World of Warcraft General - /Wowg/

Hypno edition

WoW Token Price:

Blood of Sargeras to gold:

the world (of warcraft) needs more gnomes.

Who is worse, hypno fag or vore fag?

what the fuck am I looking at, where are the arms????????

I have read somewhere else something strange about the arenas in BfA, but I can't remember exactly what or where, anyone knows what are the changes to arenas in BfA? thanks


hypnotize gnomes to do your bidding, and when you're done with that, help me hypnotize draenei girls for my saliva farm


Why are alliancebabs so dogshit at PvP bros?

I don't get this image, is it supposed to be funny or something?

KHF mascot, friends!

Hope you've all had a good day, and have a good night! Love you all!


I am more and more starting to believe that EU posting is better than NA posting if this is the type of shit that goes on during our hours.
t. a fucking burger

white hawkstrider

Hypno fag, always.

Hope you enjoy filtering the OP haters!

Nice try Mohammad, but Americans are too intelligent to fall for your euro tricks.


cool op

I love the animation of Bone Spirit, it would be great if they make the affliction spells look more like ghosts and spirits, something more related to death in the spells animation, also DoTs having some kind of animation like souls tormenting the enemy or something

Draw some hypno more elves next!

thanks tink

Hypnofag is literally the new draeneifag. If it's the same person, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Nice Draenei!

Arms warr or frost DK which is better in battlegrounds?

too flashy or just meh?i can replace the chest with a red one for less gold

>hurr durr mohammad
>americans too intelligent

hahaha fucking amerimutts god

Purge all hypnognome filth.

Boot model sucks, sword doesnt match mog at all. Tabard doesnt work with gold.

Also never wear a tabard with an "Incomplete" belt like that that doesn't use the whole space, the random gaps look like shit.

Are you going to deny the utter fucking shit quality of /wowg/ at this time? I'm just stating the facts.
Either that or it's those fucking Aussies.

what are these two about to do?
theyre being very public about their flirting and its annoying me

I love when I have 20 ping and it still takes ten fucking seconds for the game to register me talking to an NPC

I liked the warcraft movie

so did I, not afraid to unspoiler it too, pussy

stormsnouts are herbivores

they could use the new death magic from the witches in Drustvar in the new spell animations of the Affliction, that blue-black magic

Spit on them.

fuck this stupid maze
i've been in here looking for the last orb for like 30-40 minutes

It was terrible, but not completely terrible. I can see how if you knew nothing about warcraft going in it would jsut seem like a weird shitty fantasy movie.

It's a complete mess.

youre my favourite gnome, tink

speak of the devil

now what

Both Hypnofag and footfag.
Might as well throw "macro fem human butt best butt"fag in there as well.

Target them and wait.

Shadows gather.

Thanks,I'll stick to my classic mogs and delete the clown suit

holy shit, blueno?

Consensual love with fel gf

Use the fucking shoulders from AQ40 jesus christ

what a disaster

i think this nigga just got ninja logged on

cut her and rape the wounds

fuck off


>listed under neltharion's lair

if you're this dumb you shouldn't be running dungeons

Ironically more of a shitpost than what I posted!

>keeping 4 wowhead tabs open

Doing gods work.

How do I get back into playing a dusty old 110 that I forget how to play? I'm at 850 ilvl and I don't even remember my rotation. My weapon is like 847 ilvl. Where do I get relics before argus?

>Using chrome.
Literally no issues on Wowhead using firefox and ABP. Ditch your meme browser and stick with the old reliable.

>hehe dude im a mascot :333 please notice me :33333


>muh botnet....muh ram usage...

Just wait for bfa

>in current year
what class?

wow what an argument!

I mean no harm, user, please

jokes aside chrome does use a metric fuck ton of ram up for some reason, especially if you have 8 gigs or less and already have WoW running.

the cutest! :3

I hate this class mount so much. Just look at those tiny fucking arms, what the fuck

I'm bored what should I do bros?

the reason is to track you and collect all kind of information about you and what you do what you watch

Why are draenei so cute????

>he doesnt have 32gb of ram


ask draenei girls for their spit, it tastes good

>muh botnet...mozilla promised they're the good guys....

Get Ogri'la and Skyguard to exalted


are you fucking retarded I'm not even the same user, I guess yes, you are fucking retarded


Why is user so cute?!?


Kill yourself already plebbit cunt

I fell in love with someone from wowg today and it sucks they will never know and even if they did would never reciprocate it. How should I take my life?



Exile yourself to the frozen wastes of northrend and perish in the cold snow

Those feet must be so cold, let me warm them for you

who tho?

You all look like a sturdy lot. Hmm... could use another rogue or two, I'd say... but you'll do!

hai mific waiders :3c

You're a fucking retard, is what you are.

I cant say. if they found out and then rejected me my heart would hurt so much worse and i know for sure they would

>tfw no femsaken gf

Fran a cute.

Queen elf??





My new girlfriend REALLY did not like the pistol shots I've been dishing out.

Something seems off here.