Draenei daddy edition
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US: rodent.io
old thread
Draenei daddy edition
WoW Token Price:
Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io
old thread
Not sure about that op
IMPORTANT poll concerning KINGS HONOR FRIEND please vote right away. I have the answer from noverrva himself and the winner will get a private ERP session.
>people think this is funny
>he makes several thousand dollars off this
>Reminder that this isn't ironic and this poster is likely too unstable to leave the ward without a nurse
>male human warrior
what the FUCK is wrong with you people
>blood elf anything besides demon hunter
It's me, because I play a rogue and sap targets for you.
But I have to make sure they're humanoids or else it won't work.
>Why yes I do play Horde. I've always wanted to be a powerful black man but instead I'm just a pathetic white sissy. Playing Horde lets me live out my fantasy of killing white men like myself who control the world and keep people of color down.
>human male warrior
>gnome poster is EU
>40% of the horde is white elves
ty to the user who reminded me to get this tabard before BfA hits
So I just got back into WoW and Im confused as fuck at the level zones
So if something is level 1-60. Does that mean if I go in at level 30, even the early quests in that zone will give me good exp?
Cute gnome mog
Please don't talk about her in that way :(
She's really nice and doesn't hurt anyone.
Sorry Elmo
Yes, the world scales now.
Correct. So long as you are within 1-60, the quests/monsters/exp will scale to your level. If you go in at lvl 61, everything will be at lvl 60
It's such a great tabard to be locked behind the shittiest battleground.
He's a grown man who has admitted to watching BLACKED in discord and self-inserting as the girl. That's why he's obsessed with Tauren and Orcs in game. Truly a SICK individual.
>Alliance Killed Lady Vashj, Horde Killed Magtheridon
>Arthas WUZ innocent
>Blizzard retconned sylvanas shenanigans in GIlneas to pain her as innocent, Garrosh Is EVULZ.
blizzard and its storytelling memes...
Are they removing ashran? What a fucking disaster wod was.
Mods broken, what do? Articum says it's build isn't supported but there is no new build on the discord, and no one has said anything about it being outdated.
Do I panic?
Please, remind me when this Discord session we had was- Or was I hypnotized
its probably going to be Open again, but the Reputation grinding will be worse.
think of wintergrasp and tol barad nowadays
>Blizzard retconned sylvanas shenanigans in GIlneas to pain her as innocent, Garrosh Is EVULZ.
wasnt that the point of that short story of her back in cata? also I cant read that now, why is arthas innocent now?
I just bought a shitload of medallions over the last few months desu. Winter Veil was great for stocking up on them.
>doesn't deny it
holy FUCK
>load into trial
>tell people I'm voting against the elves
>don't even change my mog
>get first
Is there a way to re-watch this cinematic and get cooler screenshots?
What discord?? There isn't even a KHF discord..
Also I think you are thinking of the other draenei poster that begs for tauren boyfriends. Starts with an R i think? Their discord avatar is a naked draenei with big tits
dont lewd me you sick sonofabitch, go back to worshipping gnomes or whatever it is you do
alright settle down lads
If it's open world like it was when wod launched, you could probably just form a group with the group finder and kill the boss/event farm over and over again. The thing that slows it down is having to queue and the game ending when the teams are uneven.
Yeah, had to use medallions to finish myself. After waiting hours for an Ashran match, had only minutes to turn in artifact shards before the game ended due to people quitting and I said fuck this.
But I only like male night elves and I'm a girl
Oh, fuck daddy~
I love it when you use that tone. Call me a useless perverted whore again~! I want to be daddy's useless little cumdump
Ner'Zhul went full Eldrad and Outdicked Everyone including the legion, also The Lich King's powers grows the more undead he controls it, He gave muradin the location of frostmoune so arthas could find it, Also he Screwed with Arthas mind to control him, because he knew that Uther and Jaina would bring him back to the light, arthas had remorse until the end.
>being Human Arthas is Suffering.
>join the only populated invasion group right after stage 3 ends
the absolute STATE of these threads
knock it off fellas
kings honor friend is finished
the lewd posters in this thread jack off 3+ times a day
What is the best easy to get Warlock tier set? My first clothie and I have jack shit in the way of Tmog
I saw him first, slut
I jack off anywhere between 3 and 6 times a day. My libido is too crazy.
KHF is better than ever!
don't you have some BLACKED to watch you literal homo
there's one of 3
You'll have to stop posting your handsome elf then!
Lyndria's sexy stinky elf feet!
would you fuck azeroth?
that's elune retard
the absolute STATE of kanna being cute
lol i deleted it what now u nerds
Titans look like Humans. There is no way Azeroth would be a fucking Horde.
>troll looking
No, Elune is 100% night elf looking.
That's a pretty neat design for a titan. Like the troll fangs.
and Arthas was the Good Guy all along, Also Bolvar
I already saved it silly Daddy~
What's wrong with admiring a CUTE boy's belly?
>tfw no prelate
i'd much rather fuck a draenei on azeroth
Available by air delivery
There's an NPC in the Krokul town. Think he's in the museum.
so just out of curiosity...if you go in a 1-60 zone at level 59, would you be able to do all the stories in that zone for good exp, or would it become worthless as soon as you hit 60? again just curious
Retard nub here, is there a quick way to grind out rep for the original factions now that I'm lvl 110?
it'd stop scaling once you hit 60 so it would turn green at 63 and grey at like, 66, 67? I forget the exact numbers at that level
why can't tauren look muscular like this.. UNF daddy look at those big manly balls
NA hours are beyond disgusting and degenerate
I would become worthless as soon as you hit lvl 61
I want to play as Worgen because I honestly think all the other Alliance races are pretty boring. Do people tend to judge Worgen players? I dont just want to be known as a furry or something. I just genuinely think they look the coolest
why does it seem like I never see Orcs in instances anymore?
Arthas did nothing wrong
The absolute STATE of WoW players
that thing is begging to be killed
How the fuck is sylvanas even related to this pfahahaha. You niggers are obsessed as fuck.
>illidan embraces fel in order to fight a bigger enemy
>arthas embraces undeath and the scourge in order to fight a bigger enemy
>kiljaedan embraces the fel in order to fight a bigger enemy
blizzard "WRITING" ladies and gentlemen people WILL defend this they dindu nuffin
Just don't act like a furry and nobody will care dude.
Is thete /ourguy/?
Night elves didn't even exist back then, trolls and elves share a common ancestry and if you weren't a blind fuckin retard you'd see that female in the picture has 5 fingers, not 3
>>Blizzard retconned sylvanas shenanigans in GIlneas to pain her as innocent, Garrosh Is EVULZ.
have you got an actual preview of the book because I didn't see any mention of that in the album
absolutamente asqueroso
because you are a faggot who plays alliance
at the end of the day you'll be judged no matter what you choose
human - boring as fuck
night elf - tryhard slut
dwarf - saw that south park episode
gnome - just a meme race that no one respects
dranei - weird sexual deviants
worgen - furries
pick your poison
Does anyone else think they seriously need to update the walking animations for most of the races? I love how trolls look but I cant stand playing as them because they walk so goofy. And taurens feel so SLOW even if they are technically the same speed. I hate the lumbering walking animations.
Reminder the new nightelf home is going to be Westfall. They're going to Make Westfall Green Again. That's why there's new textures.