/civ4xg/ Endless, Stellaris, Civilization, and 4X

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If cravers have to keep moving and conquering shit what do you do when you hit system cap and you're also nearly depleted

do you just abandon depleted systems or is there some way to keep happy with a bunch of systems plus a bunch of slaves? im not sure going to war with the entire galaxy is even enough to keep the happiness up

Cravers can't rebel. The only reason to keep approval above the red is so systems don't starve to death. The 50 craver bonus is pretty useful.

but wouldnt the combination of % FIDSI penalty from unhappy systems/empire grind you to a halt when combined with depletion?

The answer is to build more food improvements and eat some slaves.

that's immoral

>shuffle map
>didn't know it would be so sea based
>took stone circles instead of god of the sea

SMAC or Civ V + expansions?

What did you expect from cybernetic bug monstrosities?

>tfw even cybernetic bug monstrosities skip leg day

Anyway, how the fuck do i play Fish Mafia on harder difficulties if dust wont buy shit? Late game i see inflation jump to almost x6 this is ridiculous

>just nuke the fuck out of indonesia
>china tells me I'm a juicy target because my military is a joke
>biggest army the world has ever seen is literally on her doorstep, primed with subs with nukes
the absolute madwoman

Is this the rts general, or is it limited to the shit in the name, it is /rtsg/.

Here talking RTS is tolerated.

Except DOW 3 of course

Because it's not an RTS

Build more trade routes.

no point in talking about a scam game

Fellas could I have som tips regarding Endless Space? I bought it a couple of days ago and have been playing it a bit. Mostly I would like to know about what to generally focus on early game, and military and ship designing.
Is it best to go wide or tall? I usually grab a lot of colonization techniques early and try to snap up as many planets as I can find. Any tips? Is it beneficial to have all the planets in a solar system colonized(apart from having all the resource ofc)?
And Ships/military, how do i get fleets with 15- 25k firepower like the AI do? What's some of the more important things to think about while designing a ship? I'm not looking for meta/powergaming and give my ship 108 melee weapons, but since i don't know what's most important i get quite equally in every weapon and defence. Then i pick all the support stuff like engine, extra weight capacity and that min/max dmg+ which i can't really remember what it's called.
T. me


Are they serious about not letting us store envoys? how do i get past this use envoy boss?

*try to snap up as many SOLAR SYSTEMS as I can find.

Also, is it possible to attack simutaneusly

wtf happened. fucking autoshit. Any way meant to ask if I can attack with two fleets at the same time, since there's a cap on how many ships I can have.

sure, what do you want to talk about
ive been binging on aoe 3 this week personally, was trying to use a big mod but it keeps lagging mid-game, and the devs know about it

you have to click on it and hit x on the top right, its very weird

which mods? also aren't AOE 3 devs kill?

fucking legend

I mean the mod devs, and its wars of liberty, adds like 20 new civilizations and they feel really well done, outside of a couple clunky ones like the zulu

anyone else noticing civ 6 ai gunning hard for suzerainship of science city states? atm both geneva and hattusa have 9 envoys from ai suzerains, and every other one has 4-5

certain city states are weighted, im sure, I never see anyone going for colossal heads or shit like that, but everyone goes for the +6 amenity one

>As many systems as you can
No, skip systems below 3 or ones heavy on negative anomalies.
>Attack simultaneously

>be at war with indonesia
>they have manila as allies
>united nations passes resolution so I get sphere of influence over manila
>become manila allies
>still at war with them

>Attack simultaneously
So how do I build a powerful fleet then? Lots of guns?

>No, skip systems below 3 or ones heavy on negative anomalies.
What's the benefit of nut just grabbing everything? Because of the expansion negative impact on happiness? Also does that ever decline?

Shouldn't you manually end the war with it?

Yeah it fixed itself. I couldn't make peace until after a made a move for some reason

"A pot of tea"
"Liz is a slut"
I've never used those mods, what are those names referring to?

Pretty sure he just manually renamed those cities.

fucking really

kek yeah I just renamed them. There is also Klooganbraaaap

Ah, yeah referring to cities makes sense. Normally I only do that on multiplayer games for the lols.

> [distant Swedish shitlib noises]


>coast tiles aren't good enough in Civ VI base game
>tile improvement added that gives +1 food and an additional +1 food for each adjacent sea resource to one of the governers at a 2 governer title investment
>coast tiles now usually get 4 food 1 gold, sometimes 5 food 1 gold and rarely 3 food 1 gold
>ocean tiles are still completely worthless

There's a new city state that gives production on coast tiles as well, also completely ignoring ocean tiles

I like that "Covfete" triggers reddit so much that it's an automatic ban to write it there.

Confession time.

Endless Space and Endless Space 2 come off as Two Dimensional, half baked, and boring to me and I do not get what people see in them

I love the Dutch, but their leader is an ugly fatty so I don't play them.

I play as a xenophile in Stellaris

I once had a wank to Isabella because I imagined her punishing me for my sins like some sort of lewd nun.




Not your blog.

she finally likes me

>Fallen empires awaken
>Starts a war against stagnant fallen who I steal completely by just landing my armies before they do
>Contigency arrives at 2350
>Unbidden arrives at 2355
>War in Heaven starts at 2358

At least I'm non aligned inward perfectionist with megastructures and +1M fleet, suck it rest of the galaxy


>he didnt x5 crises
1m isnt enough to face 7m

when's 2.0 out?

it's cancelled

I'll cancel you if you don't tell me you shit

Wiz cancelled it, it's over.

Wiz delayed it until 30.05
now go fuck your mother for me

>t. Horatio

Shut up, Horatio.

4 fanatical purifiers, 1 exterminator robot. Time to build up some fortresses on the border.

Are machine races fun enough to warrant purchasig the robot DLC

>purchasing DLC
Just pirate you baka nigger faggot.

Worth grabbing on sale. I wouldn't pay a full price for it.

Synthetic God is the best track in Stellaris

>purchasig the robot DLC

Why do fanatic purifiers have to have such edgy names? I get that they are edgy, but I just don't believe an entire planet would get behind being so edgy, especially when they wouldn't even know for sure if aliens exist.

they purified their own species before heading to the stars

The Stellaris ost is pretty dope all around.

how buggy will 2.0 be?

>What's the benefit of nut just grabbing everything? Because of the expansion negative impact on happiness? Also does that ever decline?
don't waste your colony ships and food on shitty systems, you can colonize them in the late game if you really want to
but you probably will not want to, because system a with 2 tiny, shitty planets isn't worth the approval penalty, it's better to trade / culturally enrich / conquer actually good systems from the AI

and no, overcolonization penalty never declines, although there are a few ways to decrease it

They still wouldn't know if there's anything left to purify, and most of the time their names don't say "purity" so much as "we love murder".

In the years I've played stellaris, this is the first time the "collect specimens" quest puts them inside my territory and none of them are inside some fallen empire or psychotic race that will never open it's borders.

I always wonder how those gas giant aliens or the biologists on my homeworld even know about some alien animal on a planet inside an empire that refuses to communicate and shoots on sight anyone that gets close. Gasbag aliens though, they should default to a gas giant inside my empire's territory how would they even know about the location of other gas giants anyways?

Always wait for X.1 or X.N1

the most important resource for you, industry, gets no maluses with lower approval
dust and science only get a pitiful 15% decrease with mutinous empire approval. food and influence, on the other hand, get a -75% decrease from mutinous system approval. while you don't care about influence in the slightest, the food is important to make sure you don't starve to death. as such, the primary internal objective when playing cravers is to ensure that you have optimal pop placement without everyone starving to death.
ideally, you want cravers on all your undepleted planets while one stays behind on each world so that you get the slavery bonus from your auxiliary pops. your unique ability to eat slaves for food and approval is an answer to the starvation issue of mutinous approval, but it's not completely sustainable; as such, you must constantly micromanage your pops so that you have the optimal FIDS output without starving to death.


man, I love this guy's videos but they soooo long

you niggers better be joking

Check his twitter and see for yourself.

Apocalypse is still coming out though, word down the grapevine is that they'll release 2.0 alongsides another Utopia sized expansion.

aww that's a shame

They released the update notes for 2.0 yesterday. It gets released in 6 days.

the new golden age bonus that gives science for harbor adjacency is pretty broken on england let me beat deity korea ai in science fairly early on

To anyone still playing Civ4:
Caveman2Cosmos got an update a couple of hours ago

Nothing wrong with renaming Earth to "Fuck off Space Niggers, we're full".

Good on you for going through with all that conquest. I can never be bothered by that stage, but god knows the AI deserves it. I've never played a game where the AI is so casually insulting.

Unfortunately that name is too long. It goes up to the "fu" in full. Thanks Wiz.

I blame gin for checking that

Cherryh sounds really good.


Don't worry, I'm sure you can find a reason to get angry about it like the rest of us.

ngl I buy the dlc solely for Waldetoft's stuff
shame the money doesn't all go to him though

The changes to FTL are objectively good.
New border system is good.
New megastructures are good.
New warscore system looks like it should be way better than the previous system.
I'm dubious that the combat changes will actually fix doomstacking, but we'll see.

I dislike that weight is being taken off planets, but eh.

You know what? I really hate arbitrary limits on names. In Civ 5, you can't even be "The Soviet Union" because it's too long. Fucking stupid.

Ahaha, what.

There's a reason why I bought the OST. For all the faults Stellaris has, the soundtrack is one of my all time favorites. Half the reason I keep coming back to that fucking game is the
god damn soundtrack

Can you be "Soviet Union"? Because it'd be weird to get messages "We hereby condemn the The Soviet Union!"

The syntax doesn't work that way, but yeah, of course you could. The best you can do is "The Soviet Unio"

I don't think you know what "objectively" means.

>Rim Migration theory
What's that? I cant find anything talking about it.

I think you have shit taste and brain damage.

Rim Migration Theory is that civilizations will tend to migrate their societies out toward the galactic rim, or even into intergalactic space, because temperatures are lower there and so computations can be done with less energy.

Weight off planets is good. theres no reason to tie fleet cap to them. you can in theory have 1 planet (or even zero?) games
the game will become more "classically" 4x now, but it will be generic meme hyperlanes.

Nah, that's not what I mean. I agree with you that that change is decent. Though, you could make an argument that fleet cap SHOULD be tied to planets/pop count because you need people to crew those ships.

Anyway, I'm more talking about from a defensive perspective. It seems kind of like they're making planetary warfare even more of a formality than it is now. You have to destroy/disable starbases first to capture a planet. You can't claim systems with planets, you need to build a starbase first. You can't really build defenses around planets, that's what starbases are for now.

They're moving emphasis from planets to systems, and I don't really like the way they're doing it.