Eve Online general /eog/

Permalink: orph.link/eog

Caldari edition

Reminder to never trust, listen to advice or take fits from anyone in this general.

>Can I make enough ISK for PLEXing?
Actually, training 5M of a selection of 20M SP is F2P now, as is playing with the skills listed here:

>I just started, what should I do?
Do the Opportunities then find the Career Agents & run all of their missions. They give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and try to find a corp.

>Is it too late to start playing EVE?

>Read the (outdated) /eog/ pastebin:


>EVE Online: Arms Race
>updated F2P
>Daily Alpha Injectors

>EVE Online: Lifeblood:
>Alpha ships re-balanced.. minigames, moonmining, refineries, and more!
>Foozie makes a bunch of stupid, pointless changes (don't ever remove this from the OP, because it is always true).

>previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Strength in numbers.

Belllicose nerf when?

"i walk a lonely road the only one that i have ever known" - green day

>mfw I just scored 1000 plex for 2.7 mil each

>supporting RMTers


Is there a better alternative to eve-marketdata.com? Shit takes forever to load (if it doesn't time out).

They're all shit.
The only solution is to learn python or a similar high-level language, combine it with some database server (I use mariadb but that's just personal preference) and make your own tools to pull data directly from CCP's API.
The age of eve-central and eve-marketdata and similar is long gone, all of the top traders these days use custom tools they won't share.

So I've heard a rumor there's another Burn Jita event planned for next week, can anyone confirm?

I want to start omega scouting shit, I have 4M SP is viable or not?

>omega scouting shit
What does this mean?

Think he means exploration.

I don't know what exactly do you mean by scouting but it sounds good enough for most purposes.

All you need is an astero most of the time.

>5m sp for alpha clones
>can top out at 20m with alpha injectors or omega clone via plex
>tech 2 s/m weapons and can fly battleships
Outside of cloaking and the production chain, you can be viable in most things. You can play an alpha clone for two years until you top out in sp. You can play the game as a permanent alpha clone.

>engage some dude who warps into my green zone
>"stob right dere griminal :D"
>realize i'm in 0.5
fug :D

Join WeebFleet, kudasai!


what about corps joining alliance? I like my tax haven, also where do you guys operate to / what do you actually do

I dunno about your corp joining, but we do Faction Warfare on the Gallente side.

What do you get for your 10% tax?

>faction warfare in the name of religious loonies
Unfortunately I like my access to gallente and i fly mainly their ships, if you guys weren't FW I might have joined up with my alt.

>Not wanting to DEUS VULT in the name of glorious Amarr

For the empress

>joining an empire faction instead of forming your own
>joining the religious retards who picked a fight with jove and got stomped
>can't even claim it makes good isk
All empires are homos, user.

>Khanid skin
Absolutely patrician taste

>Joining a nullsec blob and being forced to meet ore quotas and click x number of pap links a month to remain in your space
>Join FW and fly around getting fights whenever you feel like it and answer to no-one
Hmmm. Also Amarr are clearly the best faction as a pure white Christian nation fighting against the nigger scourge

>joining null blob
Never said I sold my soul to some null monkeys.
>getting fights
You mean shitty frigate tier pvp
>answer to no one
I don't. I'm the CEO.

Caldari > other races because they focus on making money without being overly homosexual like gallente. Minmitar are subjectively the worse because theyre less intelligent and are still slaves Amarr being second from worse for their out-dated religious views and having the shittiest (albeit coolest looking) weapons system in game.

>You mean shitty frigate tier pvp
You mean the only pvp that is actually fun and worth a damn in eve? Also the only thing worse than being in a null blob is being a worm meme corp

>frigate pvp
>worth a damn
>wormhole corp
Never said that, either. Also its purely subjective but cruiser PVP > frigate PVP in my opinion. Also thinking that all 350 members run the same content is very narrow minded thinking, we fuck with null, low sec WHs and high sec, why limit yourself as to where and what you can run. Either way it doesn't seem worthwhile joining you guys, thanks for clarifying that.

>Also its purely subjective but cruiser PVP
aka "Whoever has the cloaked falcon alt wins"

>one cloaked falcon
Well, if that doesn't speak volumes about you guys...

>Pretending anything other than 1v1s matter
Back to blobbing kiddo

Give me a GOOD weeb guild to join.
btw i'm noob

Anime Masters, your knowledge will be put to the test.

WeebFleet. Don't listen to shitters, you'll learn to PvP properly with us then you can laugh at people whose killboard isn't 90% solo kills

join tengoo

tengoo is dead

Tengoo just changed its name into oruze cruise.
t. oruze cruier that just killed a structure, killed a few of the locals trying to destroy the structure beforehand and then looted 8b out of it.

>FC doesn't wait for you to salvage the structure wreck


>implying I didn't offline my heatsink in order to online my salvager in order to salvage the structure wreck and other wrecks in the system
I didn't let a single wreck go unsalvaged
Not one.

>loot log says you picked up a lot of weird items from that wreck user, are they worth anything?

How do I get a WeebFleet invite?!

How do you guys organize your stuff?

Why do you use secure containers?

>mixing upper and lower case


I think it's mostly station containers?
idk senpai
>having the 'tism

2 cans, loot and everything else. I'm only doing it so I can keep loot separate from other shit. there's no reason to put all your stuff in 10 different cans, you can just filter

I don't

Can I still play this on integrated graphics (intel 610)? Back when I played, walking in station fucked up the game.

>salvager takes 20 cycles to finish

>You trained salvage drones 5

Walking on station is no longer a thing, the game should run on a modern toaster.

That's how I play it. Set the game to minimum settings and you'll be ok until you have to recognize a wormhole. At that point, you have to set your shaders to medium in order to see the insides of it. Also killmarks.
But yes, it generally works on toasters.

Why'd they get rid of it?

because it was pointless

Nobody use it and it just made the game laggier.

I spent half my shekels (4m) on a PVE ship, went to some green anomaly in high-sec and left with more than twice as many shekels of stuff. How do these profits scale into low-sec?

They seem to scale adequately, but in lowsec you have to spend time and attention staying safe from other players.
The major exception are lvl 5 missions, which require many billions of isk and several characters to run properly, but they print money when done right.

combat anomalies are uncommon and have unpredictable loot, they aren't really better than running belts in lowsec I think

Why did they add it?

because of incompetent management/designers

Because they don't know what content is.

So they could sell character cosmetics

evemarketer.com works fine

‘Zeugma’ Integrated Analyzer


because falcon

Caldari !

anime is banned in caldari, gallente have best anime


Guess I'll wait a week before selling mine.

drake igc skin

>being a stupid nigger weeb in the year 2018
hello, 2001 called

>not living in spooky space

Which carrier should I buy?

>he only has 28 bil liquid

Please don't bully

did you warn them about 9/11

>Posting on Veeky Forums without liking anime
Hello, reddit called

>come back to eve
>see the new Crucifier hulls
>"hey, this looks pretty coo-"
>the guns are asymmetrical on the Crusader

they aren't

The new Crucifier looks like shit anyway. Dumb half finished aesthetic.

it's fine except for the camera being centered in mid air miles above it

Did they ever fix that with the blackbird hulls?

no, not the megathron either

The Blackbird is probably the best redesign. It went from looking completely retarded to being a slick stealth bomber type deal.

I agree, but I'd like to actually look at the ship rather than the big empty space underneath it

slasher has it too

I just finished maxing my ECM skills this weekend. I love the autistic rage I get in local

I don't think there's a better feeling in the game than making some elite pvp faggot completely helpless with ECM

kys, they're mad at the game

Is it best to stagger them in case they don't jam? They all work independently right?

Why would they get mad at the game over a completely fair and balanced mechanic?


it's best to put them on one at a time and see if the jam succeeds on each one. don't put any more jammers on a jammed target until the first cycle is over. if you only have 1 target then do whatever just put them all on at the same time it doesn't matter he's fucked

Is there a more pathetic group in EVE than horde?

>constant awoxes because they take everyone
>completely unable to do anything without calling for help from PL/NC
>”culture” is turbo reddit cringefest

Literally they’re only good for farming - both kills and salt. Hordelets produce even more salt than ganked highsec miners.

You know, I've wanted to go back in to spreadsheets in space, but last time I did I lost 2 nice ships due to rusty moves. Hell, not even sure I can get 1/2 my assets out of 0.0... or even if the map has changed in the years.

I've just been having fun in their drunk/kitchen sink fleets and its been nothing but a good time. There was one annoying sperg and he got muted+kicked from fleet