/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General

bait edition

Previous thread >Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.44.05.

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Strike the earth!

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First for still no 44.06

user's confession at the end of last thread made me wonder, what was your very first modded creature?
For me it was a squirrel with a dozen razor-sharp tentacle cocks.

Mine was pretty boring. Just tall, god-like humanoids called "titans". Their civ had the dwarven language and could shoot fireballs and chunks of granite as "spells". I turned them much later into essentially living roman-esque statues.

Intelligent land octopus like dcss octopodes

Figured out how [AMPHIBIOUS] and related tokens work, at least

How can a cock be sharp?

Im not that far yet, trying to wrap my head around plants first.

A race of quasi-undead giger monsters with varying castes and biotech abilities.



>amerigoblins as a civ
godspeed you magnificent bastard

As stale as these memes are, i'm eager to see bay12's reactions to this mod.

Dwarf with more detailed organs and body

alright i put the [EVIL] tag in creature_standard but this civ is still not hostile. what am I missing?

[EVIL] doesn't mean hostility. Its only effects are letting civilized creatures embark on evil biomes, and also adding adjectives when the creature's guts are spilled. You'd have to give their civ file ITEM_THIEF and/or BABYSNATCHER to make them hostile.

[EVIL] tag makes populations of creature appear only in evil biome


Yes, but that only applies to wild creatures - when it comes to civilized beings it only does what I outlined.

Has anyone played that robot mod an user talks about in this thread? Is it good or broken?

An axedwarf monster slayer just came into my fort.
He's wielding a book about surveying land instead of an axe.

I've got a diplomat vampire from the Humans just chillin' in my fort. If I just have my militia murder him, they probably won't be very happy about that, right? I'm already at war with the Elves, and I'd rather not have another one on my hands.

>the commie forest
Glad to see the anarcho-primitivists and the anarcho-communists teaming up

Great job

How do you clear out caves and catacombs /dfg/? When I take an adventurer into mazelike regions, I bring a bunch of seeds with me and drop them periodically. That way, I leave a trail I can use to find my way back out of the cave.



I would love if anyone wanted to do a creature file for this or any other contribution
Alone I am just a stick but together we can be a mighty faggot plus I'm really new at modding and its pretty daunting

>The Dark Nigger Fortress
It just sounds so funny

>only artifact is called Testshower

I wish you could change site names on an entity basis, cause that sounds more like a prison than a "dark fortress".

Where would we upload it, though? Wouldn't mind giving the feral jew night trolls mentioned in the last thread a shot, that said I have quite a few mods I released publicly and don't want to get banned for being a duke of poop.

just put it on pastebin anonymously and ill add it in to my files. eventually i imagine we will have a zip file somewhere like megaupload or something, idk. I dont want to scum up DFFD with this shitpost shenanigans

running a simple fort here, i just want to see a siege of amerigoblins

Is there any guide for modding


So, does this dfhack automatic job assignment thing not make anyone a hunter on its own? I'm a few years in and I've never seen anyone hunt, in spite of there being plenty of things to kill.

I've never fucked around with modding but creatures look easy enough that I might give it a shot.
I've got a couple idea for monsters, too-
Burgerbeasts (Or maybe Hamblobs) are huge creatures composed almost entirely around of fat that the Amerigoblins have tamed. Maybe they live in caves, I dunno.

Since you've added commies, might as well make them babysnatchers, fits in with the indoctrinating the youth thing

It'll probably end up better than masterwork desu

If there are commies, there should also be nazis who butcher the opponents they kill and use their hides for making leather jackets and jackboots.

Well, it was about time
Somebody please help this man

/dfg/, let's unite to create a common project again!

Fluff is essential in a mod like this one

Learn from modanon, and what makes his mod really cool. He adds knew stuff that replaces the old stuff we have always known

Consider changing the names of professions and really work on the description of things and beings

I volunteer to make the descriptions

nazies are logically a rare subcaste of aryans, obviously

They should have powers not similar, but of equal strength that of zionist jews

so far ive pretty much only edited creature_standard and entity_default.

good idea, yeah it definitely still feels like dwarves and not Aryans

Heres the two files ive got so far.
creature_standard: pastebin.com/KBr9qrHn
entity_default: pastebin.com/j74BBFuh

lets make it happen

i think we should also try and take out the fantasy creatures and keep it all "mundane". unless the fantasy creatures are burgerblobs or something like suggested

Well first thing Aryans should be size 70000 not 60000 or they will be manlets.

Chinks should have this [LITTERSIZE:3:10], as should Negroes to a lesser extent.

fuck, i need more beasts to kill, but there's fuck all coming my way
i even maxed out all those sliders during worldgen

great, done. more posts like this are good. specific stuff i can change
is there somewhere we can post this stuff that anons can edit collaboratively? i could probably make an account on pastebin and just update the files like OPFAG does.

This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever modded in.

Why isn't there an option to just cut ANY gemstone? Why should I have go through like 50 types of different ones when I really don't care about which ones they stuff into the pots they're making.


You can, in workshop orders. I don't remember the buttons, but it's the same menu that lets you turn on/off auto-loom.


we should have several types of Jew. im envisioning like 30 races of different edgy memes like Amerimutts, El Goblinos, Dindus, Niggers, Chinks Gooks Nips Anglos etc etc, and there can be overlap
Giga Nigga would be some kind of megabeast. Double Niggers in the caverns.

alright i guess ill keep the files updated here and i will add suggestions and contributions from the thread whenever i see them.

I posted the files for the feral jews and grabblers here

Projectile and interaction are both kinda empty, but they could be expanded later - was thinking of making a "jew overlord" megabeast or something to that effect with more interaction attacks and different projectiles/breath attacks.

I don't think you can edit randomly generated creatures like FB or MBs.

fucking kek
nice job ill add it
darn, well then a modified Cyclops or something like that, those can be edited.

>the militia get home after fighting some goblins
>the entire hallway is filled with dwarf blood
Well, I guess something must have gone wrong.

how rovery. merchants are unroading their goods

I've never modded creatures. Only small changes to civilizations and items, really. Making goblins playable and forging meat cleavers, that kind of thing.

Super strong playable elves with adamantine bones, gold skin, silver muscles and fast healing.

Double Niggers would replace Ettins obviously.

You can't forget about the rare deepwater Jew.



you could still contribute, do a few tweaks of Human and make Anglos or something like that

How about having several castes like le 52% face, le 20% face etc.? Dindus would of course have UTTERANCES tag and steal shit.


Need to sort those names out.

>textbook on the red revolution in china circa 1967

I'm dying.

yeah definitely. i made a script to translate language_DWARF.txt into german last night, but i managed to break the translation server.
its the mod that keeps on giving

oh lawdy what did i do wrong
this didnt work apparently

abnormal characters besides the 26 standard ones have special characters used to represent them. Its stupid and there's no documentation for it so either look for a human word with an umlaut and copy whatever wierd shit replaces it in the language file or just use a normal u.

alright. thanks

Genned a language file for the dindu civ -

consider google drive, if people want to make throw away gmail accounts for it. I would at least
Its a good tool for communicating quickly, and I would use anything before discord

Also, aryans should be 75000, or something, Like they are supposed to be tall blond strong people
Incidentally, blacks should be tall af, but skinny, so they'd probably be same size

>great, done. more posts like this are good. specific stuff i can change
If someone could please post a pic of all the personality traits from adv. mode creation system, I would try to think about the different races' cultures

Also, there will be mainly only four races, right?
Just to make it clear
also, we have subcastes for whites and jews, but mebbe chinks and dindus could have intersting subcastes.
There might be stuff there

top kek well done, ill add it to and update the nogs to use that language


>mainly only four races, right?
not necessarily.
i think having an absurd amount of races would be a good way to go.

Small trivia

Could you even delet prefstring from jews, so no one would really like them?

Yeah, you could actually. I think you could even give them VERMIN_HATEABLE, so people could hate them as well. Don't know why I didn't think of that, in retrospect.

Clearly Pajeets/Poo-in-loos need to be added.

>you could even give them VERMIN_HATEABLE
jesus christ my sides
this is true. All races should be added, we are inclusive and diverse here.

Give them super high-tech weaponry, too, since they'll be a superpower by 2020. Oh, and an elite "tech support" caste that can give viruses to hostiles.

I like that
for balancing, and to reflect differences in cultures

Blacks could be somewhat more powerful than the other races, but have many more decadent/useless subcastes
>Gibmoneys (extremely fat/weak, more prone to anger)
>Hard Nigga
>Mater Rappah (high musicality, and greed)
stuff like that

fucking hell

>''The Uncovered biography of Mao''

>we are inclusive and diverse here.
fuck you you made me laugh

God yes

Can you make them emit an invisible gas that affects other races and that make anything that comes in contact with them nauseous?
Paralellaly, they should be liked by ''The strong, actually quite pungent, smell of exotic spices and soil''

Is this just completely random? Why not use actual african words, or some shit?

I really want to make a 16th century yurop by modding the raws and using perfectworld, but I have no idea how I would make the civs start in certain locations.

> [T_WORD:ACRID:shit]

>Acrid ache = Shit boyz

I don't think the invisible gas thing is possible (though they could have it as an attack) - you can add odor strings, though, so when near one you can smell spices.

I genned it from meme words and a few names, thats why it looks bizarre. I could gen another, more sensible one, since I do have a swahili language file on hand.

make certain biomes in certain places and make them only appear in said biomes through the raws

I say you should use Zulu instead so that they can engage in some proper uSathane omhlophe ukubulala.

I'm hesitant to use Google and definitely agree about discord, I aint installing that shit. Trello maybe? I could set up a board and invite anons and you could all make accounts with throwaway emails, it would be easier to collaborate and have anons uploading and editing files in live time

I'd have to find a list of Zulu words then, I'll see what I can do.

Im definitely going
Im more than interested on
>Writing fluff
>Useless Ideaguy
>Browse /pol/, so inspired af

but make sure enough people are interested before doing it

>no grug in the meme mod
grog no make good mod!

discord has a browser client.


1.93 changes:
-Fixed issue with necromancers not spawning. New change as well. If you start as a black wizard you can gain the powers of a white one by reading a slab of theirs, but you cannot start as a white wizard and gain the powers of a black one later on. This is unfortunate but it prevents every NPC from eventually turning to the dark arts when there is supposed to be an even mix of good and evil technowizards.
-New playable outsider robots, the valkyries. Very skilled in all manner of combat and can fly, but very rare.
-New predator machine, the disassembler. Its big and has massive crushing claws.
-Protomasses have hair now. Well its not actual hair, they just craft their bodies to have protrusions resembling hair, but you get the idea.
-Some new helmets
-Only inhuman alphas can be kings, mayors, or expedition leaders now for inhuman civs.
-Change to stats. Originally they all had high skills in crossbows which was good when they were the only viable weapon, but now there are too many types to give specific skills to each race. As of this version sentient bots just have high fighter and archer skills instead, barring a few exceptions.
-Cyberwraiths can make themselves immune to being paralyzed or stunned for a short period, and recovery nanites can do the same to anyone who eats/drinks them.
-New large axe weapon found in Inhuman civs.
-Swamps given slightly more life.

Also I would like to say I am very happy with the enthusiasm and new ideas flourishing in this thread, regardless of what they actually are. You go you absolute madmen.

it could be user. it could be.
yeah but

>grug in the meme mod
just another small subcaste of aryans

might as well get sassy and add a weaker, manletter caste of aryans called 4channers if you feel like it

Shouldn't be hard, the language only has about 150 actual words.