/vn/ - Underwear Edition

Visual Novel General #1895

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1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

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This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.


I love Medusa!


Im looking forward to it. Maybe it will hold me over till next release.

Awawa is pure.

If I look at any picture of Noah I hear "Senri, Senri!" In my head.

I love Suzu

girl underwear is a realm of its own

post your VNDB ratings

I want to FUCK that train


She was pretty cute. I usually don't like the airhead type.

>Purple Software

Best color

does she have a route?

She was extremely naive but experienced character growth and it was really cute. I was happy.

>reverse lolibaba

I only read moege

You are a 10/10 in my heart user.

Yoiko's butt is a miracle of the universe

Sorcery Jokers doesn't have routes but she does have an ending.

Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
And Chihaya is pretty nice, too.

Based moefriend


Mind explaining how it works then?

You're a good man

Yuuna is not really the light of my life.

I was memeing.

>they talk it up
>it's pretty average
Japs. When will they learn?

Give her a chance.

I love you, moebro

I haven't ever completed a vn so...


Basically the entire VN is linear with several points where you can choose which MC's perspective you want to read but it doesn't really matter since eventually you have to read both sides. After the story ends a menu gets unlocked on the title screen where you can choose to see endings for each girl. It's really just an excuse to put the H-scenes but it's better than nothing I suppose.



I wish I could be like you user. Moege don't satisfy me most of the time and all I can do is search for the next plotge to offer some decent quality, which becomes hard after you have read a fair amount. Keep it up.

I miss Irru

>cutest girl
>most focus on cover art and promotional materials
>not the main heroine
>not actually a heroine at all
I'm still mad.


You finish the game and then you pick who you want to fuck from the title screen. Like Chrono Cock.


She's already better looking than Midori imo desu

Worst girl worst route.

Wait, is this actually being translated?

literally me

>She made a show of taking another bite from where I'd taken mine.

I need some fucking insulin.

This thread is going too fast.
Pls stop

yeah i can't believe he died

No, thanks
Midori will always be my favorite and most perfect waifu
Her clone makes me kinda mad desu

Should I read this? I heard there are so many scene censored.

prepare yourself


You are autistic as fuck. Might as well stop reading VNs so you don't cheat on Midori

Wait for the eventual H-patch someone will hopefully make.

I like you

well fuck, I guess ill skip it.

I installed a quick and dirty h-patch that has MTL translated h-scenes. Also restores the censored CGs that were in the game already, like the onsen one.

I love you

I love used goods
especially Zakuro!

>he HASN'T stopped reading VNs after finding his wife

I don't rate things on VNDB

Her face annoys me...

>those little tiny bows at the ends of her braids
Too cute.

Its time to stop user. Your dedication has been noble, but the meme has run its course.


I only talk about Midori when Hatsukoi or Hoshi Ori is mentioned
I don't spam the thread

Man, lolis are the best.

go on

I love you, /vn/


I never said you spam it. I just refuse to believe anyone could actually be that dedicated to that stale bread that is Midori.


I can guarantee it's not a meme
I really do love Midori more than any other girl in any VN


Her "clone" is a straight upgrade though. Stop blinding yourself.


You and the rest of /vn/ are beautiful too.

>loves his waifu
>hasn't killed himself to be with her
I guess she will be alone

Y-you too

I-I'd want to read a moege together with all the moefriends here.

You guys dont mean that

>tfw I speedrun moeges half the time
I'd be no good in this case.

How do you explain love?

I really do user don't make me repeat it this is harassment.

>jannies banning wojakposters
It's over guys... Trip won...

i want to know what drove you to love her. It cant be anything other than looks, because she has 0 personality.
If its looks alone, its shallow but I wont judge.


Look what you've done, she's sad now.

Take's probably my favorite bro character, so I have to take care of his sister. That's the kind of logic I should employ, right?

about fucking time. Now if they only came here to clean up the loli chimps.

They have done it before.

Good one

You have the option of 3P with brother and sister

>he doesn't like showing his love for lolis
They only want pats and hugs, please don't treat them like this.

>Now if they only came here to clean up the loli chimps.
time to go back reddit

What are the best fantasy VNs? Dungeons and Dragons / MonHun / etc. kind of shit.

i don't play VNs, I'm just here to spread the greatness of lolis

I was replaying Grisaia and i just noticed what Amane's good end route name means. Don't even believe in an afterlife but i genuinely shed a tear.

I love lolis

I wish I had friends like DManon to play DnD with.
