/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #91

What it feels like to be straight in /vrg/ Edition

>General VR Resources

>Oculus Rift Setup Guide
>HTC Vive Setup Guide
>Recommended VR Applications/Games 2018
>VRChat Resources and Tutorials

Previous Thread:

How do you bypass the audio clamping in the SDK

First for do you like my hair

You know what they say. The pricier something is the better it is, go so for the Vive good goy- fella!

traps r a gay

Was the guy asking about headsets. I'll start looking into an Oculus then! Thanks guys, can't wait to be gay with you all

>expects literally anyone to tell you how do to this
Why the fuck would you want to?

nth for supportive funky kong

>Have animation that plays sound
>Only 1 sound plays out of all of them

Rift has better controllers but they typcially need 3 sensors to compete with vive tracking and their play space can not be as big as the vives
since my vive came with a free fallout 4VR and a 100$ best buy gift card it was only 40$ more so I went for vive

>this is somehow relevant
Nigga what? I'm going to take a wild fucking guess here and say that you are trying to make a sound lounder because you can't hear it?

I have the SFX sound maxed and the music on Gaia Night is louder


>can't wait to be gay with you all
You'll want the Vive then, for body tracking and dildo-shaped controllers

>world map is louder than localized avatar sfx
user there is a reason audio has a maximum. stop trying to play shit on loud worlds. thats like asking for a louder phone when you are at a heavy metal concert

Selling pantsu, $5 each or one bag of high quality catnip.


Playing a loli is fun but eventually I have to take the headset off and be a 30 year old balding man.

The contrast in my double lives is only making me more depressed.


If the sound is too low even at 100% sfx you need to amplify the source file

Shave it, grow a beard, go to the gym.

Reduce the contrast, then.
VR socks

you can't live both. You have to chose.

Playing an anime grill with a close circle of friends is fun but eventually I have to take the headset off and be with a sociopath of a wife that's only interested in making things in her image.

The contrast in my double lives is only making me more depressed.

We can't live in fantasy forever, user
Eventually we all come back to the real world

people reported me cause in steel n gold i kept killing the filthy casuals

press f

>Fink it :---DDD

>sociopath of a wife that's only interested in making things in her image
Why are so many women like this.
Like half the people I know who got married ended up living with some kind of artificial intelligence hellbent on turning the universe into copies of itself.

>a shapekey literally called rape eyes
wew lad

It would help if most of the audio played at all. Only like 2 of the 20 instances of sound over 20 seconds even play and I can't adjust priority or anything without the SDK just setting things back to where they are

The source is really fucking loud and trying to increase it would probably just result in artifacting

>some kind of artificial intelligence hellbent on turning the universe into copies of itself.
saving this

How do you even manage to get kicked in this game. You have to have just been a dick or something dude.

Step off my market

you guys made me feel guilty for flirting with vrfus and making my bf jealous

>How do you even manage to get kicked in this game
"half the users" = literally 2 dudes who were butthurt that i was beating them in a game


Username Alias
Pass 6969

>Tfw no one wants to give my avatar hair bones even after I offer to pay


Yuru's panties are too good.

why does the menu music have to sound so sharp and awful

No, there's probably a reason why no one's PMed me yet, most likely it's just too hard. If it's too hard for the pros, it's going to be nightmare fuel for me who doesn't even know how to make a bone.

Divorce her retard.

>spending your time with someone you hate
>time you'll never get back

>you guys made me feel bad about toeing if not outright crossing the line of emotional infidelity
Come on son.

be there in a se

Shit, I should be on in an hour or so. Are you still going to be on then?

Would I have to be a Blender Wizard to make a model from scratch since the character I want is from a 2D game?

Emotional infidelity is bullshit made up by control freaks. My friend's fiancee used that shit to get him to stop hanging out with me after she got pissed we went to get ice cream without her.

Sure am, user. I'm playing onward in the meantime though.

Does being gay in VR make me gay IRL?
I've suck a lot of VR cocks (as an anime girl) but outside I have no gay thoughts and feel perfectly comfortable with my gender and orientation.

I don't think the Proteus effect has any power over me.

give it long enough
they all fall in the end

The Proteus effect just made me more comfortable with certain aspects of myself. It's not like I'd never fapped to traps before.

It's a tool abused by emotinally abusive people, but it's also a part of healthy relationship boundaries. I hope your pal ended up dumping that lady before marrying her.

I'll never know, they said they'd call the cops if I ever talk to either of them again.


Holy shit dude. Trash taking itself out I guess.

>keytar greets everyone
>even the afks
>except me
>then leaves

Post the hair

You're reading into this way too much buddy holy shit.

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! I have a third sensor shipping!

And now the bad part; I'm sending off my headset to support tomorrow so I won't have it back for up to two weeks.


If you've ever seen me in-game using the SSJ3 Goku from FighterZ that Dankmemes made, I want it to be like that. Although I'm pretty sure Dank told me that hair has 40 bones.

gonna desktop it for a while?

>going out for ice cream with a friend is the same as vrfu flirting/lewding with thirsty guys rping as anime sluts

Probably; It'll give me some time to work on a model too, but testing without arm tracking is gonna be a bear.

all these voice changers, my god

robots are funny tho

anyone? I figure it hasss to be easier to start from scratch than to Frankenstein the shit out of it

Good night!

If you have a front and side view of his sprite I think you can import them into blender as flat images and hide/unhide them as you model as a point of refernce

I asked last thread and it's been a couple of hours so, how do I join meetups? I have to add someone right?

Yup, if no one else replies I'll be on in like 5-10mins after I'm done uploading these avatars and you can add me.

IGN: Kizzy

loading into an instance, but join on me, most anons are in a pub void, critical mass hits in a couple hours


Well now, this is new. Was able to upload an avatar no less than 3 minutes before this one too. What does this error mean?

It means the servers are fucking things up and you need to wait a while for them to unfuck themselves before uploading again.

So it's not a fuck-up on my end?
That's a relief, for once.

Ok, I'll join in when I can figure out my audio settings.

That's right user, take it easy! It's all Tupper's fault.

Blender newbie here. Is there a way to add the Body.001 to Body so there's only one?

select them both in the main window and press ctrl-j

>merge it
>join it
>parent it
>fix it

Thanks Tupper

Thanks user!

Thank /vrg/.

>room so cold my headset steams up when I put it on

post your name, we're in a pub so i'd like to know who the random fucks are

Two Nukes Wasn't Enough new host, same pass

Is it normal for my gun not to show up in the mirror? It's not the 'body' glitch.


You're cute.


You still here?

Gotcha, jump in on me whenever


d-delete this

Add Diane Feinstein on Steam, private profile, for invite

You just keep being cute though.

promotional image to make post more appealing
steam url is undeadorb



How do I attach meshes to each other in unity? I'm making a futa avatar and I need to put a dick on it.

We did it! team assembled
Also pictured: Hideo Kojima

place it where you want it, and then make sure its a child to the hips I guess