Fighting Games General /fgg/

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play kolin

play puyo

Fuck Capcom.
Fuck SFV.

Honestly I just wanted to play some ST and was hoping saying something would prompt him to

Play succ

i'm going all-in on jive bros

you're not all in until you get all the chun costumes

>SFV has no neutra--

Play Weiss

Fuck dumb waste of money on a dumb ugly fucking game. I mean this in all seriousness, buy literally any other FG, anything is better than the fucking turd that is SFV.


you don't even know why you hate it


-BBTAG got an English dub bc of RWBY and the demand for the BlazBlue dub to return -Dark War localization is an idea, but they wanna see the game release first before looking at that -Mori still has plans for Central Fiction

What does Blanka scream during his v-trigger activation? I can't make it out.

too late

it's time to jive.

going to meme on people with blanka

play guilty gear bros

go my child

Every time I see a webm like this, it's always an Akuma player. Why can't they just not press buttons?

post cfn

be warned that this incarnation of blanka is honest and therefore low tier

>dbfz with with artificial difficulty
No thanks. DBFZ was boring as hell.
This right here is the point where Core A jumped the shark

Play Herds


he wasn't pressing buttons, he was jumping. Every single time there were no counterhits and only air resets.

Demons a best

Wanna play 2k2um now?

friendly reminder that all Lilith fans only like "her" for "her" boyish features.

>tfw 300iq was trying to teach me and all that happened is I was reminded I fucking suck

more like yukura lmaoo

anyone wanna play some melty?
i'm eu but i'll play up to d6


"lololol time to throw random full screen balls"

Have fun. I quit because Capcom burned me too bad over a game I actually used to like.

ye soon

Like GG or DBFZ?


I don't.

akuma players are used to doing whatever the fuck they want

As long as you want to improve, then losing a whole lot a times ain't too bad.

Play Nemo

Platinum is such a meme rank.

I need to start getting back into it soon. I usually make a new steam account to try out a new character and learn it online. But i think I am gonna go in hard again and just go back to Cammy.
I miss playing.

Well that's one thing, but being directly told lessons on how to improve and then failing to properly implement them on account of being stupid is another thing

They made a fuckin Remy figure?

[Spoiler] I couldn't take it, couldn't stand another minute, couldn't bear another post in /fgg/ without BBTAG in it

>artificial difficulty
thanks for letting me know how much of a scrub you are kid


That was exactly the problem slim had. He did kinda get better eventually, but it took years.

how do you feel about 3d?

holy YUCK

I added you, let's just get this slaughterfest over with
I've never played 2k2 before

Did I do good with this art choice?

yeah ok have fun spending your afternoons grinding training mode you derpy stonermax kid lmao

can we revive marvel so i can play dante

For comparison this:
Is a guy who is trying to mash EX DP but doesn't realize that he doesn't have any meter.

Disgusting. Play a real fighting game like DBFZ or Xrd.


cute boi

oh no I've brought great shame upon my honor

If he played on pad he was actually pressing buttons ;')

I strive to be like Nemo in both ability and smugness, I main Urien and use his suit colors, I study his VODs every day, I carry a gallon of water wherever I go, I've painted my bathroom mirror pink

i don't touch training mode and i'll bop anyone in this general in GG.

Best FG players :


I like 2D and 3D.

Nah. If you really wanted a slaughterfest we'd be playing UMvC3.

Post RWBY lewds to apologize

see that's what a fanservice character should look like

snk heroines looks so tame

when you have to lie to defend your own game you already lost

Nah it's shorter than that.

Some people are slow learners/late bloomers. That's just the way it goes when someone is shitty/new at something.

kemono dykes geimu wen

daaaaamn goobers btfo

>i'm bad
>so you're lying!
i wonder how low your iq is if you think you need to step foot in training room as a raven main. just lol

Is stonermax the hottest new /fgg/ meme?

Isn't the white-haired girl the fuckbitch of the male protag

>get into 2k2
>the only KoF characters you know how to play are either not in the game or banned boss characters

I'll atone for my sins with this
Punk really hates Rashid.

Based on her Story outfit

What kind of person is Falke and what is her profession?

>Black man is racist
No surprises

She's a dirty chink

no actually, she "kills" him latter in the manga

I would kill for a fighting game with beast humans a la Bloody Roar

and this

everyone hates that character.

Martial arts trainer for Neo Shadaloo, specialised with bo and batons.

Based Laura player.

t. Punk


Kula/Kim/Takuma ez af team for noobs

Haven't played 2k2UM in forever but I remember liking Kasumi and EX Takuma the most. That being said I still like 98 more.

Hold the fuck up.

How long has it been since we got a good round of sniff outfits? I understand the Monster Hunter crossover outfits are coming but we need some paid sniffs too bros.

That's what you get for not learning at least Iori and/or Beni.

Yeah. That is an old and very obscured figure set. Nash is in and I think Urien might have been.

I want to_______Cody!

Just refund it like a regular 200iq fellow fighting game playing person, dude. You didn't play more than 2 hours of a game you don't like, right? You didn't keep it for over two weeks, right? Just refund it. No one will judge. Just make sure to set your profile to 'private' so your two achievements aren't seen.


I just want that morrigan outfit for chun already.

That's a cute pussy. You are now a redeemed warrior.

>tfw Luvcheez stops playing with me after kicking my ass twice
Fucking really?