/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

This is why Handler rummages through your box edition

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead.
↳They found your Slashberry stash: capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2018/02/15/
↳Kiranico has been updated to include World.
↳Official manual released: game.capcom.com/manual/MHW/

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
In World, post a room ID. Squads also work, and should be listed soon.
Create or find a 3DS Gathering Hall using passcode '7243'
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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im gay

Long range damage up or short range for HBG?

>Astera waterfall bridge ropelift
Why the fuck does this even exist? It just dumps you in front of that room entrance between the canteen and the smithy, except there's a room entrance that's literally right next to the lift that takes less time to walk over and enter than to watch the rope cutscene. And there's even a room entrance that's closer to you than the lift if you just enter Astera. And if you wanted to go to the canteen or Smithy, you'd just pick their options.
Why the fuck did they include it?

>Hunter 1: Yo dude, tell me about your specialty. Me? I'm good at breaking monster parts.
>Hunter 2: I can paralyze monsters so quick they won't know what hit them.
>Hunter 3: My shield has no equal. It can block anything monsters throw at me no problem.
>Long pause
>Hunter 4: I-I'm good at... throwing shit.


I'm not having fun with mhw CB, i think I'm going to have to purposely gimp myself and not saed anymore

>I'm the anti-air battery that prevents Bazel strikes.
>It aint me.


I use Switch Axe and Hammer currently just breaking into HR. I want to branch out into another weapon or two, can anyone give me some advice based on my dual main weapons?

Sword and shield seems interesting, as does giant katana but I just don't know.

I want a well rounded skillset of weapons to go with SA and Hammer.

Oh right, I'm talking Monster Hunter World here.

>get heros streamstone
>its another ranged one
i have 4 ranged streamstones now
just give me a fucking gs/ls one

whats a good armor set for the odo lbg.

There's no point in holding onto more copies of a deco than it's maximum skill level right? I just got my 4th crit boost when there's only 3 ranks to it.

I wound up doing an all weapons run because CB would make it too easy.

>tfw went back to XX and having a blast
Why haven't you gone back to XX yet? Its a much better game than World.

Just wait for the eventual tempered events.

Why does no one in the /mhg/ squads use mics?? Too scared to reveal their underageness??

Trying to make a good HH set

DragonKing Eyepatch A
Kusha Chest B
Xeno Gloves A
Nerg Waist B
I havent decided on pants

>Hunt the Downy Crake for achievement
>Takes like an hour but I find /catch it
>Find out their's a quest to catch one
>It doesn't count retroactively

more doggos for world!

by the way this is a picture of me

I didn't like MHGen and I don't want to hack my 3ds to play it in English

For me I simply don't like the PS4 interface. I will gladly mic with PC.

Comboing and managing a meter with only your own mobility to avoid incoming damage will feel pretty familiar with the Long Sword.

What this 1.07 update does? I'm afraid they nerfed another weapon.

Only kids and destiny refugees care about using mics.

better question, why even include the lift at all? Astera isn't tall enough to make it worthwhile.

Im waiting for the inevitable localization and port to other systems now that MHW is a major success.

You can emulate it with the patch though

do it user, it makes it a lot more fun.
also axe mode has some cool attacks now, i'm considering getting some evade window and staying in axe mode more.

It's 1.06 and it's just a fix for the infinite slashberry bug.


Voice chat and monster hunter seems wrong

>Takes like an hour
Took me 6


Well it's easily one of the all time greatest multiplayer games, so communication goes hand in hand with that by default.

I'm italian, you don't want to ear me butcher the english language

>no online
>shitty 3ds emu

It seemed so. I played it for two hunts earlier in the week. It seemed stylish and all that at least. Hmm.

?? Explain

>no online

I need help guys. Every time I think I've settled on a "main" weapon, a weapon type I've neglected grabs my attention and blows me away, until I end up neglecting that main weapon and "rediscovering it" dozens of hours later. How do I break out of this cycle?

Hunting Horn, it hits high like Switch Axe and stuns like Hammer.

Well spoilers but you can just spawn into camp 1 on Anceint Forest, check the aptonoths to see if its riding one, and if not just return from expedition and do it again It's just not fun to do.


why would you go back to XX when you could play frontier and see stuff you haven't seen before?

eeeeyy dont-a eata all the canollis

What's a good bow set? I prefer the constant pewpew style of play over dragon piercer.

Online that is laggy as fuck and has more than 3 players

XX room

>stuns like Hammer.

Its KO values are far too low to claim that.

This is me spit balling but I feel like since Bazel HH is best if you mixed Teo/Vaal (Get the 3p + 3/3 Peak Performance) that'd be your best bet.

i will eventually go back to 4U when I've seen enough of World
i regret not finishing it

I don't speak chink

You don't. You don't need a "main" in MH at all.

I was doing one of my first quests in the vale and saw something wiggling in a corner, netted it out of curiosity and caught that bird.

you don't speak Japanese either.
unless... oh no.... you're playing on 3ds...

What the fuck would you even say in monster hunter? There's nothing voice communication would even add beyond hearing someone state the obvious.

>stuns like Hammer.
Not even close m8.

Any better set up for DBs?
Currently using
Atk 7
Handi 4
WE 3
Crit 2
Protective polish
non ele boost

1 reload and 2 shields.

Are you kidding? There's a night and day difference between playing in an uncoordinated group. Sure it may depend on if you can count on being with all veteran hunters in the first place, but they can have a lively discussion too.

>"i put it to sleep stop attacking"

>need 5 majestic horns

If anything World has guaranteed XX is never coming to the West.


where are my val hazaak GREATSWORD bros @???

justify your post


can't you just walk in
bomb horns
return from quest
and get the horns in bonus rewards

No, worse. I'm emulating.

I really wanted to like MHW, but I'm a couple dozen hours into the tempered elder grind and I think it's a 6/10 at best. I've done 300h of chalice grinding and awful shit in Nioh, so the grind is not the problem; the problem is that the monster fights are honestly really fucking bad. It's like a collection of the worst bosses from a FromSoft game, and I say that not because I think this game is "like Dark Souls," but because it's full of boring wyverns.

There are something like 6-8 status effects that make you lose control of your character, there are flying bosses that can take off at any time and stay in the air for minutes. The solution is to use flash pods, which effectively stun lock the boss, thereby circumventing the actual dogshit boss fight. Really bad action game, and average-to-bad RPG; the damage increase you get for min-maxing a build is pathetic, and only of interest to speed runners.




you are confusing italian and italian-americans, this is what a butchered english sounds like from an italian

I have gone back. I'm clearing all village shit in my crit bug suit. Pretty damn fun after playing World for a hundred hours.

which gems are the most asshole to grind so I know what to save my prints for


at least you are playing on a real controller and a real screen. handhelds were a fucking mistake.
you really don't need to know chink to play frontier though, muscle memory and fist.moe do all the work.

What's the matter? Just break their horns in like 2 hits.

Does anyone want to be a dearie and host a HR 30 tempered quest so I can farm tracks?

Eh, definitely some of the more valid constructive complaints I've heard. I can never be too bored in any game that gets its weapons pretty much right (this excludes XX).

The ones you're in need of. Depends on what you run. Overall possibly plain wyvern ones

Oh yeah, you're that faggot that thinks reskins are "more" content. I remember you.


Anyone else constantly getting kicked from online?

>5 fingers.


Shitty rotten flesh "sword". For me, it's the Great Wyvern Jawblade, the pinnacle of Monster Hunter weapon design. And it has great raw too.

The majority of the western audience would see XX as a bad game that's missing too many features ultimately damaging the Monster Hunter brand in the west.
You would end up seeing posts and articles about how transmog is the only good feature of XX but it's missing everything that made World accessible and easily understood. Going back to zones artificially limits players, reverting to individual quests for gathering instead of having them be bounties in the background makes the grind an annoying focus instead of a passive accomplishment. Etc.

>Just use hammer and run to the back of the arena, close the gate, and then use the hill to endlessly slide into charged hammer spin, you'll be done in six minutes.

The cheese is real, six minutes and forty six seconds for me solo to get rath coins out the ass.

>consolewar shitposting
i really really hate /v/


I want it so bad


>1 pusi.

Well it has longer reach and somewhat faster attacks. Since the way stun resistance is set up that you generally don't get more than 3 stuns before the monster is dead HH is actually not that much worse than Hammer in the stun department. Damage output is the real difference.


how do you make uragaan armor look good with other armor parts, shit's too bulky

Do the events this week give anything interesting?