SCP: Secret Laboratory

SCP: Secret Laboratory

EU server

Other urls found in this thread:

> thread removed 10 posts in
Mods are fags

Remember: You're not allowed to talk about vidya on /v/.

>mods now deleting threads

bump 4 mods are gay

Stop the meta discussion and discuss the game.

>3 scp threads on vg
good work mods , make all the boards mad

We can do this all day mods, fuck off

I think Veeky Forums is for waifuposting we dont do that here

to all the mods deleting/moving these threads I have some items that can further aid you with the issues you've been dealing with this past week.

or alternatively

Kind of hard to do when the mod is being a collossal faggot

this is quite hard to ignore since we can only get 30 replies each thread before it being nuked.

>Spawn as MTF
>Find red card in a cabinet
>Kill Peanut with a few other dudes
>Open nuke room
>Contain Larry
>Super gun Plague Doc and a few zombies
>Arm and activate nuke


71.63. 72.162 has 6 slots


Reminder /v/, this is officially a war now. We're fighting for our freedom.


You won't win against people who have more expendable IPs than you have patience or time

Really gonna spend your Saturday battling against weaponized autism? All because a tiny vocal minority of faggots can't handle a VIDEO GAMES thread on the VIDEO GAMES board? Reevaluate your life, please.

nice Veeky Forums thread. You made it in the wrong board though

You should just remake the entire animation at this point, my dude.



Veeky Forums is fucking retarded and a literal waste of a board, move our threads to Veeky Forums again because I can sit here all day shitposting threads

The OC just keeps getting better and making an easy pick for /v/ - the musical this year


face my weaponized autism reee

fukken saved.

i'm not the guy who made that first one, but im glad you like it

Just cooperate with other drawfag and remake the video, this is gonna be great

Micspamming hardbass has never been this fun

Veeky Forums is a containment board and it does it's job very well.

Mods deleted my thread.
All I want to do is discuss this Vidya and dive deeper into this senpai.
Hell I'm actually in the process of writing an SCP just cause it's actually fun.

>two O5 cards
>camped by peanut
>stuck in upgrade room
>stupid nerd
>no mtf spawning
pelase help

i think the mods are trying to tell us that vg is the place for video games and v is the video game flavored shitpost board, at least thats the vibe im getting

You can outrun him if you moonwalk.
EU server, join you cunts, I got like 6 Yous from people wanting a EU server

Why does doctor get all the great art?

Why are mods fine with /pol/ threads but not videogames?

Strongest SCP in game.


Well if they want garbage on this board, why not give them what they want

Bring out your best off topic posts, it's what they want after all

Becuase /v/ is now OFFICIALLY the non video games toilet board

This is your moderator, say something nice about him.

Honestly though, I'd say it's probably one or two mods that want to bring the threads to Veeky Forums, because threads past a certain amount of time die naturally

Either way though, the thread is kill as people are split between the general/s and the thread

Keep crying bitch nigga, we'll keep coming back and there is NOTHING you or hot pockets can do about it

Ah yes, the good ol divide and conquer.

Somebody made a doctor dick edit of him and it spiralled out of control from there. It helps he's the most fun the play as and has the airplane moldyboys.

>tfw no scp-2306 irl
feels bad

>get to surface as dboi
>ntf spaws ontop of me
haha outplayed :)

newfag here, what's the deal with hot pockets?

Veeky Forums is a board for single player games whose fanbase cant let it go (such as Kawata shoujo, Bioshock infinite and Undertale) and for multiplayer games with playerbase too small for a thread to survive on its own on /v/
Secret labs dont fit any

it's some american fast food that cucks eat

Yeah, it seems like threads made in the morning (EST) are the ones that get shoved to Veeky Forums, later in the noon and night they're left undisturbed.

Doc is the most fun SCP to play as and the only other SCP coming close to him is low HP Peanut

Mods are paid in hot pockets

Can someone post ALL ips we have so far?

>and for multiplayer games with playerbase too small for a thread to survive on its own on /v/
You mean like for example DBFZ or MonHun, the two biggest sellers this month? Are you retarded? Veeky Forums is for any game with recurring threads and ongoing discussions. No matter the popularity.

Larry and Peanut are fucking boring, Doc is Aesthetic as F U C K

Worth to play if I only get 40-50 fps on old laptop? How does the game handle 10-15 people running around in the same corridor?

Haha I saw you boi, I tried to let you escape even if I was a NTF

Actually I just escaped as science and shot you

You should be more worried about latency
You only have 15 people in the same place during the first 5 mins or during MTF spawns late game NA

Oh and apparently that mod just rangebanned the entire Orlando FL area

Mods officially S E E T H I N G
They will drop a ŕangeban to stop people from discussing a VIDEO GAME on the VIDEO GAME board, but won't do the same to stop people like Barneyfag, Ruggarell, Kroni, or any of the other career shitposting faggots from shitting up the board for literal YEARS, or rangeban the faggots who keep raiding /v/ and other boards with shit from /pol/

The absolute FUCKING state of Veeky Forums moderators

>for multiplayer games with playerbase too small for a thread to survive on its own
You're joking right?

>for multiplayer games with playerbase too small
SCP:SL does fit lmao, 1500+ active players. retarded dev wont even brag about actual playercount.

>You mean like for example DBFZ or MonHun
>Small playerbase
Are you stupid? Most MHW and Dbfz constantly hit the bump limit
Shit like SS13 and phantasy star goes to Veeky Forums because on /v/ those threads would usually get archived with less than 10 posts

>Oh and apparently that mod just rangebanned the entire Orlando FL area
Is this for real?

Maybe they woudn't delete these threads if you talked about the game?

>Oh and apparently that mod just rangebanned the entire Orlando FL area
works on my machine

Player base on /v/, not absolute numbers world wide.
Scp threads are hitting the bump limit in a couple hours each

>some of the most played games on Steam with 100k+ players at any given time have generals that hit bump limit in no time on Veeky Forums
>for multiplayer games with playerbase too small for a thread to survive on its own
>SCP has 1k players at any given time
It's official, SCP is for retards.

I suppose the host connection speed and location is what matters? Is the game still prone to crash/disconnects every other game?

Well that was fucking weird

I just want the mods to answer fucking questions.

What qualifies this to be moved to the containment board? Is it because of the avid and stark drama? Or is it simply because you don't like to see the game talked about for more than 8 days before deleting it?

If it's the former then I implore you to just fucking ban the crybabies and stop ruining it for everyone else. We wouldn't be having this drama if you would just leave us the fuck alone.


We do talk about the game when we're not being forced to Veeky Forums. Mods' bullshit causes this kind of backlash.

Anyone know what's being said in the main menu? I know one of them is something like "You might as well come out,we're all dead anyways" or something like that
But there's one that sounds like a general or something giving a speech

Did crash?

some phone networks have been banned by gook moot


t. MTF guard who had a red card, on his way to the nuke room

rip server after we fragged 173

Guys, what if we're an scp and they're the foundation, trying to contain us to our containment board?

me in the air there

I'm Doc-, Doc-, Doctor ____
And when you're feeling sick, babe, I know a trick
It's [DATA EXPUNGED], and it's [DATA EXPUNGED], you'll be feelin' all right
Hey, let's have [DATA EXPUNGED] together and forever tonight

I'm your Doc-, Doc-, D-D-Doctor ____
And I gonna heal you with my fabulous [DATA EXPUNGED]
So, undress, please undress, but don't be a sleeper
I will touch you, I will touch you, [MEMETIC COGNIHAZARD EXPUNGED]

Come on, please help me, Doctor ____
I need your love, I feel so sick
I need a kick and you're so big
Oh, doctor, please, deep, deep, deeper

Help me, Doctor ____
/v/'s fever's rising, please come quick
I know you know Jannie does it for free
Oh, doctor, please, deep, deep, deeper

Come on, help me, Doctor ____
Come on, doctor, help /v/ quick

Come on, help me, Doctor ____
Come on, doctor, help /v/ quick

I'm Doc-, Doc-, Doctor ____
Oh, baby, I can heal your nervous tic
So lay down, hey, lay down, I will check what is wrong
So, get a thrill, take this CURE, it moves you along

I'm your Doc-, Doc-, D-D-Doctor ____
I can make you feel good and you can make me big
And for sure, got a cure, cause you're not HOT POCKETS
I will touch you, I will touch you,

Come on, please help me, Doctor ____
I need your love, I feel so sick
I need a kick and you're so big
Oh, doctor, please, deep, deep, deeper

Help me, Doctor ____
/v/'s fever's rising, please come quick
I know you know mods do it for free
Oh, doctor, please, deep, deep, deeper

Come on, help me, Doctor ____
Come on, doctor, help /v/ quick

think so i got dc

Kill yourself

back up.

Memory leak crash

To me, it sounds the MTF briefing. They are being told to get into the Site and clean that up, their commander is just like "ok, we are dead"

what server do we move to next?

This really is a general now.

>SCP-4689 thinks it's a collection of individuals posting on a videogame image board.
Eh, not a bad idea.

jesus fucking christ it all makes sense now
Back get in here

I'll see you on Veeky Forums sweetie

Yeah. And one got banned because of Barneyfag. Can't believe it didn't stop the faggot.


DBFZ and MonHun both have Veeky Forums threads for acutally discussing the game and playing together, while v is just shitposting. Nobody actually wanting to discuss what they're doing ingame goes to v.

They won't listen to reason. They never do. They never fucking do.

He will learn soon enough that he is just making more work for himself and other mods who will have to fight his battle for him, and making the entire mod team look like complete asshats more than they usually are.

That range wasn't banned before that last thread was FOR FREE'd

I'll see you on /v/ sweetie