/pcrg/ - Princess Connect General #10

Pastebin info

Reroll guide

Card rankings

Skill Translation

>How do I download it?

Download the apk then install.

>Why can't I level up my characters anymore?
You can't level them past your player rank.

>What is the highest rarity?
*3 as of now, you can use Memory Pieces to rank up cards of all rarities up to *5.

Previous thread: >> 206815596

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A small mistake was made.
Previous thread:

Thank you


Human Llama was announced.


So limited Llama for the inevitable PrincessFes? I suppose she'll be Nozomi 1.5.

The llama meme could only go so far on its own

If they're smart enough to play the Uzupaca card during the SS collab we'll have Llamas for a long time.







My prayers were answered, we're alive again! Or, well, at least on life support.
Yui is cute! C U T E !
I'm glad this game is back up, now we get even more cute fanart.
Also Eriko's cute too, I guess.

Reset soon.

I love Jun so much.

I can't decide if this is retardation or just plain depressing but this is real sad for sure

Always do your normal gacha. Also, Mifuyu is very cute. I'm definitely going to 3* her.

Excellent taste. I really hope they do something with hard mode drops soon. Being able to farm a maximum of three memory pieces a day is horrible, especially when you can very well end up with 0.

I feel like Very Hard Dungeons are the only way to actually get memory fragments from outside of the shop/whale stones.

What are the drop rates like in the VH dungeon? I haven't unlocked it yet. The hard dungeon doesn't seem very practical, either.

I get 2 random Memory stones every 2-3 chests. I've had some back to back before, but the money you get from it and the materials makes up for it as well. Plus if you have the P2W package you can easily get 15 memory fragments a day from the shop, after refreshes.


Please shitpost more to keep it alive!

Anyone have some tips on how to beat 6-3 (Shizuru memory fragment stage)?

Either level up your team/equipment or get a different team composition. There's unironically no other way given the limited nature of the game's gameplay. What's your current team composition and level?

Beat it. Problem was Anna being in position 3. When I added another DPS in front row things went smoother.

Here's hoping they're doing this to get the llama out of the way early and we won't have to see her for a long time.

Now you're just being mean. Rima is a good girl.

Yiff in hell


Peco-chan is STACKED.

this thread will go down as one of the saddest attempts at splitting a game

So lemme get this straight, she didn't originally have a name, and pretty much just went with what the other two decided to call her? Sounds about right. Also those bite marks on her sword, I know she's a fatty and all, but wow.

Later in the chapter 4 Kyaru nearly gives away her true name before correcting herself.

Is reinforcing equipment at rank 6 a good idea? Seems like it will be around for awhile

Not unless you're stuck at a wall and completely unable to progress. And when that happens it's usually more a team composition thing than an equipment thing. Think about gearing and leveling different characters that suit what you need for that level.

new gacha when?

In 12 days, give or take a few.

gbf is better

GBF has a lot on Priconne but I like how this game is basically a VN with a ton of crossfates. If they release semi regular updates on character interactions I'll enjoy it as a side to GBF.

who's new characters?

do I better save gem for it?

I only had 3 *3 and some decent *2

Best knight.
Best danchou.
Best Power Ranger.
Best wife.

Look at the unimplemented characters on the site

How do you beat lv 5 mana quest? My rank 7 nozomi just evaporates to the poison plants


Dead at least until the first event starts.

I hope you're not deluding yourself into thinking people will discuss the event here

Why not?

Glad someone made a new thread, because /mbgg/ is insufferable, but we should probably update the OP. The reroll guide link doesn't work and the FAQ hasn't been updated in a while it looks like. Story translation links and stuff should be added somewhere too. Looks like someone is translating the story on the english wikia:

Also Eriko's story user translated should go somewhere:

Post real Jun

For anyone unlucky enough to find this thread, head over to the actual Princess connect thread if you want advice or discussion instead of bumps. All the resources here are outdated versions of guides made there anyway.

Hadn't noticed the reroll guide was broken. Anyone have the original picture or at least a different variant so owe can reupload it?

Seems a lot of the stuff in the OP is a repeat of the pastebin info, we could probably just take the pastebin, trim it down a bit to be more of a FAQ-like thing, and all the particularly relevant info be in the actual OP.

fast reroll has been broken since the 26th patch

What level are you? 50+, with all characters at R6/7, should be enough. I haven't done it manually since 3-starring it, but I think I used Yukari for her heal and magic barrier. I remember needing high magic dps to get through that turtle fast, before their backline killed me off, too. I used Anna, and maybe Misaki.

what team are you currently running aside from nozomi?

Not him but Yukari only blocks magic damage and the only magic damage from those levels are from the midget casters. The plants do physical damage.

I know, the barrier is mainly for those casters and the heal for the poison. Lowering the incoming damage, whatever the source, should help.
But ya, just do more dps and upgrade all of Nozomi's equipment, if you haven't already.


I support you. Keep the fighting llamas alive.

I don't know why anyone has a problem with this thread, it's comfy and only has that one autistic /mbgg/ shitposter that acts like a jealous ex-wife shitposting here out of desperation. I guess it's not worth trying to make sense of mental illnesses.

>I guess it's not worth trying to make sense of mental illnesses.
This is exactly why everyone stopped trying to figure out why you're so desperate to split the threads and force everyone to shitpost to keep the place alive

/mbgg/ is just autists calling each other autists, and shitposters calling each other shitposters.

Are all 4 current guilds full?

The only one trying to force anyone to do anything here is (You). Why don't you go back to your shithole and let this place live, die or whatever, in peace.
And take your meds while you're at it.

Grancypher has an 2 inactives that can be removed to make space if you apply.


Latest guild has plenty of space last i checked

How do you beat Very Hard dungeon boss? How do you beat double door?

>How do you beat Very Hard dungeon boss?
Cheese it with healers.

>How do you beat double door?
Either bring magic resist tanks like Kuuka/Jun or cheese it with only 1 tank and the rest of the party as mid/backliners only.

So Pudding/Kuuka/Monica/Suzuna/Io?


Doors aoe the frontline so you don't want more than 1 frontliner without a good reason. Replace one of the tanks with a DPS, or maybe heals.

Ok, ill remove pudding for Chika/Yori?

There's a fourth one now? What is it?

Do you have Yukari? I think she'd better. Heal and magic barrier.

Last Order iirc

My 3* are Io, Monica and Tank/DPS girl. I have all 2 and 1.

If you raised Yukari, ideally at least 2-starred and R7, see how that goes.

I have a suspicion Last Order is actually just me, Leader-kun, and his several alt accounts as of now

Soon right after I get to reading her stories first though

cute doggo


>read through story translations on wiki
>notice playthrough videos up top are subbed
damn, I hope this based nigga does all the character episodes eventually too.


Pricum should of been turn-based with control over your abilities

>check history
>1 lose
>check replay
>i win


Just wait for the inevitable collab with GBF featuring the llama as the event unit


Holy shit this made me spit my cola onto the keyboard from laughter


>loli eriko
Please my dick can only get so hard.


>instead of a collab with their new game priconne GBF is getting yet another homo idol collab
Sasuga KMR. Killing your own game on release.

Cygames can't be this incompetent right? Surely someone is trying to sabotage princonn right?

>homo idols
>persona 5
>fucking conan
They invested too much into this game and got too little return in the first few weeks. This game is probably already going on life support.

We're already confirmed Shadowverse with Priconne. KMR isn't collabing Priconne with a dying game.
