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I want to bully Doomfist until he cries!

dead game lmao

Reminder avatarfagging is a reportable offense.


I will marry mommy!

Sombra changes on ptr yet?

If all her changes go through, then things will be glorious.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Cry more bitch, couple bans wont stop me from expressing my love for Ana nor will they stop anyone else

Threadly reminder that this is the face of an average Mercy main.

So are Genji and Mercy the only characters that have voicelines for Valentine's Day?

It would be fun if other characters had lines, like idk, Tracer mentioning she needs to pick up roses for Emily, or Junkrat saying he's single because he's literally too hot for anyone to handle.


Happy Valentine’s Day to you too friend.

I love my wife Moira.

Has this guy dropped down to plat yet?

so no, not on ptr?

I LOVE MEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah and?

It's my birthday lads, post your favorite Sombra pic please!

>the thread is this BAD when there's no esports

holy shit!

Reminder that asking for discrimination against busty women in Overwatch to end isn't bannable and is actively encouraged.

Hey, that's my wife too.

Ah, I thought that thread was ending so I asked it again here. Thanks!

Nobody cares about your meme-sports, manchild. Go somewhere else

What colour are the valiant skins for you? Gold or yellow? This is gold for me

already posted: but this one's good as well.

Please stop insulting Moira with that image

Give it your all today /owg/! I believe in every one of you!

happy birthday user

Yeah, she'd use something more knot-ty.

fucking saved
also happy birthday


Happy Birthday user :3
Sadly I don't own any Sombra pics.



Please no more voicelines referencing Emily. I don't want to be reminded of her existence.

I hope you like this present. It's not much though.

Is there some sort of algorithm in Mystery Heroes that makes Ana given out like candy because holy christ, I get her at least twice very fucking game.

Oh look a new pic of my wife, thanks. Now that I've saved it could you please delete it?

happy valentines day /owg/

You need to be reminded every day.

What is Widowmaker's opinion on mommy kink?

Happy birthday user

Thanks boys.

I appreciate you risking ban for this user

Mama Moira > mommy Mercy

Hello, I am from /palg/. I heard this game is having a free weekend. But before then I need to know: Does this game have adorable waifus?

She's a rotten corpse, she doesn't have any opinions anymore

I play a lot of Mystery Heroes and I have a full hour longer on Bastion than any other character due to the amount of times I get him per game, it's just bad luck.

that looks like junker dva

Seeing this makes me wonder, why the fuck don't they make more of these origin videos but for older heroes. It'd be a perfect way to add more story shit for minimal effort instead of heroes like Zen and D.Va going years with nothing added to them.

There's a video of the Gency lines in english now. Guess they're here to stay.

I've been playing a lot of it lately and it just seems like I have to play her so often. I swear I'm always getting Ana or Widow. It's so frustrating.


Where in the fuck do you see Dva in that? Looks more like Pharah to me.

Thanks for posting it.

Paladins girls are better desu

No, no waifus for you sorry

I love my husbando Muma

don't now, I would love that, but I am guessing either laziness or that there isn't a positive enough reception for them, at least not compared to the cinematic.


Granted this might be something from last year, also for some reason the guy tried to make a tutorial out of it.

are you sure

Is there a version of pic related with all the heroes?

Hell yeah.

Birthday dudes get nudes. Spend Valentines with your spicy chica.

thought it was disgusting 3d from the thumbnail, impressive art desu.

Yush! He is my mentor, light of my life and shield of my safiety. I'll love him forever and ever.

Just go away.

everything below the face

>mercy with tits and a gun xdxdxdxd

The Jap video is from this year.


>only english footage is some weird rambling and some easy to fake setup
man what is up with this shit you'd think more people would clip it

stylosa is a gos

you just KNOW

You shouldn't be drunk already stylosa

Last year: people weren't sure they'd make it into the game and didn't think to keep an ear out for them.

This year: three more maps in the rotation, and not everyone is going to pick Genji and Mercy.

Anyway I don't think it's faked, there's some sort of weird echo to the voice lines and iirc the datamined stuff was clear as a bell.

Freaky Alien Genotype.

Fuck off this is even worse than Gency, by a longshot

what a shitty video.
Also if he just let the game start we could see if it's from this year.
Just wait for a better video.

We all in love with Muma!

He showed the Japanese video at least and that one's from this year.

Post her Widowmaker cosplay where the sideboob tattoo is visible

That the Chinese are terrible with photoshop?

bite my ginger cinnamon-scented muff, you ball-less robot-weeb.

I like that one artist who doesn't take it seriously at all, I wish I could remember their name.

Why not?

The fuck is going on with Mercy's lower half?

Metaposting is too fuccboi

I really wish they did make more of them. It may be just me, but I think these shorts say a lot more than any of the comics so far.



>Angela, I need healing

Have a Sombra also happy bday

delete genji and moira


They could and you don't have to worry about potentially shitty art like with the comics. A Zen one could show a bit of what's going on with the omnic monks and him meeting Genji, a D.Va one could show what game she was actually a pro at and what it was like first fighting against the Omnic kaiju. And all it would take is a handful of illustrations and a few minutes of VA work. Just seems like an easy solution while Blizzard pretends to care about "lore".

Happy Birthday user


Is it down for anybody else on console ?