/fg/ - Falcom General #174

Previous thread: >Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is out on PC and PS4

>Zwei 1 and 2 is out on PC, Steam, GoG and humble bundle

>Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 PC is out on Steam, GoG and humble bundle

Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

-Ao fan translation script is fully translated, but release is pending. Like Zero's leak, it will have poor grammar, but be otherwise accurate. The Geofront patch currently sits around 60% complete

-Ys 8 PC delayed once more, and patch fix released for consoles. Switch port also announced, and being worked on by Nis.

-Sen no kiseki 4 website revealed, release date to be around the end of September. Fair warning, it contains spoilers

-PS4 remasters of Sen 1 and 2 to release in March and April 2018, respectively

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt
Extra Stuff (Guides, downloads, undub patches): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

Other urls found in this thread:


Rixia is a fatass

so I just finished the act 1 in CS2 and goddamn, you guys were right, they really did stretch thin something which could've been done much faster, it was very underwhelming and silly in some points (that Jusis race part for example).

Also a question I have since I didn't play CS3 or Ao, does Juna know about Lloyd and the other SSS?

Get ready for some dragonball shit ;)

>does Juna know about Lloyd

>does Juna know about Lloyd and the other SSS?
she's their #1 fan

Is Ao here yet?

Juna's S-craft is literally a combination of SSS crafts.

unfortunately, no

Dude you are so not ready for act 2 if you thought act 1 was bad.

>Another thread done in a day already
>The EXACT same shit posted again after half the thread

You faggots love shitposting too much, it's ruining your lives

To be fair, after images are hardly something only Joshua can pull off, and speedy characters usually have it. Hell, Yin can also body split in Zero, like Loewe.


CS III simultaneous release for PS4,
Switch and PC when?

She's a fangirl and wanted to join the SSS after graduating cop school. She calls Randy senpai (as a more senior cop and SSS member) rather than sensei or kyokan (as in teach/instructor at Thors 2).




I hope... I finally caved and started playing Zero with the unedited trans with hopes that I'll be able to continue to Ao soon after I finish so I'll be heartbroken if it gets called off now.

Anyone got that image with the first draw of Rean and Alisa that looked like Joshua with gun and Estelle?

What would happen if Rean and Joshua decided to swap girlfriends?

If I'm remembering right the mistakes in the translation get less and less the further into the game you get for some reason. And yeah at this point, with CS2 out for both PS and PC and CS3 coming eventually I'd recommend people to just play it and then just replay the edited versions later when they release.


Rean will finally get a hold of himself and stop with his emotional breakdowns.
Can't say about Joshua though.

Yeah makes sense the guy would get his shit more together as he gets more used to translating. I could already kind of see a bit of an improvement between the last few scenes of the prologue and the beginning.

Nevermind found it thanks for nothing.

Glad they changed them because that looks bad.

>someone as dense as Estelle next to someone as dense of an autist as Rean
They probably will have sex without even noticing.

But Rean doesn't have a gf. He has a boyfriend in Crow though.

>sen sells massive amounts
>people think falcom will ever take the series back to how it used to be

If Ein is supposed to be such a badass then why'd she get so injured by some random no-name jaegers?

I enjoyed all of the kiseki games, including the sen ones. Fuck the haters! They're all good in their own way.

Well I mean they obviously push Alisa as the canon pairing, assumed that Josh would get Alisa while Rean would get Estelle. On a temporary basis, mind you.

I'm just hopeful that they will. I won't hold it against them too much since they have to make money, but it sucks that Falcom sold out.

whoa, is the PC version of Zero ready to play? I played it on PSP last year with the leak TL and wouldn't mind doing it again just for the lovely hi-res models and textures.

But Crossbell did it before, Ao is considered one of the best JRPGs of all times.

t. hack destroyig falcoms legacy from within

>sold out
yeah fucking falcom, wish they didn't sell out to the nuweebs
and now they selling out to nisa too
i hate companies making my favorite games doing well so they can provide us with more games
i wish they would do their niche shit that attracts the 10 /fg/ members so they can be nice and comfy so we can all love their games

If he means Alisa, then Joshua would probably be fairly chill around her, but they wouldn't have much they really have in common. Alisa would probably find Joshua attractive like the other girls his age, but aside from the physical attraction I doubt they'd really have much they could bond over. I'd imagine Alisa would find Joshua's adoption by Cassius and anything he may tell her about his past tragic and woo her over even more. Though at the same time, while Joshua could certainly sympathize with her family situation, I'd doubt he would really have much to connect with her over aside from Sharon. Speaking of, if they did switch, I'd imagine Joshua would be fairly unnerved with her around, even with her being as friendly as ever and trying constantly to reassure him that she has no intention of dragging him back. He'd be on-guard almost constantly with her.

Honestly, literally any other Class VII girl would have more to bond with Joshua over than Alisa would. Laura could at least try to talk with him about his swordsmanship, Emma might find it difficult at first but the two of them having some fairly heavy burdens could at least give them a point of reference to bounce off of, Fie would click with him fairly well in spite of or perhaps even because of their background differences and in general their overall attitudes, even Millium might remind him of Renne in a way that'd make him feel some endearment towards her. Alisa just doesn't have any of that for him.

The next project after sen 4 will be a remake of the sky trillogy from the perspective of Joshua and added dating sim options and redone writing.

She was hiding her power level like Kevin did at the beginning of SC
Yeah, it's been known that you can just drag & drop the PSP scripts into PC for a while but there were some issues, kind fellow over on gbatemp has been working on fixing those though and already fixed almost all of it (including the annoying notebook bug from before) also voice scripts are around now so you can play the English version with Evo voices (same place) still working on cleaning up minor things like some of the names being misencoded (Ryu becomes Ry} for example) but I think I've already got most of those so it's just a matter of correcting the remaining few as I see them as I play.

Heck he and Fie even share the same craft.

I'd buy it. It would legit sell a shitton.

That sounds good.

Is Olivert an option?
This is important.

I don't know if it's how they handled it in CS, but Ouroboros in this game seems much less threatening and more like a bunch of chuunis just goofing around. I miss Loewe and Weissman in that regard, they felt really threatening.

I see, that's great news, I'll definitely play it again while I wait for Ao. Thanks for the hard work ironing those issues, user.

It's the same shit in CS but the women are hotter.

Fiction. Mitch made things seem more tense than they really were in the book so it had drama. Toval himself says Ein would probably fight an entire Jaeger crops with her bare hands and strangle them if she wanted.


>Alisa is worstgirl for Joshua too
>Alisa is even worse for Joshua than she is for Rean
>Alisa would still be canon romance if they switched Rean and Joshua
Well, now I know there could be a worse timeline than the one we're in now.

Who's Ein?

Read Carnelia and play sky 3rd.

I mean they're not meant to be some big evil organization. They're just another faction that goals sometimes contradict the protags of whatever game. Most of the members are just kind of left alone to do their own thing most of the time anyway.

What about Kevin?
He'd make a good combo with Alisa, teasing her with Sharon and stuff.

>I mean they're not meant to be some big evil organization.

What if Joshua stayed a virgin forever and Kloe and Estelle had a yuri relationship together?

They're not though, the steel maiden is far from evil and she's one of their best members.


I bet you thought Erebonia was just generic evil empire when you played TiTS too huh?

I actually wouldn't be too surprised if a future subseries takes the perspective of an active Enforcer and shows things more from their perspective.

That would be amazing.

I wish I could rub my face on her soles and lick her armpits


For sure, but the actual look of the S-Craft is still fairly close to how Phantom Raid looks. Spruced up in a few places, but it's clearly that attack.

And I'm still pretty happy about it. Best SC S-Craft.

You're dead inside if this song doesn't make you feel.

I can see them doing a standalone/sidestory like 3rd from an Enforcer perspective.

Kevin could work better with Alisa, though that comes more from Kevin's personality than anything else, especially post-3rd.

I'm sorry Kloe but you'd still lose to Anelace.

The one that plays in the goodbye scene in the 3rd is more emotional to me. That entire scene, and Estelle telling Renne some hard truths was too good.

Now I'm curious how Lloyd and Alisa could work out.


Speaking of Kloe did she ever do anything relevant in the games?
Because I sure can't remember.

She fed a bunch of Liberl secrets to Lechter.

There was this bit I guess.

3rd made it incredibly clear that Weissman is far more of a shitbag than anyone in Ouroboros is willing to accept.

Well, she goes as Liberl's representative in the conference held in Crossbell.

She saved the children who will become the top bracers.

Honestly? I'd almost say Lloyd and Alisa could work better than Alisa and Rean. Lloyd's a bit of a doofus at times but he's got a bit of a better head on his shoulders than Rean. Alisa would be far more competitive than she is in Class VII though, since some of Lloyd's harem is a bit more open about their desire to bang him. Still, I'd say she has a decent chance to connect with him, and he with her, given their respective situations and personality types.

Also this

My god!
She saved Sara and Arios?!

She created Celestes Gospel in Liber ark

Is Sara stronger than Schera?

What the fuck user?

Probably. Not when drinking though.

Good fucking job asshole, you spoiled the end of Sen4.

Sry wrong image



Wow I made both of these. Weird to see them posted directly after another.


Do you think Joshua banged Estelle yet?

No, they have a pure and platonic relationship

my Trail of cold steel 2 keep closing itself after finishing Patrick quest in epilogue, anyone know the fix or is it possible for us to skip the quest?


Estelle probably raped him.

>based durante :)



Windowed mode+30FPS worked for me

You're like a little baby
listen to this: youtube.com/watch?v=vfv-ygos-uA