/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: >[Kara no Kyokai Collaboration Event]
Period: 2018-02-08~02-22 3:59 UTC

Servants: 5* Ryougi Shiki (Saber)
CE: 5* Grand Puppeteer, 5* Mature Gentleman, 4* Vivid Dance of Fists, 4* Mystic Eyes of Distortion, 3* Repeat Magic, 3* Sprinter

>Event Guide
pastebin.com/CFbJCFj5 (embed)

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

pastebin.com/HTrhq7Nk (embed)

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/edit#gid=525320539

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975

How do we help our onii-chan through this crisis /alter/?


Let them know we are laughing at them

shitpost and laugh at them

I can't even laugh at them, it's just too fucking sad. What were those morons thinking?

I'll go with the Tamamo thread.

In the next two main events (Mona Lisa, Fate/Accel) You are guaranteed:

30 seeds
10 reverse scales
20 gears
20 Homo baby
20 lantern
35 phoenix plume
30 claw
30 heart
35 horse horns
30 black tallow
25 tear of blood
45 spirit root
54+ bone
44+ void
44+ proof
44+ tooth
22+ horseshoes
42+ octuplets
22+ sneks
32+ pages

Subtract these from how much you need to farm and just be patient.

This is the one we are using


they are unironically confirmed plebbdit

fucking kill yourself

Wait... you're not Gilles

What's aniki suffering through this time?

>22+ sneks

Shitposting that has managed to dig below rock bottom, to the point where some of them migrated to /jp/ in an attempt to have better moderation.

>being this mad but still posting in my thread

Is Dantes for (You)?


>embed or feet
hard choice

>snek is exclusive to kiyofags

>Mona Lisa
also those events like four and seven weeks away

Glad to see we've all come to accept Jalter.

Isnt the feetnigger the same one that has been ban evading?

Yes, that is part of the reason why he is popular aside the dangan shitpanronpa artist
They really pandered heavily to fujos and females with him

When does she come out?

>30 seeds
That's not enough to 6/6/6 Cu or d'Eon alone, much less both while also ascending Arash. To say nothing about Tamamo's skill requirements.

>20 gears
Well, that give me 6/6/6 Cursed Arm, although it means I'm waiting even longer for George.

>22+ sneks
That had better be enough for Robin and Carmilla's ascension.

Late March

like 5 weeks

>not jeanne alter

And gaypeople

this is a feet thread too btw

BB when? I want to wipe that disgusting grin off Horta's face.

The Dantes event has guaranteed drops if you wanna include those grandpa reddit.

Can't wait. I'll finally have multiple 10/10/10s and won't be embarrassed to post my supports.

How do you play the da vinci lottery to maximize your gains? Does it depend on what materials you want, or is there a way to clear most of all of it?

10/10/10 Saber Alter/Waver/Heracles here I come

You like Bryn?

Onii-chan had a rerun recently. Just go through the archives and see what they did.

woah so this the power of self mod EX or is just her du heine

I assume the idea is that, after the first six boxes are done, to just empty out the good stuff from as many additional boxes as you can. So it's spending apples to get tickets to roll more and more boxes, for more materials.

Oh, I didn't know they were guaranteed. I'll add them sometime later.

You need to have Jeanne, Dantes AND Jeanne Alter for a decent bonus. Otherwise its more AP efficient to just spam the heart node and ignore the lottery (after getting the lores obviously).

B-but we are 1 month ahead.. surely they will speed things up so we are not eternally 2 years content wise and will continue to be so when FGO is shut down... r-right bros?

if you would not have intercourse with Brynn, then you are an astolfo loving faggot

What does the name of her np even mean?

You like Altera?

No, she is a disgusting sandnigger.
I only like nordic beauties like Brynn

she's angry

>2 days left for the Mona Lisa friend purge

>surely they will speed things up
Summer event in April?

IS THERE any woman who will dress like this during Intercourse?

Is anyone still playing the event after clearing the shop? Claw/Hearts are extremely fucking rare so I see no point, really. Yet there are people still doing it?

Jalter love

>B-but we are 1 month ahead.
JP FGO started late July.
NA FGO started late June
You'd think by the dates that we'd be getting things 1 month earlier, but we're getting things only 2 weeks earlier so we're actually 2 weeks off schedule.

What if my best Rider is Meduseless with maxed bond CE

yeah, just provide clothing

Skip the lottery farm if you're not a whale.

Any whore you pay enough

Claws and hearts are too rare a drop to bother with. I'm farming cats for QP and the occasional lantern drop, but that's pretty much it.

Parking lot gives more QP than doors and also drops lanterns fairly regularly.

Why is she spilling her drink on her feet like that? Is she retarded?

Don’t tell me what to do buddy

In rough terms, it means the grumble/murmur of hate

(You) asked her for a drink.

Get back in the lantern mines faggot

Enjoy getting literally nothing with those apples :^)


I don't remember doing that.

>already purging people for having no Waver/low skill level Waver
>now this
feels so good


What about bones. Is Mordred really the best option for bone farming atm?

Wait are they planning for NA to stay permanently 2 years behind when CN and KR are catching up? Wtf is this treatment? I was going to pay for Joan Alternative, but I guess I am refunding all the quartz I am buying.


Parking lot kingdom hearts is your best bet.

Roar of Hatred


delete this
thank you

I just bully pajeet for gear. My boy Tesla needs it


Can anyone post the picture with all the rooms and the traits for servants for this event?

I need it for research

Make me, faggot

based meido

*unzips dick*


I want to pet this adorkable pharaoh

Thanks, have a lewd

No user, fapping to idols is bad

my lancer alter bros can't be this dense to not be done with the event by now..

post banana and banana accessories


I really want Count, but as someone with no SSRs currently it's hard to warrant summoning on someone so bad. Any advice?

I'm just looking for the best way to clear master missions this week, I've farmed close to 50 million QP in cats during the last few days

Vive la France!

Oh boy, new materials showing up.
I'm more worried about America right now though, I'm ready for that last grail.

Follow your heart


post twintailnana

If you want him, roll for him
If you dont get him, pay for him

Wait and hope.

Like most "bad" SSRs, they are serviceable until break bars/Shinjuku. You'll get a decent year out of him.

It's fine, but you'll want to get a non-quick SSR later.