/fg/ - Falcom General #169

Previous thread: >Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is out on PC and PS4

>Zwei 1 and 2 is out on PC, Steam, GoG and humble bundle

>Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 PC is out on Steam, GoG and humble bundle

Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

-Ao fan translation to be released soon, most likely in February. Like Zero's leak, it will have poor grammar, but be otherwise accurate. The Geofront patch currently sits around 55% complete

-Ys 8 PC delayed once more, and patch fix released for consoles. Switch port also announced, and being worked on by Nis.

-Sen no kiseki 4 website revealed, release date to be around the end of September. Fair warning, it contains spoilers

-PS4 remasters of Sen 1 and 2 to release in March and April 2018, respectively

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt
Extra Stuff (Guides, downloads, undub patches): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

Other urls found in this thread:



I like all Kiseki games.

Well i like you.

I want to kiss Laura's toes

How strong would her leg lock be?


I want to FUCK Emma and get her PREGNANT!


how about you don't

Try and stop me

making me wonder if girls irl get jealous of woman with large breasts



How many dicks a day do you reckon Towa needs to suck in order to not lose her sanity?

does laura use a clazmore or a longsword_ or some other kind of sword_

At least a dozen, maybe 16 or so

What does Juna smell like?

mz dick

She smells like Crossbell.

Like the fat guy who designed her's sweaty asshole.

Calvard when?

>12,000 sales now and still increasing

has anyone ever gotten a BTFO as the NIShill?

Juna doesn't sweat!

I thought they couldn't care less about what their enforcers did, guess I was wrong

Falcom got extremely lazy with Sen 2. When you get the airship, they stop giving NPCs new dialog in the older areas aside from the ones you get quests from. The game is like 75% filler.

He's just curious

>he's still pushing this stupid meme

Like the big black cocks that ravage her daily

>Players total: 6,535 ± 2,459 (54%)
So this is the power of Hatsuu's e-begging and years of honeydicking... did casualfags not get the memo about how XSEED got NTR'd?

There's literally 2 black men in whole Zemuria

>Owners: 12,101 ± 3,347
why don't you look at the relevant statistic?

That's not the point, you absolute retard.

That we've seen.

And they both DP Juna every night

delete this

>Rean just let the Soldat pilots run away meanwhile Claire is ready to kill for some answers
Rean was a mistake


I will now tell you things you will not like about Calvard. The models are decent and a bit more varied than CS3/4, but character animation in cutscenes is still fairly static and unimpressive outside the few FMVs. There's way more DLC than any of the CS games, and there are three whole DLC dungeons (one each in Liberl, Crossbell, and the Nord Highlands) that were clearly supposed to be in the game originally. The "old characters show up to save the new ones" trope happens a lot early on and it will get annoying.

The thing you all will find the most aggravating is the Idol Princess. She's a "secret" member of Calvard's deposed royal family, an idol singer, a political activist, a bit of a hypocrite, and appears constantly. She's like the worst combination of Lynn Minmay and Lacus Clyne you could ever make. She sings j-pop during some of the mecha fights. Everything about her clashes with the more Spaghetti Western theme the rest of the game has going for it especially poorly. The best thing you can say about her is that at least she isn't made a party member.

>no isekai

best news i've ever heard
thanks futureanon

is earth on timeline b

Xanadu's sequel has the Isekai protagonist.

Done with the AP section of the guide.
Keep in mind, i'm keeping it simple like the steam one, now i'll be adding the recipes, books, fishes, and possibly the profiles.

Here's the currently finished part:

>/v/ cold steel thread goes to shit because of sub vs dub wars
This general is more comfy desu. Even with localization company shitposting.

>that whole last paragraph
why couldn't you lie to me, futureanon?
why do you give me this bittersweet vision of things to come?
at least it isn't isekai...

why didn't you protect this smile?

Thank you user-kun

She'll be redeemed, r-right?

in death, most likely

>but character animation in cutscenes is still fairly static and unimpressive outside the few FMVs
Modern Falcom strikes again.
>three whole DLC dungeons (one each in Liberl, Crossbell, and the Nord Highlands)
>the Nord Highlands
God damn it, again? Why?
>The "old characters show up to save the new ones" trope happens a lot early on and it will get annoying.
I'm fine with this. At least if it means Zin hasn't turned into a complete jobber between games.
>Idol Princess shit
You know what, I thought you were just trying to joke around before but this shit sounds scarily like something modern Falcom would do. And I'm almost surprised they didn't do it with Alfin, in retrospect.

>her smile and optimism: gone

Flowers and the musk of regular intercourse.

Vivi is best girl

>CSfag talking shit about Skyfags
>Prefers English VA
Now this is shitposting

Bless your kind soul

Futureanon strikes again. I'm gonna start saving these.

You know, I didn't really like this outfit at first, but it's kinda grown on me. Better than Millium's and Alisa's at the very least. Laura's CS2 getup is the absolute best of all the girls though.

/v/ was a mistake

How? Alisa's relatively stylish and Millium's on the cute side. Fie's some unholy mix of slut and steampunk.

>Has an actual character
>Isn't a complete faggot pussy like Rean
>Life gives him lemons (lean stature compared to the muscular stature of his family) he turns it into lemonade (picks up an entirely new dual wielding style to compensate)
>Has ONE love interest with plenty of cute moments together

Kurt saved Cold Steel. It's seriously as if Falcom woke up, realized they had to make an entirely new character due to how shit Rean is, and put out Kurt. I hope Kurt is the MC of Cold Steel 4.

This. Millium's is great, Alisa's is great, Laura and Emma's are fucking perfect.

Fie's is just what the fuck though. I understood Millium having that slut costume in the first game because you could wave it as some weird test tube baby thing and Millium being whacky but Fie's outfit is like FUCK ME for no reason.

Fie's CS2 outfit is just an edgier version of this. It's not even that good.

Alisa's is even more slutty than Fie's, Millium's looks ridiculous. Emma's on the other hand looks rather nice, and Laura's is easily the best by being both the most stylish and dashing.

what is with japs and horrible designs

>Alisa's is even more slutty than Fie's
Look, I hate Alisa and I still think this is bullshit.
In what way? I don't get you at all.

Feels good to be a Laurafag.

Yeah, famalam. Now peel back NISA-kun's foreskin and clean that smegma, XSHITTER.

my brother

I want her to princess carry Rean.

>NISA: uncut chad with a 12 inch monster cock
>XSEED: cut permavirgin with a 1.4 inch micropenis

How's that Ys 8 coming along?

Soon CS2PC will have 10 times the amount of steam owners the NIShill predicted for the game's first week AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Belt right under the tits to help emphasize them, sleeveless with long black gloves, shorter skirt, bright red heels with thigh-high stockings. You can't really say you don't see how hard she's trying to advertise herself.

Millium on the other hand has even shorter shorts than Fie does and she's wearing like 3 different shirts over themselves with a belt pretending to be a tie. The whole thing is rather mismatched. If they were going for "kid attempts dressing herself for the first time" then sure, they nailed that.

Added recipes, books and fishing section, once again, pretty simple stuff and mostly gotten from Zoelius' guide so it's more compact.


I'll now see if i can add the profile section in Chronological order, since the Japanese wiki has one.

>retarded xshills and nishitters only care about sales if it's for their favorite localization company
wew lad

Laura is the best Prince that Princess Coldsteel could ask for.

Thankfully there are phantasmal mirrors in bonus dungeon and i don't have to worry about Rean S-Craft bug.

So Fie's ok because she's a top prostitute?

Sub vs. dub wars will never end until Xseed adds dual audio to the series.

Nobody was bitching about it in Ys 8.

Anyone else have that warm feeling when you find a gamedev you love and play through their games and just have fun? I recently got into Megaten and Falcom games and this is a blast. Thinking about getting TX EX+

You know I prefer the PSP games as well but let's be honest: they looked like shit. So its not like Falcom got worse, except for the art style maybe.

Fie's isn't great in any regard, but it's fairly basic. Short shorts, boots, tiny tubetop, jacket, scarf, goggles. She definitely needs a longer shirt, but it's not trying as hard as Alisa's or looks as mismatched as Millium's.

Laura's and Emma's are still way better designs, Laura's especially.

It's the best since it shows her belly and I like her belly

Jacket and scarf while the rest is fully exposed so not fitting for any weather. Goggles for what? It's a basic mess. Alisa is flashy but it still looks fashionable and coordinated. Millium's layers are relatively fashionable too for that matter and the whole outfit in general is obviously going for childish and cute. I think it worked and it fits. Anyway, opinions and all that

At least we can agree on this.

Finally, someone who doesn't beat around the bush.

>implying Fie isn't trying to get it through Rean's zemurian ore reinforced skull that she wants to see his other blade
I will agree that Alisa's dressed like a slut though. They're both slutty.

This is why Laura is best, Laura is pure.

Laura is boyish and has autism.

She is my wife though.

no bully

>cs2 is full of slutty fie trying to get the d
>fiefags multiply quickly
>she doesn't even get a hug in cs3 let alone romance
Falcom is truly savage.

Meeting a cop really changed Rean.
If only he knew.

Your wife is more boyish than the boys.

friendly reminder to start at least one kiseki thread per day on /v/ in order to introduce newcomers to this franchise so that we can have falcom finally notice us

the only reason i ever got into kiseki was because of the /v/ threads

I don't mind

Bestgirl is Celine, all others can't even compare.

The profile section for the Cs 2 pastebin guide is taking a tad longer than i expected, currently at the "Finale" section.

I remember getting into these threads because of the /v/ threads myself, although i was aware of the series way prior.

i got into trails when people were hyping SC in /v/ and neogaf and all those fucking delays

I havent played FC in a month? Will I be fine jumping back into it?

No wonder this general is /v/'s tier.