/alg/ - Azur Lane General #138

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>tfw AL is dying

Ah, I get you.

California yo

Akashi is a good girl and deserves head pats.

Well until someone comes up with a better shipgirls game, this is the best you're gonna get, so...

A good girl would not be charging money.

Quick, how can we improve AL?

By letting me get Fiji already. I've done enough A3 for two ten-pulls today. This is fucking nonsense.

IP ban SEAniggers

>already know the answer because I was the one who translated it

It's Maya isn't it?

I think what will be a big deciding factor in which ends up being the KC killer is which bote game is the one that makes it to Steam. Metal Waltz made it to Steam, so there's nothing preventing a bote game from showing up there.



>Those enemies that look EXACTLY like abyssals
Made me laugh.

>big deciding factor
maybe in the west

>HeheーCaptain, Happy Valentine's! These are my feelings to you! Although it's largely handmade, I had problems making it so I called in some help. Count yourself lucky if it suits your taste!
Next one. You should be able to solve this.

The English version of that known as Panzer Waltz is also coming to Steam but it's currently in closed beta. The community page for it can be accessed openly.


Ain't got a clue but
Wish they'd stop doing this

The west doesn't really have these bote games at all yet, so it's basically an untapped market. That shoddy vaporware game Victory Belles doesn't count.

It was too bad.

I want to hear these girls speak their native languages, not fucking moon runes every time.


This is why I was pleasantly surprised when KC Warspite and Ark started speaking in English. Of course it's done by a Japanese VA and it's still quite Engrish at times but it sure as hell beats an English bote speaking nothing but Japanese. AL kinda does it with the chinks speaking Chinese but for some reason no other faction is capable of speaking in their own tongue.

Good job. You win his (her) love.

The real problem is that for cultural and linguistic reasons, it is nigh impossible for the Japs to ever write sensible English. Even though they managed to find Jap VAs that could speak English, if you translate all their lines into English any English speaker would tell you that no native speaker would ever construct a sentence in the way those ships speak in KC. Even if they did take the radical step of having foreign ships speak entirely in their own languages, subtitled in Japanese, it is almost certain the dialogue would not sound natural or correct not necessarily because of the acting but because the people writing it don't understand the conventions of constructing European sentences.

>some irrelevant mongolian imageboard overran by shitposters has very little discussion about a particular video game
>this totally means the game is dead
I refuse to believe you are this stupid.

It's literally 1 kcnigger pushing this "al is dead" gay meme, just ignore his ass.

Leaving aside the lines themselves, I think a big issue is whoever's in charge of direction simply has no experience with English, so they all come off sounding like creepy robots. I can't imagine they're one-taking the lines, so I can only assume that the guy in charge just has no idea what he's looking for in their performances.

I thought the VA was active on Twitter and spoke pretty good English? Or am I thinking or someone else? Either way they really should have someone who speaks the native tongue on hand to provide assistance so they don't sound so robotic.

The VA does speak good English. The issue is, I'm pretty sure, that the guy who decides "that's the take" doesn't, so they're using takes that sound... uncanny valley kind of English.
I don't think the VA is the issue, I think it's down to direction and, like the other user said, the script the VA is given.

>The real problem is that for cultural and linguistic reasons, it is nigh impossible for the Japs to ever write sensible English.
I've personally dealt with plenty westaboo Japs in western vidya and music with perfect knowledge of at least written English. The actual problem, other than them having a harder time learning an indoeuropean language than indoeuropeans themselves, is an average nip having zero incentive to learning English properly because of how isolated Japan is from the rest of the world. Majority of said westaboos is also from the better educated social circles. Nips versed and experienced with foreign cultures working in entertainment industries such as anime are a minority within a minority, practically nonexistent.

I'd rather have English boats speak jap than fucking engrish. What is it about japs that they can't fucking pronounce human words?

I meant more that Japanese is simply constructed, syntactically, differently from European languages. You can't just direct translate Japanese into a European language because the way things are phrased in Japanese, even if you convert it correctly grammatically, do not match the way Europeans speak.

>Nips versed and experienced with foreign cultures working in entertainment industries such as anime are a minority within a minority, practically nonexistent.
Is a brilliant point. It doesn't matter which VA they hire, if the guy in charge doesn't have a clue, the result is going to be messy.
I'm happier with the butchered German and such than I am with the robo-Engrish they've come out with. At least with the REALLY BAD language errors, there's a part of my brain that goes "haha, silly Japanese people", but with the Engrish, that same brain-bit is like, "is this... real?"

I doubt you can make g*rman sound cute.

Right, because English speaking natives are much better at it, right? Ghoti/Fish and all that, try pronouncing Japanese without sounding like a retard

If the VA has a good grasp on English why doesn't she tell whoever's in charge that his shit's all retarded?

I think people would be hesitant to do that in the West, nevermind a rookie VA in Japan who has nothing to her name but KC.
Yessir, of course sir, three bags full sir.

Like as an example, just take the ship with the best English (Intrepid):

Introduction - "Hi! I'm the 5th ship of the Essex-class carriers, Intrepid! So you're the Admiral then? Wonderful! Now then, let's get going! That's fine, right?"

No one who actually speaks English would ever say this. It IS grammatically correct, but English phrasing and speech conventions are such that no one would ever say this, it would sound like a child. Something as simple as "Hello. USS Intrepid - pleasure to meet you, Admiral" would sound fine.

Or, even worse:

Score info - "Strategy? Information? OK! Please wait." Again, technically nothing wrong (assuming the correct implied request), but no one would talk like oddly. It would be more like "I'll get it for you, just a second."

This combined with the fact that Japanese business really doesn't work that way. It's deeply rooted in their culture to respect their elders and bow their heads to their elders whims. So even if the VA is fluent it matters not when the "higher up" in charge of the shoot simply says "no, do this and this. I want nothing else". Speaking back is quite taboo.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The KC general is two blocks down.

Japan needs some rebellious youth and some labour unions.

Maybe we can freedomize them with some propaganda, get into their heads.

Two words - Burning love

Fuck you.

The AL ships just speak in Japanese regardless, they don't even make the attempt to shoehorn foreign language in.

I miss aniki already.

>peach of keki
>Berlin Donut

It's awful and I wish they wouldn't try.

>labour unions
u wot

Renown actually has decent English phrases. Nothing too impressive but it's much better KC shits.

Taken too soon, like most good people.

Labour unions counteract the inelasticity inherent to employment (ie, you must be employed to have any kind of decent standard of living) that weakens an individual's bargaining power in terms of getting a cut of profits.

Chink boats spoke chinks on CN but people hated it so much they looked for a patch to change it to jap.

I want to put Raffy on a protein-heavy diet. Poor girl must've wrecked her body.

Rabbit meat is very high in protein, coincidentally.


My labor union just takes my money while circlejerking with my employer desu.


Disgusting. Why are you posting such repulsive boat? This ain't even Repulse.

>knife ears
Kill it with fire

love the shark

I would fuck her but my dick is going nowhere near her mouth.

I like her sister, but this ugly shark needs to be nuked.


I'm still disappointed they didn't get Kugimiya to do her voice.

elf ears


2nd best Saru bote

They have a handful of good VAs, they probably try to go for a cheaper price tag on voices every once in awhile.

Labour boss-Employer co-operation is truly the stuff of nightmares.

I want a event where you need to use four fleets, one for each specific nation

Jesus, someone cannot into perspective.

but muh oil!

I doubt they'd run an event where the chink boats get left behind. I'd be all for it though.

What I imagine they might do at some point is introduce nations into hard mode requirements like Panzer Waltz does for some raids.

>The crotch is still shaped like her lady bits.

Who is your number 1? This goes for all of you, who is /alg/'s favorite Saru?

But Vampy is a very close 2nd.

i have a soft spot for saratoga

I really like this bullshit

I have a hard spot for Saratoga.

Probably Portland, but Vampire is up there and I'm not sure yet between the two. Third would be Saratoga, who is probably the cutest of the three, but I don't like her as much as a character.




How is the extra boss? I found the D-3 boss easier than the D-2 boss, as there was less unavoidable damage, but never bothered with extra.
Another vote for Portland, character-wise more than art-wise. Art-wise, I guess Vampire.

>How is the extra boss?
if you beat the ex boss in the nep event, you can beat this one and it's a pretty cool fight

Good taste.

Why does Purifier look so cute.



So is Washington all uppity literally just because she happened to be the only one who was sent into a Battleship duel? Because she was functionally no different from North Carolina.

Akashi nya

Fucking hell, it's going to be the same shit as the previews one

I've just noticed Purifier has really thin legs, and those stockings/thigh-highs make it look like she has no feet at a glance

The chibi is so cute, but the CG is so... bleh.
I'd never have expected her to use that stuff like she does in combat from the CG either. The two feel so disjointed.

>thread is back to being comfy again
Cheers lads.

You jinxed it.

It"s quite jarring yeah, but the chibi is just too adorable to hate.

the SD is super cute, I was surprised when she appeared. Her full image also has some good stuff, I like how her her isn't white but transparent