whens >blackthorne >tomator >fang and scorch >rock'n'roll racer >superman >a decent lost vikings rework
John Jones
Xth for all the people on here obsessed with trannies for some reason.
Levi King
is brightwing a tranny?
Carson Nelson
Right after Magatha
Jacob Nguyen
>still no new protoss hero
Carson Moore
yes and her safe space ultimate does too much damage
Ryan Price
I claim this thread in the name of the high priestess of Elune, Tyrande Whisperwind, my wife.
Jeremiah Kelly
>"Drink, Grubby... You will all be Warcraft 4 pros." >"And what, Blizzard, must we give in return?" >"...HotS"
Aaron Cox
>Brightwing teleports onto the tank that's in your team >*BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP* >your team loses 40% of their HP and now your support is a screen away getting bukkaked by the enemy team
Matthew Edwards
>warcraft 4 >when OW is their flagship esport for the coming years unlikely
Dominic Ortiz
Nathaniel Ortiz
When I first saw vikings I thought it was 3 players controlling one each
Jordan Hughes
What the fuck is floating above Fenix's fridge?
Jaxson Martinez
Mei's robutt
Ryan Jackson
Mason Perry
I love Lunara!
Asher Sullivan
That's the best trade-off imaginable. Someone will just make an assfaggots mod for wc4 and we can have a much better game sans the overcancer.
Leo King
Chase Edwards
>prime Small dick
Parker Stewart
Good one, I exhaled.
Parker Jones
Dylan Richardson
Refreshing farts at least
Ayden Ramirez
Gabriel Gutierrez
Connor Perez
Evan Kelly
>AI Lucio gets MVP >Lost Vikings in permanent poly bomb, because player can't split them Oh, the wonders of vs AI games. Still the quickest way to do dailies.
Dominic Morgan
>quickest way >do draft game >pick anyone >finish all quests Nice small brain you got there
Evan Long
Yes cock is one of the best mounts
Lincoln Cruz
Pay with cash
Logan Peterson
Work overtime goyim
Owen White
Does OP work for Blizzard?
Jason Williams
>wanted the jade one but I got the marble one and the regular one FUCK
Dylan Clark
>page 7
Xavier Garcia
Would make sense 2bh
Brandon Gutierrez
Wyatt Johnson
Evan Perry
Luke Lee
Got from gold 3 to diamond 1and now im back at d2, how do i get gooder?
Charles Long
Be consistent and don't let your bunga draft no waveclear
Brandon Baker
>stealing my pic Bad!
Oliver Fisher
>take a break from hots for about 6 months because it got somewhat boring and the overcancer shit was annoying >feel the the itch to play again >reinstall >all counters to overcancer heroes were nerfed >tracer in every game running wild doing whatever
Ah, why do I keep returning to Blizzard games and pretend they will ever change?
Alexander Fisher
Just cc her bruh
Andrew Hall
just keep doin whatever you doin desu, seems to be working
>be consistent >try to be less bad (always look to improve) >play more and that's about it
honestly seemed weird to me that people screeched about genji/hanzo as long as they did while ignoring tracer
Ayden Murphy
Don't forget to thank your favorite insect swatter.
Lucas Morgan
I fucked up, this is actually the greatest insect swatter
Evan Evans
>all counters What did he mean by this
Leo Howard
>no dick more like cucklord
Jeremiah Thompson
>Answering to a QM baby
Henry Ramirez
It's time. Post them and judge.
Anthony Nguyen
kys quick memer
Gabriel Peterson
>waifufag Kys
Ethan Jones
Owen Gonzalez
Josiah Ward
James Ortiz
Why don't more pros use the Leahblo skin? Is it banned?
Christian Howard
it's shit. just like the rest of diablo 3
Jeremiah Evans
I think Breez just likes toxic base Diablo.
Lincoln Smith
Breez always uses the Toxic Diablo skin.
Austin Mitchell
Ryan Rogers
>D3 >not shit
Ryder Adams
When the fuck did they add this decale on Tychus?
Hudson Brooks
he has different decals on different skins of his armor, one has always been tracer on it, before she was in hots
Andrew Smith
>Magatha bitch before /our guy/ Cairne Over my dead body you cunt.
Blake Parker
that was already arranged.
Dominic Sanchez
Leo Stewart
Joseph Jones
Problem is what would his kit be? Endurance Aura would have to be a talent. War Stomp could be doable. Shockwave? TF you think Lion's Fang is. Reincarnation? Uther has it already. Pulverize from the base Tauren unit kit?
Cairne should definitely not be a pure tank, he had BETTER be a bruiser. Every depiction of him, young or old, has him as basically being The Rock in Tauren form, so he needs to just be able to ragdoll motherfuckers once he catches them.
Noah James
fake, and gay
Henry Davis
Garrosh was getting absolutely fucking bodied by Cairne and would have been easily killed had Magatha not coated Gorehowl with poison.
Aiden Richardson
lol? he was a pussy being beaten by centaurs in wc3.
John Rodriguez
Luis Cox
Does that make both the Terrans and the Protoss pussies because they couldn't beat the Zerg? The Tauren didn't have the numbers to take the centaur head on and couldn't outpace them on the open plains of the Barrens or Mulgore. Cairne said as much.
Aaron Sanchez
His reincarnation would be like Diablo’s if anything. He dropped a whole cliff side onto their army with an earthshaking was stomp.
Gavin Mitchell
Yeah. Protoss are cucked now that they had to chop off their head things
Levi Gray
Making Magatha the victor
Eli Harris
>protoss only the irrelevant ones
Ian James
Point being that Garrosh couldn't take Cairne in a fair fight. In fact he wasn't even close to being a match for Cairne in a fair fight. He BARELY survived WITH Gorehowl being poisoned. Cairne was dismantling him.
In other news.. any other NA players just get dropped from HotS?
Justin Walker
William Perez
Point is Cairne is only "strong" in these stupid fanfic level novels. Everything officially happening in game was merely him getting stomped without an orc ally
Nathan Baker
If that slut Maiev can get a nice kit that stays true to her shit after the fact that Zeratul took her abilities I think anyone can make it back.
Nathaniel Cruz
>fanfic Blizzard sure does some gud fanfic
Ian Wood
He officially dropped a cliff on a horde of swarming centaurs with a massive war stomp. He literally reduced an army into rubble with his quake.
Brandon Lopez
well why didn't he simply do that earlier? it's rather pathetic.
Bentley Ramirez
>27 posters
Robert Hughes
>no femgob hero How can blizzard be this inept
Jordan Morris
Chromie skin
Austin Mitchell
Female goblins are disgusting.
Jordan Bailey
She's a demon not a goblin
Asher Torres
Nathan Brown
>goblin ears >goblin height >goblin skin
who cares what they call it
Hudson Jenkins
This guy comes up to your team and unleashes the flame god al'ar on you? What do?