/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Lady Liadrin edition


>Deck lists
hsreplay.net (Buy premium for us)
thelightforge.com/TierList (Arena)

>Open Tournaments



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Post the full image.

Happy valentines day, make sure to spend it with your loving significant other or waifu/husbando.


i want to sniff lady liadrin


I want to die

who could be behind this?

>brawl opponent lightning bolted my face turn 1
poor kid


wow Paladin is easy win this brawls its fucking ridiculous, especially vs that secret deck lmao


>tfw i actually have a girlfriend
lmao'ing @ ur life



>how big is her cock

More like Laddy Liadrin because she's got a penis.

I hate this game

I never fucking have fun even when I'm winning, I just get pissed the fuck off and have a shit day

ok uninstall

you'll get over yourself soon enough.


>tfw been playing since release and had that feel for the past 2 years or so

way ahead of you

good. I dont mean to sound like a dick, there's just no reason to play a game if youre not having fun with it.

hope you find/have something else you actually enjoy.

"quest for packs" lottery ends today or tomorrow?


Clearly you didn't do something for so long that it's hard to justify quitting. Browsing this shit place for 11 years now is another example.

I have, but for competitive games/sports/a job. If you're playing this game without the intention of going pro (literally everyone in this thread) and don't enjoy it, it should be pretty easy to quit.


I'm just start saving golds today. I hope I'm not too late.

>going pro
user PLEASE, literally no one should take this game seriously

enjoy your 20 packs with nothing.

>If you're playing this game without the intention of going pro

>and don't enjoy it, it should be pretty easy to quit.

How can people be so retarded

I'm not saying you're not mentally ill if you try to go pro in this game, I'm just saying you definitely are if you dont enjoy it but find it hard to quit.

shouldn't you be at work wagecuck?

Hello, /hsg/ how is your Valentine's Day been? I'm spending mine with my wife!

Hope everyone has good luck on the ladder today!

I'm in a uni class starting in half an hour

what ru studying

Canada, Software Engineering

what are you weeb?

dedication to something is cute.

oh well good luck with that leaf

Your waifu is qt!


N-no... what makes you think that user?

same but unironically

sindragosa is so op, just pass and they can't do anything then kill with with unchained magic

Weebs should stick to memeverse



This but unironically

What are you, weeb?

>page 7

dont play controllock

>free legendary from brawl

Reposting because I'm a retard.
Let's do this.

Is that a puffy vulva?

>0 friends

people should really start revealing at least one card so we can know what set it is

assuming it's classic, King Krush

>and post all collected legendaries
Blizzard killed this thing desu.

Oh, sorry. Forgot to say that's from brawl.
It's classic.

Happy Valentine's Day boyos

Finally some justice in this children card game. Soook satisfying.

Why do I keep running into quest mages?


vulgar user

Dude, I've been waiting for him since beta. I just cant justify spending 1600 for pure memes but I WANT to open one.


btw what the fuck do you play at rank 12-13-ish

combo priest is good enough even if you don't have knc epics




how do they do against cubelock and such?

i already play warlock and this place is infested with warlocks

>he plays Ben's approved format
Enjoy your limited format of a casual card game

I'd play wild if the reward was a blowjob from Chromie.

Do I need to go somewhere physically for this or is it online only? I will participate from home.

you just otk 30/30+ on turn 4
make 10/10-15/15 turn 2 against druids
or steal 1/1 from barnes of big priest
duskbreaker the aggro
fun deck, overall

This tbqh

One of the reasons to play HotS

>...Players with a working Skype Account and webcam must work with Tournament Organizer to appear on broadcast and additionally
hold interviews as necessary.
Therefore i conclude that it's online event.

ah thanks

Actually, finals are live.

Fuck. Not because I dont want to get out but simply because I can come down in the us (no passeport atm).


Why does Priest get to play constructed in Arena?

Arena is pretty ghey. Eternal does it and has an actual draft mode which are way better.

jesus christ just scroll down on the page it says there's live finals

Why are Mage secrets so much more frustrating than Hunter secrets?

>coin lightbomb

because they get drawn and played for no loss in tempo or card advantage

Because its a core part of their identity? Mage secrets are basically blue spells. for hunter they're jsut nice tricks, not some powerfull magic ability.

Who the fuck puts Pyroblast to same deck as Frostlich Jaina. me mad.

just play around them LOOOOOL

>tfw you crafted stuff like Elise the trailblazer, dirty rat, and ragnaros lightlord but you never play control
The most play Dirty Rat got from me was in that discover a card from your deck tavern brawl. I crafted the second one sometime after and never used it.

Because they act so smug when you are forced to play into them as though they somehow tricked you despite it being always the same secrets,

>I crafted the second one sometime after and never used it.
Why do you craft cards that dont complement the deck you're already playing or working on?

I think I thought I was going to use it but then I scrapped the deck

As a pirate warrior I though it's good idea to put my health under 12 so I can remove Water Elementals with single Mortal Strike.