Which monarchy has/had the best crown?

Which monarchy has/had the best crown?

Best how? Best looking? I always was partial towards the French crown.

German Imperial

Alternatively the Holy Roman Empire, I like crowns that aren't round


Fuck Voltaire

Best looking, what a crown is meant to do

Holy Roman Empire, no contest

The Triregnum

Brazil imperial crown

It kinda looks like a really fancy chef hat. I like.

Russian Imperial Crown

Other Russian Crowns w/ septars and orbs

Why the HRE of course.

Yoruba Beaded Crown

~"WE WUZ KANGS!" rings out faintly in the distance~

The khepresh was pretty cool, I like the simplicity, plus it has a gold cobra attached. The unified crown of Egypt was pretty cool too.


I can't stand how gaudy pretty much all crowns are.

Comes closest to appealing to me, but it's still too crusted and overwrought.

i spel gud?

Austrian Imperial Crown

> Imperial crown
what do they have some tranny queen now? I thought they were some kind of shitty socialist democracy country.

>those random uncut gems
>that asymmetry
It looks like you gave a million dollars to an elementary school kid and told him to make a crown.

Those fuzzy hats 10/10
>Be royal as fuck
> Executing peasants
> Crown froze to your noggin
> "fugg muh crown eb stuc lik Amy Schumer to a blacc benis :((( "
> Take to happy crown merchant
> He attaches snuggly fur to crown
> Golden furhat is now 10/10 /comphy/
> Win crown fashion competition on some gay message board hundreds of years later
> Now happy merchant is king.. and you are squatting slav..
>Mfw never to golden fur hat again

What did the ancients mean by this?


>you will never be a Roman emperor with the most Veeky Forums crown ever

Crowns that don't look tacky as dick and had some artistic thought put into them


>color leaves with highlighter
>put leaves on head
Pagans, everybody.

kek, but I meant more the aesthetic of olive branches as a symbol of authority, not the shitty looking gold leaf of that particular one. It's not unlike the Christian halo after all. Jesus didn't wrap a hula hoop in gold and have some manlet hold it above his head, but it looks like that in some Byzantine art

I like them.


that you should see a therapist for seeing dicks in everything

Brazil was a very well respected empire for a while, try reading about it

The country went to shit after the last emperor got wrecked

güz ayında, kurultayda
başı börklü han görünür

kingdom of hungary
ignore crooked cross

Triggers my OCD.

I dare you find a bigger meme crown.

Solid memery

Puff pussy crown yo

This is actually a freaking fine crown. 9/10 despite the meme potential. The lion on top drags it down.

still sexy af
what about mesoamerican flavored crowns?

>Crown as shit as our current leader

t. Hungarian