/fog/ - Fallout general

Bethesda almost made aliens cause the Great War edition

>Fallout 1 and 2
>General Information etc:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:

>Fallout 4
>General Information, Mod Recommendations etc:
>NEW! Creation Club Stuff:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository
>Steam Guide of good mods

>Rips (Primarily for NV):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

>OP Pasta:

/aco/ thread:
Pre-War thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Are people still on the dumb AYY meme that never actually existed

I feel like "almost" implies that they won't do it in the future, which they well might.

Fallout 5 will feature an alien major faction

you guys have been a great help so far, feel free to toss any further ideas you have my way

context: I'm making a FO3 mod which makes the entomologist perk suck less by adding new effects on consuming insect drops, what I got so far is
>removing negative effects
>ant meat gives a long lasting carry weight increase
>fire ant nectar gives max fire resistance
>radroach meat gives rad resistance

fuck me, it was already disabled
the mystery deepens


fucking new vegas character pic

Thanks man

Did somebody say, 'please post potatoes'?

calm down boys

Oh btw, for mods the issue might be with your plugins.txt. Make sure it's not Read Only when you activate mods and edit the load order. Even if you have the NMM option to keep it not read-only, I've found it doesn't always work and the file resets to read-only anyway.

Fallout 4 is for roleplaying as your waifu and sex mods

I was planning on doing a JC Denton playthrough of New Vegas.
>goes NCR before betraying them for Yes Man at the end
>Guns, Melee, Sneak
>max PER, CHA, INT, but low AGL and LCK
>all implants from Medical Clinic
>Black Armored Duster (mod) + Authority Glasses


Don't compare JC to that jew pls

>human boys still mad they got BTFO by us

I want to play a Raider in FO4.

How fucked am I going melee on survival and how do I unfuck myself while still being (preferably non-stealth) melee?
Also what's the best main story faction? You can't side with Nuka-World raiders for the main quest right? Was thinking of going Railroad and then murdering them afterwards.

>I want to play a Raider in FO4.
Don't. Much better in FO3 or FONV.

>want to kill president kimball
>only speech options with yes man about kimball are "lol ncr wont let me near kimball" and "i dont give a shit about kimball lol"
>both speech options instantly skip the entire speech event and fail both arizona killer and you'll know when it happens
>game gives me 0 choice to just kill kimball even though yes man lets me do whatever I want

nice choices there obsidian

jesus christ


Kimball dies 100% of the time if you don't interfere. Because the Legions power is maximum.


I love how fast these threads are

I love how fast your mom is

Me too

Me hard

>House just gets finished telling me that it's very important Kimball remains alive
>walk outside Lucky 38
>NCR military police strolls by
>"Did ya hear they got Kimball?"

Can you eradicate Nukaworld with the BoS or do they just not care

BoS does not give a shit.

though you can eradicate Arcadia in FAH HAHBAH with the BoS, since the BoS does care about synths

the option doesn't exist

someone needs to make a mod that fixes this

I wonder what kind of person Strong was before he went hulk...

Fo4 is the only one that lets you be a legitimate raider and humanizes them. In 3 and NV you're just an edgelord.

>Fo4 is the only one that lets you be a legitimate raider and humanizes them.
Three raider factions that no reason to be allied with each other, one of which being literal cannibals
> In 3
You could be a Pitt Raider

>Fo4 is the only one that lets you be a legitimate raider and humanizes them

Centaurs are such a great enemy. Great idea, creepy appearance and origin, even adorable in their own way.

Way better than generic mutant dogs and I miss them.

The whole Pitt thing was for the greater good. Ashur had asshole raiders as his soldiers but they 're just around to protect the Pitt and go on food raids. His plan was to eventually free all the slaves once the Pitt disease was cured and it started functioning as a proper city.

I was about to complain about this
Why did they replace centaurs with the dogs anywho?

>humanizing a raider
Have you heard of the Fiends?

>literal cannibals
Huh, which one the pack or the disciples?

The thing about joining up with the Pitt raiders is that that's it.
You join, clear the air of any doubt, and then nothing

>Fallout 3 loading screen
>"Raiders take whatever they want, whenever they want, and their favorite pastimes are torture and murder."

Definitely humanized

>Ashur had asshole raiders as his soldiers but they 're just around to protect the Pitt and go on food raids. His plan was to eventually free all the slaves once the Pitt disease was cured and it started functioning as a proper city.
And how long would that take? A few years or decades? Especially considering his wife wasn't even a scientist. She is literally just another Pitt Raider.

Were the Centaurs the Battle Cattle all along?

BEcuase all FEV experiments in The Commonwealth were done by the Institue as a means to create better strains of FEV for thier synth project.

Centaurs are the result of throwing a whole bunch of shit into an FEV chamber and seeing what happens, something The Institute has no reason to do.

The Mutant Hounds are the result of testing new strains on animals before moving to human trials, like many real world medical companies do

>The whole Pitt thing was for the greater good.
This sort of makes you think how the whole raider thing even works long term. I mean even for raiders the endgame is finding a good woman and have her pop out a few kids, then retire if you're still alive somehow right?

I mean okay, raiders apparently go around raiding settlements to kidnap kids and maybe occasionally someone will join their gaing, but that's hardly enough to sustain a population over several generations is it?

Probably because the Super Mutants originate from the Institute in F4, and the Institute is "smart" enough to give them actual attack dogs to support them, not the sluggish, crawling abominations that Centaurs are.

That's juts an excuse though. The Institute could have made improved centaurs that are basically abhorrent, grotesque chimeras that incorporate organic weapons and defense mechanisms, such as acid spitters, large, jagged maws, perhaps legs or appendages that allow them to scale walls and ceilings. The possibilities are endless.

The raider system isn't sustainable. Gage even talks about how raider clans rise and fall in just a few years due to things like infighting over drugs aand power.

This is why there are no old raider clans in the Commonwealth outside of Bosco's. Even the Libertalia group is only like 5 years old.

>"Raiders take whatever they want, whenever they want, and their favorite pastimes are torture and murder."
So they're like the Institute?

Why do you want Raiders to be humanized? Are you that retard from last night trying to tell everyone there's nothing wrong with slavery?
Raiders kill innocent people and take their shit. It's in the job description.

the defining feature of raiders is that they're not self-sustainable

There's that word again

The slaves poke and prod the baby worse than Ashurs wife. Wernher doesn't give a shit about the kid at all. Neither are real scientists but Ashur will probably get the cure quicker.

What are you saying then? Raiders only kill people who aren't innocent?

Oh wait I forgot nobody is innocent :^)

Murder doesn't exist because innocence doesn't exist. A person who doesn't deserve their death is just shit out of luck, haha! Yeah, that's how it worrks.

the file isnt read only, but now that you mention it, i remember nmm asking me something about read only, but now i cant find the option to switch it off in nmm

How old is Bosco's group supposed to be?

Pretty old, theres an older woman not to far outside downtown D.C., who lives in a trailer, and who yo uan rescue her dog, and she has a note telling Bosco that shes lost past doing raider stuff, and she acts like she has known him since back then.

I think their endgame is to keep living dangerous, violent lives, because they have no skills to be of use in society and for some reason or another, can't or don't learn any skills or trades. They think their only shot at survival is shooting and looting, or they're simply murderous animals that don't want to live by society's rules.

Why would a raider group care about people joining them? Sure, you'd want some numbers for basic safety reasons, but you don't need an army to shake people down for caps and chems. A larger force may even draw unwanted attention from those who don't tolerate your kind and would exterminate you.

Shame there are no sex mods.

Nobody is truly innocent, but some people are less or more guilty than others. If some random wastelander living in a small house and minding their own business gets attacked by raiders, the raiders are mostly at fault for whatever happens to him. But he still has a responsibility to ensure his own safety and defend himself. If he made no attempt to arm himself, set up defenses, avoid drawing attention, and keep a watchful eye out, then he has no room to complain when he's gutted and strung up.

>downtown D.C

Isn't that like a good hike to the south from Boston though?

Most raiders don't live long. They live a life of non-stop drugs and violence until someone cuts them down.

lol, meant Boston... so used to hearing Three Dog talk about Downtown D.C.

>Nobody is truly innocent
Shut the fuck up. A person who doesn't deserve being killed by another person is innocent. You're absolutely retarded.

>not openly flaunting the practice of slavery in front of NCR

No one deserves anything. You aren't born with any rights, you are either given them or have to ensure them yourself.

Not being prepared doesn't make you not innocent. That's just a twisted perception to justify the raider mindset. There's only so much you can prepare for, that's just reality.

You are fully within your ability to do as you please, but you can be honest with yourself and admit that you're causing misery and misfortune to people who don't deserve it for your own gain. It's a little pathetic to have to trick yourself into thinking you're in the right.

What are these crimes that everybody is "more or less" guilty of that automatically justify murder anyway?

Because you could as well use this logic to justify a genocide of the human race, if we're so damn undeserving of a basic right to not to be killed.

Stop sounding like such a fag

this sounds like something a school shooter would say

>what are natural rights

Who let Mussolini in the thread?

Then you should be thankful that you have the luxury of having your rights given to you. Stronger men than you founded this nation (if you're American, like me) and fought for their rights. I doubt you'd be capable of doing the same.

is this pasta?


I like Fallout

Wouldn't happen to remember where exactly the lady is? I don't recall ever running to her. I'd like to check the place out at some point.

Me too! It's kinda hard, but I like how it doesn't spoon feed you though.

Alright, need a mod that'll let me craft 7.62 ammo so I don't have to console it in, any recommendations?

I never played F1 or F2, but I thought I've seen screenshots of pretty much every NPC by now. Who is this?

It's a decent game for a turn-based isometric RPG from the 90's.

lmao, look at this fucking guy
what a goddamn looser

wiki says there's 2k bullets spread across 3 merchants, go get them

Gizmo, a grimy casino owner from Junktown.

Gizmo, he runs Junktown's casino. He put a hit on Killian but I killed the assassin and I had to wear a a wire to get proof he hired him. He never leaves his chair as he fights you

holy fuck you are actually retarded and didn't read the declaration of independence

My FONV installation has gotten so damn unstable. I can barely play 30 minutes without it crashing. I have no idea what mod to remove to fix it either...


Old World Blues:Children of the Apocalypse mod Alpha v1.0 is out now and has already had 5 hotfix patches

In 1.0 the entire west coast is fully playable, containing the following features:

>An all new custom map of North and Central America
>9077 provinces
>735 states
>94 nations
>344,721 lines of code
>Realistic mountain ranges represented as impassable terrain
>Rivers across the USA made of sea tiles, allowing you to sail down them and naval invade with them!
>13 new unit types
>Custom voice files for factions
>Custom unit textures for numerous nations
>3D models for numerous Fallout robots
>3D power armour unit
>269 custom focus icons
>90 new national spirit icons
>Hundreds of events depicting events from Fallout
>9 unique focus trees centred around important Fallout factions
>3 generic focus trees representing different groups in Fallout: raiders, tribals, and settlers
>4 new ideologies representing the nature of groups found in Fallout: Elites, Intellectuals, Ruler, and People.
>Custom artwork for all leaders and generals
>An all new technology system that allows a player to take advantage of the ups and downs of Fallout technology.
>Resource buildings that allow players to create small amounts of basic resources they need.
>Every music track from Fallout bundled with a custom music player.

Nations with focus trees: New California Republic, Caesar’s Legion, Western Brotherhood, New Vegas, New Reno, Vault City, Desert Rangers, Troll Warren, New Canaan + 3 generics

Really well made mod considering this is 1.0 and will expand eastwards,refine the current west coast map,fix bugs and missing texts/gfx and update over time, Events and triggers will be added some time after the base game HoI IV is updated. You can't advance technology level currently and events will be worked on for 1.1

Ghouls are friends!

Take deep breaths.

Why do you have to console it in?

I actually started using 5.56 ammo a lot and was surprised that vendors didn't carry a fuckton of it. About 50 rounds is the most I'll find of any given type of 5.56 ammo, but at least I can buy the regular, HP, and AP variants and it amounts to about 100-150.

I learned about that Bardon guy at the Dam and went to see him, but I recently became a "Dark Hero" to the NCR (Did all their quests, helped the Kings get them out of their territory though, damn pigs) and that's too low of a rep to deal with him. Fuck it, if there's no point allying with the NCR anymore, I''ll send a nuke to the NCR and Caesar at the end of LR.

On a sidenote, the nuke you can launch at the NCR targets Shady Sands, right? I'm mostly looking to obliterate the people at the very top who calling the shots, making the lives of the common citizen and soldier hellish and miserable, while they lead cushy lives far away and completely disconnected from the reality of what's going on. Almost didn't even mention how corrupt they are, given how obvious and well-know that fact is. It's disgusting enough to make the sacrifice of the innocents palatable. They need to pay.

Ave brother HH.
If you allow yourself to be vulnerable when you easily could not be you're forfeiting your claim to innocence. If you're still cut a raw deal despite your best efforts, that's unfortunate but c'est la vie. There's always going to be a loser.
It's not justified. What is and isn't justified in any given situation is a subjective observation. I could claim I'm justified in spamming hardcore furry porn because people are saying mean things to me or you could argue I should just be range banned already for constantly starting shitty arguments. It boils down to personal opinion.
Make me
I'm not going to go out committing violent crimes just because I could. I know the long arm of the law would go elbow deep in my asshole the second I do, and I stand nothing to gain from it. I'm not delusional, I know I don't live in a post apocalyptic wasteland.
An idealistic concept that counts for nothing.



Jesus, Ceasarfags are the worst

>nuking people, but only the upper class
comrade, have you looked up posadism yet?

>On a sidenote, the nuke you can launch at the NCR targets Shady Sands, right?

Nope. It bombs a section of the I-15 beyond the Mojave Outpost, effecitvely severing the supply line and cutting the NCR from the area nigh-permanently.

>tfw petty thief
I can't stop stealing and murdering, help.