/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >12M download campaign
Master missions giving out 3 fragment permanently
More exclusive lines for costumes

>Kiara is always in the gacha
3 Lostman
4 Suzuka
5-6 Lip
7-8 All 3
9 Lostman
10 Suzuka
11 Lip
13-14 All 3

7 gold servants getting SQ
Kiara, Marie, 1 Rider, Scheherazade, 1 Assassin, 1 Lancer, 1 unknown class SSR

>Release of FGO Camelot Stage Blu-Ray and DVD Gatcha
Gawain, Lancelot, Bedi and Tristan always on rate up
Artoria (Lancer): 3,4,5,7
Mordred: 3,4,6,7

>Winterfest 2018 Giveaway
Log in every day of the campaign to get 10 quartz, 7 chains, 2 lamps and 1 scarab

>Winterfest 2018 Gatcha
Nitocris (Caster) is always on rate-up
Cleopatra: 3, 5-7
Ozymandias: 4, 6-7

March 2018 Monthly Mats
>Forbidden pages
>Proof of hero
>Yggradasil Seed


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View listdocs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:





She will receive the SQ r-right?

>Robin calls (You) Master in the traditional sense
>he calls his old man Master "danna"
>which is a term used most commonly for husbands

They stuck together for a 999 years, they probably tried everything they can.


How do I keep my mud from spilling its food


Don't mind me.
Just here to make Quick teams relevant again

Now give us any idea how.

Parvati SQ tonight lads. Look forward to it.

>not Avicebro

Yeah, but it's a rough equivalent of "dude" in delinquent talk. It's like calling someone aniki. It doesn't have to mean both came out of the same pussy and sucked the same breast growing up. It's just a figure of speech.

Anata can mean "dear" or just plain "you"
The same applies to danna,it just depend on context


delet this

>Anata can mean "dear"
It can't. That's what translators translate it as, but the meaning of it is always "You". Just because married wives refer to their husbands as "You" in Japan doesn't change that "You" into "Dear".


"Danna" makes perfect sense for someone who also uses "otaku." It's just his speech pattern.
Now, if he had said "danna-sama" we'd be having a different conversation.


>Its been seven months since I read all of translated mahoyo
>still zero progress on it
Out of all the ''otaku'' fanbases in the west, typemoonfags are the worst.

Too many problems with them for one servant to fix
>shit NP gain
>NPs in general not being as relevant
>Role fulfilled by a CE
They would have to do some of the following to fix Quick
>Make Quick servants have a bonus Crit Modifier
Highly unlikely
>Make Quick Servants NP better than Buster/Arts to compensate for low NP Gain
Too much work, please understand
>Rework Quick cards and change their 3 in a row mechanic
Basically a retooling of the 10* mechanic. Something to put it closer to Buster. Perhaps a bonus Crit Modifier placed here. Would be possible to do, and not much work would be required from DW. Although I'm not sure if this would fix the plight of the Quick servants.

Most translators try to not get themselves stuck in Nasu's mumbo jumbo shit fes as much as possible

Make Quick cards gain star priority. If there is more than 50 stars, every 2 stars can give a 10% chance for a Quick NP to Crit. Or just let them carry over.

Rider support is the worst idea after Berserker support

Ryuunosuke also calls Gilles danna

There are quick memers with insane np gain though

The first part does nothing. The reason Buster Meme works is because Buster has support from Merlin and the 3 in a row Buster buff.
>If there is more than 50 stars, every 2 stars can give a 10% chance for a Quick NP to Crit. Or just let them carry over.
Actually interesting. With breakbars it's not like hitting a 500,000 would be too obscene and it would add some reason to use 3 Quick cards. Although, RNG type mechanics typically rank much lower than more consistent ones.

Honestly, feel like having Quick cards have the ability to "overcrit" by allowing them up to 200% and maybe allowing Quick NPs to crit by absorbing some amount of starts could have their damage be plausible.

>Top rider has 2 aoe buffs.

Yes, Maid Alter being the prime candidate. Though I was thinking mainly about Arts Meme when saying that.


Ummmm, is that....


post more

That;s my wife.

What did I miss since Marie's SQ?

Ozy is better for being a damage dealer


Who's ready for Bryn to get her SQ today? Her 2nd skill will be fixed.

Cute harlot.


wow, nero looks disgusting

What the fuck is that face.


honestly if they added 20% party crit up to it she'd finally be the offensive support lancer she always wanted to be.
She's not getting it though.

Does this mean no kings for the following SQ since schez murdered them?

Even most Quick memers struggle to get past 30 or 40 stars on a good turn and even if your Quick card is doing 3x damage it's less damage than a Buster crit.

Realistically speaking, who can beat a serious Illya who is fighting for her friends?

>shit NP gain
Most of them are good enough,Dantes/Jack/MHX/Daiz/Kintoki/Hime are particularly fast
>NPs in general not being as relevant
Quick have the biggest modifier,their NPs are the best to depleted 1 bar without needing crits

The problem with Quick team is
1-Good NP but they have no 3rd party buff to enhance it(Merlin/Tamamo).Scat/Atalanta do have the buff but its last 1 fucking turn and they have 1 more problem
2-Hard to sustain in long battle.Most of Quick support skills are scattered through multiple servant,Tristan have AoE dodge,Atalanta AoE buff etc. but no fully fixed support that can do all.
They """""""tried"""""""" with Hime but she also have problem and her def up/HP up are so fucking low in number.

If they gave Hime this following things,i would use her more.
>AoE NP charge/Quick up
>Def up all/Atk up all/Star rate up
>Def down/dispel buff
>NP-NP gain up,1 time Dodge,Heal,Quick up

What is this expression trying to convey

having Quick crit harder or any variation thereof wouldn't solve the problem, all it would do is either make Quick crits the new meta or make them still inferior in damage dealing to Buster which has a way higher base damage multiplier in the first place. Quick NPs critting also wouldn't solve the problem, burst damage isn't the current meta but survivability. Stars would need more uses, more ways of sapping them that you can't supply them with double Merlins and 2030s alone and you actually need that Quickshitter team. If every skill in the game cost crit stars to use, then Quick might be balanced. Might be.

Instead they gave it to fucking Marie

>tomoekeks are this autistic

Pretty much everyone that's half good. You did ask "realistically", and realistically, fighting for your friends means jack shit.


Look at the bubbles coming up. She just ripped ass in the water and is letting Hakuno smell them.

Not a servant that's for sure. She is above servant level after all.

Oh I'm aware that he's better for it.
But he also shows that on principle it can certainly work and is more hopeful than a support berserker.

>Quick have the biggest modifier,their NPs are the best to depleted 1 bar without needing crits
The issue is that due to stupid game mechanics, it's possible to get just as much if not more damage out of a single crit as an NP.


NIKUI hakuno and his Imperial Privilege (Wank) EX Nero


ESO ES...?!!


Gaint 1st human or No Body Bleeds in Paradise??

Is that why you drew that?

Did you really forget Parvati?

NPQQ chains gives her 65% Np refund+ 65stars (Skill 2). More if crits. She is quite good.

>fighting for your friends means jack shit

Everyone here tries to forget that nightmare of a mess

It's from kikebook retard.
>inb4 based facebookspy
Facebookspy out :^)

>it's from facialbook
So you did draw it. Otherwise you'd link.

What would this kouhai do if I tell her I love her?

>Vlad (Dracula)
>Fran (Monster of Frankestein)
When are we getting Van Hellsing Assassin/ Archer

She had to a SR so that Dark Sakura (Durga/Kali) is the SSR one. Although even as a SR she's quite good only let down by her low ATK stats which can be countered with Grails.

Will she be Boudica Morado Blanca?

anyone, as long as its not the end of the story arc yet. She loses as long as its not time for the enemy to lose basically.

Final boss can't lose until final battle. No matter what you do to final boss before the final battle, you won't beat him.


>set in a parallel world where the Masters are babies that Servants Nero, Tamamo, and Altera have to take care of.


I just finished organizing Veeky Forums/twitter/pixiv images that I've saved.

Any requests?

Gudao x Gudako

>SEAnigger profile

Her skills are shit because she's only good for one round of burst damage. Don't blame her being trash on low attack or being an SR. There are lots of amazing SRs, she is not one of them.

Phantom of the Opera?

>Nero constantly fucks things up and causes trouble
>Altera wants to help but too autistic
>Tamamo ends up having to do all the work and is always on edge
>Redman drops by every now and then to help out


base facebook spy

I can’t believe I fapped to this

Is is possible to infinte spam NP with Lancelot/ Tamamo/ Tamamo??

so she spamming her NP 3/5 turns with that 60% AoE charm and NP refills is nothing to you?

Give me an Arjuna for my folder.

You don't need charm for farming


Please don't sexualize Enkidu

Who even rates servants based on farming? Use your berserkers and JDASLs for that. I won't suggest her for farming huge HP bosses myself.



>spamming NP 3/5 turns
>can only get 65% on a perfect set up NPQQ chain with her skills active
>AQQ also isn't enough to fill her gauge with a perfect set up and all skills active
>can only give herself 10% from her own NP gain skill because she loses 10% for using it, which is why it's optimal for use on other Servants, not Parvati, and it still sucks either way
You can at best get her to NP once every four or five turns unless you use Merlin or Waver, and at that point why even bother with a Quick Servant?
>60% AoE charm
Worthless garbage. Cointoss charms suck shit.

Just make it that NP card also get critical, trick is now Stars get split among 6-8 card instead of 5

uh oh