/kcdg/ - Kingdom Come Deliverance General

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look it up faggot
there's dev blogs on youtube, loads of losers on twitch, funny moment and bugs compilations everywhere and webms floating around /v/ and /wsg/


May or may not fix/improve frame rate
Put this into launch options
>16 GB or more RAM
-heapsize 2097152
>8 GB of RAM
-heapsize 1048576

Old :

Other urls found in this thread:


>Sigismund King of Croatia and Hungary
>with a German general
>with cuman army
>restoring order in "Czhecia" or whatever the fuck

whats wrong with europoors and they call us mutts..

Reading is overrated


Yeah boys solved Pestilence correctly. Took me too long to make a decision tbx but at the end I was right.

patch today?

no. it will be out for approval 'later this week'


>drink Nighthawk potion during the day to see into a dark room more clearly
>all it does is turn up the contrast severely
>step outside
>I am in a somewhat dark room in real life too so my eyes are halfway between light and dark
>burns my fucking retinas
>my eyes physically hurt in real life now
Holy fuck what a mistake. Fuck you too Vavra.

how man quests do you have that you can't finnish?

I can't finish rob the rich give the poor because vaagabont is forever at the stake at town plaza.

I can't rescue Hare because I killed him before I even started the a sheep in wolfs pelt quest.

And some others where bugged but at least I could finnish them.

Maybe one of you knows how to surpass those bugs.

- Matthew & Fritz convoy ambush (Matthew doesn't have dialog option to advance the plan)
- Gallow Brothers (it's tied to above quest)
- Sheep in the Wolf's Clothing (Nicholas is gone, can't retrieve his horn)
- Rob the Rich Give the Poor (Vagabond in pillory)
- Lost in Translation (prisoner was in Cuman camp where they immediately murdered him)

Henry, please level up your reading a little more.

This game keeps insisting that I saved Theresa but I literally ran past her without doing anything when she was getting groped by the soldiers.

Is there an axe in the game that actually has good stats? With the maintenance 10% damage buff and other buffs I assume you can get one that can match the best mace in the game while still having solid slash damage.

Need a list of game breaking bugs & how to avoid them
Fucking my save for that broken to shit questions & answers quest is 8 hours ago

How can you tell which traders will accept stolen goods?

You look at your reputation. Is there a happy face? He will accept.

Without the perk, only millers accept stolen goods.

Could you mod the nanosuit into this game?

GOG torrent where

Maybe you got close enough for them to notice you and acted as a distraction. Personally I just ran up behind one of them and punched him in the back of the head then sprinted for the horse.

>modern bow
learning things makes the world so much less enjoyable

So I don't get the quest reward for At Your service my lady if I dont fuck that dirty slut? I want a neat shirt but I don't want to lose my Wizard achievement

Just don't change in front of her

The shirt isn't even that special, more of a memento than anything.

The shirt isn't even that great. It's looks faded and grubby compared to a regular fancy shirt, though its charisma is better.

Shirt hivemind.

But m80, you get changed behind her and she promised not to look.

My courtship with Theresa seems to be broken. Went on the first date river walk. Went well, she tells me to come back in a few days for another date. But it's no longer marked on the map even though I have it tabbed for tracking. Asking her again all she wants to do is walk by the river - again - but then goes about her aimless tasks at the Mill and never walks anywhere or follows me. I read that she goes to the tavern with you on the 2nd date but she doesn't seem to acknowledge we completed the first date, just jokes "it didn't go so well last time did it?"

Guess she's not that into me

you have got to be fucking shitting me

where can you find exotic eastern blade
i want to correct stupid weeb devs mistake in giving historically incorrect stats to katana by doing
youtu.be/4Cbv92_ZuJ8?t=5m55s this
100times over against to every peasant bandits steel i can find


he killed runt

Hans romance when

I wish you could interact with your parents graves after you've buried them. Maybe leave them flowers or something.

Post reaction Henrys

maybe momma was still warm and stuff?

mfw monastery quest

Did you Whistle for a horse? that gets their attention and she manages to run away.

Whats the best thing to wear here?

All the puffy combat jackets have the best stats but are ugly as fuck and rip instantly and costs hundreds to repair

I got this nobel hood which adds 2 charisma and clips like a bitch


can't finish Questions and Answers
infinite loading screen when I end talking with the prisoner

Just to point out because a load of people seem not to realize this, but you guys know you can rotate Henry in the inventory screen with K and L to get a better look at your gear, right?

we hope you enjoyed "Kill that one guy" the story of Henry not getting revenge for his parents!


>m'lady crow


fuck spoilers desu I loved the game but tell me

I'm about to monastery for the first time. After lurking this fucking thread in the past two weeks I'm genuinely scared and excited at the same time.

Who the fuck does that guy on the right think he is, touching Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor's hair like that?

pretty much every game that had a sequel? but they tell you the main story isnt over only in the sequel

its fucked up perspective. Dude is like "woah, m'liege"

>go on rampage
>manage to kill about 30 guards
>suddenly Nightingale spawns
>can't attack him
This games has the one most retarded mechanics I've seen.
This handholding, bushes with invisible walls and people bumping into you and blaming you really grind my gears.

Well I never! The pig turns up willingly for the slaughter?!

Why is combat so easy once you even get 2 plate items? I don't even use masterstroke and I'm still 2 shotting every cunt.

>people bumping into you and blaming you really grind my gears.
I really hope this gets patched or modded.

In that case it's understandable. I too would be awestruck in the presence of Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor.

How likely is it that we will get a sandbox mod/DLC by the end of the year?

Thrones mod on way



I know there's at least one mod to add greater numbers of enemies to encounters, but are there any that make opponents more skilled individually? I don't want peasants with pitchforks to suddenly become literally gods of combat, but you'd think that an experienced bandit or mercenary that has seen years of fighting would still outclass Henry, who has had only a few months worth of practice and training. By all rights, Ulrich should have been easily able to beat us simply from having so much experience in fighting over the years. You don't get to be his age as a fighter if you're not good at what you do.

Mankind Divided, because Square Enix are retarded.

>Vagabond in pillory
This fuck it.
I tried to beat him out of there.
Carry him away.
He always goes to stay back there for forever.

Release the patch now Vavra.

So am I supposed to get absolutely no money for turning in Cuman ears to Robard or did I get a really shitty bug? Slept at the inn after I killed two camps in the first quest area and reloading doesn't do anything.

Wait til you get the no more random encounters bug, that one is depressing.

Why are you guys moaning about the monastery quest, I haven't done it can someone care to give me a spoilerless review in why it amasses butthurt?

No reaction pic but
>my real name is Henry
Browsing this general is so fucking bizarre with "user" being practically replaced with "Henry"

>also for some reason my mother started calling me Heinrich years ago, which is Henry's name with german voices on.

COOL GAME and what causes that one?

Check out Hal over here.

Something to do with the Timmy or Reeky quests. Lots of people have had it including me.

>Whats the best thing to wear here?

Well for me, it was because it was bugged. A key event that you can trigger to get the "good" ending didn't trigger and I had to restart the quest about twenty times to get it to work.

I can't find more books. I have lvl 12 reading and can't find any book I've not read.

Good to see you, Henry.

What a guy!

Henry's come to visit us!

God bless you Henry!


Is there a way to fix it or is it something I just have to outright avoid? Now I'm reading that the no reward for Cuman ears bug may lock me out of all quest rewards. I'm going to lose my mind trying to play this.

>buy new chainmail from the armorer
>have one duel with a wanderer while fast traveling
>chainmail is now at 8% condition
I don't think this is how armor worked

Best to just wait for the patch. Or save before the quests and test if things fucked up depending on which option you picked.

Was it the big dick knight or the sissy one?

Guys, someone should take the whole scene with Father Godwin and add SMACK MY BITCH UP on top. Fits perfectly. And use the similar effects (speedups, [fake] fisheye, censoring, propeller sound) as the clip of the track:

I'd do it but I'm shit at editing and the game runs at 30 FPS max on my toaster

Big dick

What scene? The scene where I said no more drinking thank you father, and went up to bed?

>Went on a patrol with my bro, the Nightingale
>Next morning he wont look at me or even talk to me
R-rude! ;_;

>go to the monastert as novice
>dude tells me to get robe and leave belongigs
>do that
>nothing happens no new dialogs

Help ?

But it is for maille. Rings pop open, and even small holes decrease usefulness. But it's easy to fix again.

They need to do a DLC where you can play as a patrolman or a bandit or something as a no name rando.

If it was cheap chainmail then that's pretty understandable, that guy can be a cunt

that will be 29.99 plus tip

No I mean the entire scene that starts in the tavern and ends with Henry waking up with Godwin in the shed.

Basically this:


The game needs shorter dynamic-ish scenes like this if you get drink at a tavern to make it less boring.

is Mill PeshEgg's practice lock box the one we can put stuff in for him to sell?

if yes, how long is the wait for conversion?

I am honoured you would come to visit me.

Ah, that makes sense I guess. Still, Henry told that noblewoman as if he had fought them with the sword. Also,

>mfw found a necklace worth 1k in a fucking tree

Planking was popular in the 15th century

Is it possible to fix stuff that's on red or 0?

When will this kusoge be on sale?

>Henry, I need you to infiltrate Shadow Moses island, rescue the President and destroy the ultimate weapon, Metal Gear.
>100 groschen

>poach a boar
>1000 groschen

They took it very seriously