destroyers isn't making the game worse.
Remember that the next time you see 3 asashio on your team and 3 benson/blykawica/kiev on the other team

Which level is your account (profile/service record)?

How would that be different from having 3 IJN DD against that?

10 unfortunately. I saw the thing about 3, but I hit that in an hour.