/dng/ - Dueling Network General

YGO General #2708
Lolis Edition
Last Thread:

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>Current Official Rulebook: yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_V10.pdf
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Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Deck Build Pack: Dark Savers (February 24th)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Curse of the Dark (March 10th)
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●OCG: Collector’s Pack 2018 (May 12th)
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●TCG: Dark Saviors (May 25th)

*No CaC unless you can provide a 1000 word-minimum essay explaining why your card would be good for both the current OCG and TCG metas, is more creative than all the archetypes in the game, would not powercreep Card Shuffle, and has at least 5 citations in MLA format.

*Go to /dIg/ for your nostalgia pandering ft. woodland sprite shenanigans

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Brandish Maidens WILL be meta and DNG will eat shit as always

you could also add Aliester, it never hurts

no one cares about your shitty waifu

I've been noticing that no one at my locals really runs Ash anymore. Not the Pend Mages, not Trickstars, not any Mill variant, not Blue Eyes, not Infernoid, etc. I think now's the time to dump them. What about you guys, how do you feel about Ash right now?

dumb OP, this is thread #2709, fix it for the next one

it's just a meta thing. The meta will eventually come back around to ash being the best handtrap

Ghost Ogre with 2 arms

>Waifu fag still mad that his deck looks like shit
The fucking state of the dilapidated shanty town that is your mind

it could be the wind, they're running after all


Laugh while you can furfags

Yeah, probably. Still feel like I should dump them though. My fucking locals is selling them at $99, wew.

Is it just me or are Elementsabers unable to summon BLS via their element changing effect on linkpro?

As opposed to none?

Buddy, you could play Buijin Psy-Frames and you'd still fair better than playing Brandish.

Ogre is better for most of the meta. Also if you're playing a non shit deck you can easily bait out ash.

>Brandish Maidens are just shitty Psyframe/Buijins
>Skyfangs are just shitty Satellarknights
>the only Vampire card in Dark Savers is a Rank 6 rather than a Rank 5

Will Brandish win WORLDS?

The only thing Brandish Maidens will win is the luxury of worshipping Iblee's boot

Satellars/Blue Eyes are closer to winning again than Rei even topping locals


Your deck is worse than Dark Magician and Noble Knights.

Hell it might be worse than Digibugs

*Stops your Brandishing*

Retrained main deck monsters, when?


So should I run the upcoming lair field spell to pump out level 3 tokens in the madman's deck?

>when you banish Artorigus three times
Why are NK players so fucking stupid? How do they even manage to play this game?

Didn't realize there was a new bread, reposting.

Honestly, Rei seems like she might have more viability as an engine than as a deck by herself. Are there any decks that would benefit from her?
For example, running 3 Rei 3 Kagari 1 Start-Up Engine would allow the following.
>Activate SUE with 2 or more spells in grave and no monsters in MMZ, search Rei and add 1
>NS or SS Rei, make Kagari
>Add SUE to hand
>Activate SUE a second time, add another Rei and draw 1

>Can't control any monsters in the MMZ
This completely kills the deck, why the fuck did they think this was a good idea

You can't even use your other monster zones. It hinders other decks. It's not a good engine. It's shit waifubait that'll sell regardless of quality.

I'd rather just use Startup Engine to search the removal/monster theft/immunity spells

What deck could use her?
I can't think of anything


an engine that uses the multiple ED slots better be pretty fucking good

Looking at those arrows for her links makes me wonder if they thought about her being the first archetype that could consistently lock out your opponent from the EMZ with a 3 card co-link loop but then chickened out.

Sekrit Brandish tek


meh, there's enough ways to search rei I don't see this being needed unless there's a really good level 5 cybverse brandish wants to use

>substitute for Rei that's a light for Aleister > Mechaba
Oh, neat

The lack of a good turn 1 in Skyfangs is killing me.
All I can really do is just throw out a bunch of monsters, hope I can get an ash or a solemn on the field and then pass. In theory I can do crazy stuff by using the discard to throw a skyfang in the grave, setting BttF or their quick play and then use the little dude to disrupt while gaining a ton of advantage with Beat and Helrem but its a lot of set up and it requires me to open really well.

Guess i'm stuck waiting to see how the overlords build it.

It actually isn't though, I just used the image with translated text I found on google.

>It's cac

Give me the free (You) with "I was merely pretending"


Good way to get yourself banned, retard.


When is Gouki- Andre The Giant getting spoiled?

Any deck that doesn't rely heavily on its normal summon. At worst she's a better Card Car D if you control no monsters.

Structure Deck R when?
Vampire spoilers never ;_;

When was the last time you've seen or even heard about Card Car D though ?

Hmm, they posted Nordics before, and they posted this yesterday, does this mean we're finally moving on to 5D's for Legend Duelist 3?

Since skyfurries are the disgated bad archetype and brandish looks decent but not meta material vampires have a good chance of not being complete garbage.

>there are people who unironically believe that Tindangle wasn't the worst archetype of 2017

>Since skyfurries are the disgated bad archetype and brandish looks decent but not meta material

Have you forgotten?

Skyfangs are legit better than Brandish though
>Vampires not being hot garbage

>Dark Savers is another 3 shitty archtypes
I hope the Vampires save us from this hell and wine and dine us.

I would not get hyped for the new vampires if I were you. The new XYZ already has a dumb gimmick that clashes with the main aim of the original play style. You're crazy if you think it's going to change the deck to the point its good. At most you may get a handful of okay support to make the deck tier 3 or 4

>skyfurries are the disgated bad archetype and brandish looks decent but not meta material
Other way around waifu fag

>start game, opponent summons a couple of BA monsters and makes Dante into Beatrice, pretty standard BA opening. also sends edge imp chain with beatrice, which is weird but figure he's using it to make Dantes
>basically typical BA with some stun and a couple funky tech choices. made Dante with Chain a couple times as i thought. also ran Kuribandit which i thought was neat.
>eventually build up an OTK, opponent sets and passes
>proceed to BP and attack, reducing him to 1700
>attack for game with missus radiant, he flips waboku
>his turn, he summons kuriphoton and crashes mussus, reducing his LP to 100
>ends BP and goes into MP2
>returns a card from his hand to the top of his deck to SS Edge Imp Chain
>activates Reversal Quiz
>calls the card he returned to the top of the deck with Chain
>reduces my LP to 100 and burns for game with Barbar


My only supposition is "not hot garbage".

Let me know /dng/

>tfw playing with friends is too slow (because they only know the basics and they always read the cards)
>but playing with strangers in YGOPro is too fucking fast with their otk decks


Well then that's hilarious

I'll play with using my shit decks that I'm working on.

>otk decks
Isn't that everything these days

>play with three friends regularly on YGOpro
>one runs fusion heroes, one runs Herald of perfection stun and the last runs a variety of decks ranging from Graydle frogs to fucking Trickstars
>meanwhile I tend to main either Skull Servants, Burning Abyss or more recently Skyfangs
>Have more fun playing with them than any rando even when I get stomped
I suggest you get your friends up to speed, dueling with people who you know is way better and more satisfying than any other way,

Do your friends know you're a faggot?

Not him but where do you think you are?

Not on locals or below.
You know, the places where people doesn't have too much money to spend on hundreds of meta cards every year.

Playing skyfurries is basically outing yourself as a furfag

Considering I ERP with one of them, yeah I think they're aware.

Do strip YGO with them

shoutouts to my favorite dead white boy slackermagician

Holy shit I need a decklist

Is BA cheap to build guys?

It's pretty cheap except for Dante atm.

at least the Weatheries are playable

>play Vendread Zombies
>get disrupted once
I must be doing something wrong, besides forcing Vendreads into UniZombie/Mezuki.dek


Extra Fusion
Normal Spell

Discard 1 "Polymerization": Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, by banishing fusion materials from your Extra Deck, but its effects are negated.

Too boring. Remove "but its effects are negated" and put "after that pay 2000 LP".


>people thinking Brandish is bad
It's going to be the new zoo you shitlords.


>sit on the boss monster or die.dek
>next Zoo
come on, radio

Divine Fusion Beast
Level 12 Beast EARTH Fusion Effect
14 Fusion monsters

This card cannot be tributed.
This card cannot be destroyed by battle.
This card is unaffected by other card effects.
During Battle Phase, change all other monsters on the field to face-up attack position.

Crystal Wing :^)

The boss monster has actual protection and the spells are consistent.

even LAUGH would be better than the attribute you chose

Are you all memeing or some shit? I've been testing brandish and i've done fairly well,just used the spellbook and table of content engine,i've only lost 2 times againts spyral (witch i won againts in a rematch) and trickstar (witch was my own mistake) i even outed a true draco (witch seems to want to get back in the meta)it's all about the grindgame,i'm only using the link monsters in the ED and i don't have a problem since you can get it back if it gets destroyed,only thing i need is a way to out kaijus since they basically shit on the deck.

So why were everyone pretending like Hercules Base was utter garbage last thread?
The no direct attack restriction is admittedly garbage.
The multi attack and card draw effect can however be useful even if only sometimes.

But you see the thing that actually makes the card very useful. Is the third effect. That allows you to shuffle your Links back into the deck. So that you can keep jumping between Kagari and Shizuki every turn all the time. Including on the opponent's turn. Without actually running out of Kagari and Shizuki.
Such an effect was exactly what they needed. Kind of odd seeing it on an equip card. And the actual equip effect no doubt leaves much to be desired. But that last effect is perfect and it's hardly a bad card.

>unironically using the spellbrick engine in a non-spellcaster deck
>winning online against people that dont even read the dumb ass cards
>hurr its good guys
Fuck off shitter


heh.. thanks for the monster fag

>play brandish cause i like the art and theme
>check /dng/ to see what they're discussing
>it's just one fag constantly shilling for brandish and then getting shit on
don't ruin this for me

I can't belive i read it 4 times before posting and that still happened

not me :^)