/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

new map hype edition

EU: NOPAN - eu.wargaming.net/clans/wot/500136066/
NA: NEET - na.wargaming.net/clans/wot/1000043295/
PS4: BLAPS - console.worldoftanks.com/en/clans/ps4/BLAPS/

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>Next On Track is the Chinese Heavy
WZ-111-5A is still meta, right?

If only requirements were this low on live server

>remove 8 line climbs that makes the map less shit
>add this
rly activates ur almonds

hey guys, should i get the type 64? does it make good money? can I carry with it?


no but it's a good tank to pad your stat

>can I carry
depends on your skill
>good money
there's better for money making
>should I get it
absolutely. If you enjoy light tanks its quite fun.

oh I don't care much for that. The game is more fun if you don't worry about stats

I'm primarily a light tank player so that might work. What's the best premium that 4.6k gold can buy for credits?

>dead NA hours

this general is dead

If your recent wn8 is below 4500 LEAVE this thread IMMEDIATELY!!!

>only 4,5k

>3000 average damage in the Object 268v4 after 25 battles

I like that tank. Is of balance)))))))))

After what, 5 or 6 years of being here, i'm not suprised. /wotg/ is way past its heyday, everyone is already tired of tanks.

heyo any inner cuties in here raise ur hand



whats your favorite tank and why.

mines the wte-1000 because yuo can easily defeat game with it


uh thats not a hand

fuck man, I was working towards that and got to the wt pz4 before it was replaced by the grille. now I lost all motivation to advance to tier X

i just like any scout because they're fast and cute

my fav tank is the kawaii friends anime mashine :)

This requires you to know the entire game in advance... How?


Hello there. Long time player here (Dec. 2011), but with many interruptions since. Had'nt played for 2 years at least, I can see that an assload of old school tanks have been nerfed (where the hell is my ISU's BL10?!).
I'm a casual player (I don't intend to play premium -at least for now) and wonder which tanks should I sell to cleanup my garage.
I think my fellow baby Tiger should be the first to GTFO. Could you confirm/comment? Thanks!

You think that's good for a t10 td lmao?


These are your tier 8s today, these good goys. What do?

The Grille 15 is a pretty fun TD
Baring that, the AMX Foch B is about as close as you can get to the WT E-100 minus the turret

Mine's the Type 5 because he kills reds and doesn't afraid of anything.

Show me your stats then.

I love that thing, but it's survivability seems to hinge on the enemies speed and willingness to use gold against you

would you rather:

date a 8/10 roastie


become a WoT GOD


>not a 2D animu grill

wot god it is

This guy got it right.

new bong prem td when ?


It's not even a contest. Of course you'd choose to become a WoT god because you already have a loving waifu or husbando.

>get shot once by a 705A

> get shot by allied arty 2 times
> 700 dmg
ta-tanks wg for nerfing them bro

>Be 59-16 on Abbey top tier
>Decide to for the middle for ez spots for artillery
>Joined by three other mediums
>Looks like an easy win
>Manage to wreck a Type 64 and a Chaffee that try to get up
>Suddenly get almost balanced by our own artillery
>T-34-85 getting up and absolutely wrecking my shit
>Where the fuck are the mediums
>Camping at the ridge in the middle to eventually get assblasted by TDs and artillery
>Lose 4:15
Why is playing mid-tier scouts so fucking cancerous? Low tier is comfy af and in high tiers, you at least get /some/ kind of support. Or is it just that I'm playing on weekends on EU?

ok let's live this thing up. What are some tanks you have owned/own on which the WR for you suprise you? So either winning a lot in a bad tank or having bad WR in a good one. I'm a ~53% btw
T28(the old one): 57% 183 battles
m3 lee: 55% 75 battles
nashorn: 43% 65 battles (how the fuck did i manage this?)
churchill 1: 63% 65 battles

Ended the M12 grind with 72% WR, post-nerf Hellcat also at 72%, 704 at 45% ;_;

wait when and how did they nerf the hellcat? it still seems pretty gud to me.

59 % on SP I C, despite the removal of the autoloader a while back. I think it was close to 70 % before that. Perfect scout for me, didn't even bother with the HWK or the RU after the LT update.

I'm a green recents/overall shitter.

AMX 12t, 59% WR over 272 battles - haven't touched it since 2013. I remember farming a Tiger I in single combat and bouncing off his every shot, SerB why have you forsaken me?
AMX 13 75, 46% WR over 158 battles. I got nothing, boss.

2014 IIRC, it received several nerfs to mobility and gun handling, plus a reload speed nerf specific to the 90mm. It used to be a bit silly but is of balance now.

can't say i don't agree with the nerf though

>do more damage than X teammate
>do more spotting and assist damage than X teammate
>get more kills than X teammate
>get less exp than X teammate
how the fuck does ranked shit works?


hold your shots and kill steal

>be heavy tonk shitter
>44% wr in Caravan, despite it being tank I enjoy playing the most
>60% wr in Chaffee, literally my first scout

was he a heavy and you were a notheavy

Learn as you play. You can't buy knowledge.

mmm could be that, also i'm having a suspicion that the more time you are spotted the more exp you get

>im retarded and i cant read

t. bronze

You should be doing 3k in your t8 td's.

t. XDer

he was shooting at higher tier tanks and you were not

But he said that you can pass by without paying, which just requires knowledge you don't have at the start, so... Unless you have luck you can't enjou the game as a f2p shitter

Alright man then keep your scrub attitude. I'm rrying to tell you that there are a lot of unicums and other high skill players who are completely free. You can improve OVER TIME and compensate for your earlier lack of skill. Paying money doesn't make you good, it's just means you have to a grind less. You must be the most permared motherfucker of all time if you can't figure how to git gud without spending too much.

lets see, sell the

Tiger 2, panther, pz 3/4, vk 3601, jgpz4, su 100, su 152

are you simple my dude?

there are a bunch of (suspected) exp multipliers that range from bullshit to extremely retarded. im sure things like per-tank multipliers, proximity bonuses, class bonuses and team performance bonuses (aside from the bonus from winning) exist because i get stupid high exp sometimes with low damage


..... why would wg do that?

oh yeah. because they're wargaming

>tfw 2 hours left for my application to be accepted

my bad, I forgot to instantly deny it

as someone super new, is the russian med line a good idea?

it's still not denied tho
are you lying on the internet user?

I'm too lazy now, might as well just wait until it expires

then I'm just gonna send another application after it expires, cause I doubt you really are in charge of applications in nopan

I am large and in charge

Whatever happened to turbo toddler's tank tutorial videos?


any second now


any second now

good sky cancers to complete missions? I don't like this class at all, and will only play them for missions, thus, is there any line that can do all missions?


What happens if I take a crew member that fills two positions in a given vehicle, and put him in a premium where that position is fulfilled by a different crew member?
For instance, if I take the Caernarvon loader (who is also the radio operator) and put him in the Excelsior. I'd guess the radio operator skills would deactivate on the loader. Is that right?
Another question on this: if the loader is still learning a radio operator skill, will playing the Excelsior increase that skill (even if the skill isn't activated in the premium vehicle)?

radio operator skills on your loader would be disabled in the excelsior. you would still get exp, though.


how did it go?

30 minutes after the timer ran out the application expired
so I sent a new one



i second this
I am doing the burger arties for the same reason. I just hate playing them so much, too fucking boring. I am probably playing it wrong too, but I don't care to learn it.

If you could remove any 3 maps from the game, what are the other 2 you would choose beside pilsen?

well, burgers have the biggest splash and longest stun, and missions require that. Bong arties don't have stun until tier VII, frenchies max out at 155mm...
all of them

If we could World of Tanks on Armored Warfare maps it would be perfect.

AW's maps are made for longer engagements, though I agree they are much more open (even including corridors)

Mines for top tiers.
Swamp could use some changes

It's a Russian made game, that should answer any and all your tank related decisions

Yeah, russian meds are the only meds worth going for, aside from the bat chat. The rest of mediums are either worse versions of the russians or pure meme garbage.

>when your 500m vr doesn't spot a t95 25m away behind a shrub

Isn't the czech line supposed to be decent right now? or was that until the last patch

>lying on the internet
t. yellow


sanic boolet