/hsg/ Hearthstone General

Still hasn’t been fixed edition.


>Deck lists
hsreplay.net (Buy premium for us)
thelightforge.com/TierList (Arena)

>Open Tournaments



Ben called me earlier and said they changed their minds, no free packs this week.


Mr Yagut

Okay streamers

Kill yourself tier

Toast in the last month and a half

Please come back

If I buy a 40 pack of classic, how good or bad are my odds to get the cards going into the hall of fame? Or is it just not worth it giving Ben my money?

> Control

Try again buddy, hes our guy.

You did good on Yagut though.

>Krip "literally /ourguy/" parian
>okay tier
Um, no, sweetie.

I would be surprised if you got zero coldlight oracles. I wouldn't really expect any molten giants or ice blocks.

>not Toast ever
>asmosoy top tier

wow you really do have garbage taste, don't you

rdu's stream is my favorite. pretty much start every morning at work watching it.

he's definitely one of the most informative streamers because he literally never stops talking


>Tonight, a tale of wonder and magic.
>Gorge your hatred. Embrace your rage!
>Gorge your hatred. Embrace your rage!

High tier:
Mr Yagut

Mid Tier:
J4ck13 Ch4n or whatever the fuck it is

Reddit Tier:

DESU. Prove me wrong, you literally can't because this is a subjective list

Nice matchmaking
I don't even have all the basic cards on this server

He's playing renouncelock, a tier 427 deck, what the fuck are you complaining about?

He can still barnes y'shaarj turn 4.

Don’t worry they said match making has been fixed

>crops rank
There are things you could've done to improve your credibility. For all we know this is a high legend game and you just queued with a basic druid deck.

I dig it. I'd like to put Purple and Firebat in High tier, though.

Where do you feel Zalae?

>control the board
fucking kill yourself

You've foiled my plans for the last time, anonymous.

move control to reddit tier
add nostam and vanq to high tier

I really like Firebat but I find most of his entertainment value comes from actually watching his plays and listening to the reasoning behind his decisions. I put streams on in the background to make laddering less monotonous, not to improve my hearthstone skill or anything. But yeah sure, you've convinced me, he can go in high tier.
Purple I've never watched, so I can't make judgement on him, but I can see him going in high tier. Zalae on the other hand is annoying, egoistic, whiny, monotonous, so I would put him just above reddit tier. Do you reckon he's worth another chance?

What's with all the hate? I can understand it if you don't like wild or his music, but he is a greatly venerated member of the wild community and has done a lot for the scene. Also he casted a /hsg/ tourney once, lives in his mom's basement and is a weeb, how is he not at least in the running for /ourguy/? He's recently adopted the le epic wowow face for his youtube videos but honestly that's pretty normal for youtube these days and its only because he struggles to get hits otherwise. Anyways this is streamer tiers not youtube tiers.

Also yeah I'll check nostam and vanq out next time I get a chance.

Pulled the trigger,15 packs in no cold lights but all ready better then expected


>priest nigger steals Rin
>finishes the seals and destroys my deck
>steals voidlord
>randomly generates a deathwing dragonlord
>STILL can't win

I'm not letting you out of your chastity priest cucks

why does hunter have 4 mana summon y'shaarj

why does priest have a 6 summon tyrantus

I always enjoy learning and Firebat has a very good handle on the game. For improving skill, he's even better than some of the oldies like Trump. Trump trades are bad, kids. Firebat High, Zalae between mid and bad.

Zalae is also smart but I agree he can be grating. Hes worth maybe one more chance because he sometimes brings up very good points on omnistone, and taught me the value of going face.

Also, I'm on board with Control. Good guy, keeps my Wild motivation up. And people dont realize if your YT video doesnt have a le epic face on the thumb, it doesnt get views, so I give them all a pass.

How is Tarim balanced?

1300 gold, 4.8k dust
How am I doing for the next expansion

It's not. However it has been around for long enough that we're all used to it and have come to accept its power level. We're more likely to complain about newer cards like Skull, Aluneth or Call to Arms just because they're newer additions. I guess that's also due to powercreep but Tarim has always been insanely powerful.

But I got most of those wins by playing Taffer Priest

So what's the general consensus on Avalanche? I've never seen a shaman use it. Sure it's a bit clunky, and of course freeze shaman is awful, but it's still 6 damage and a freeze for 4 mana.

It's bad.


Shaman is not a control class.

Sure it is. They have some of the strongest heals, hex, strong early board clears, and evolve memes.

So why don't you make a T1 shaman deck?

Make Control Hunter great!

I did. Climbed to legend with a 64% winrate. Hexes ruin all these warlocks running around, and maelstrom / storm are pretty good against the paladins. Only really struggles against the mages.

I don't know what you think you're playing that with that would make it worth it.

Hex actually doesn't ruin warlocks that aren't pantsonhead retarded.

Hunter's Mark, Flanking Shot, On The Hunt, Cobra Shot.

If you're running a silence and weapon removal there's no way for them to get a voidlord out and dead safely. Unless you're implying that they should just dark pact it immediately. Even if they do that, I run dirty rat + murmuring elemental to kill N'zoth.

Yeah, I've played against that netdeck several times as controlock, and I've won every time. I just kill my own minions before they get hexed, it's not that hard.

If you kill the voidlords before they get hexed, they just get hexed later. All it does is get you a bunch of voidwalkers.

I guess flanking shot is interesting. The others are pretty bad, in all honesty. Cobra shot is a bad enough card on its own that including it just for a silly 9 mana combo probably isn't worth it even if they don't think to play around it. Hunters mark just makes it 2 card 5 mana equality, which isn't terribly impressive. On the hunt makes it a way worse unleash. Everything else that comes to mind is bad.

I have 2 voidlords, 2 cubes, Gul'dan, N'zoth, and Rin. Also stonehill to discover more voidlords and Rins. You have 2 hexes. There aren't enough hexes in the deck bro.

Like I said I've played the matchup several times and I've outvalued the shaman or destroyed their dick with Rin every time.

From my experience playing mage, they sometimes do [cheat voidlord] cube and dark pact all in the same turn, so I don't get to use polymorph. But, that doesn't really mean polymorph is useless either. It means they need an extra combo piece in their hand, which means I win more games.

Shaman has devolves too. It's probably a better answer than hex/polymorph all told.

There's literally never a chance for you to cube anything of value unless I fail to draw a silence / weapon removal, or you play a raw doomguard. N'zoth just gets dirty ratted. Rin can be silenced or devolved.

Devolving voidlords doesn't always go well. I had a guy give me tirion once, while I was still holding n'zoth.

>use deathseer on thing from below
>evolve togwaggle

>knowing more than 5 hearthstone streamers
what are you doing with your free time my man?

Some of those I only watched for 5 minutes before I knew they were complete and utter trash as streamers, people like Hafu, Toast, Amaz etc. I didn't spend much time analyzing each of those streams but a lot of the time you don't have to.

Threadly reminder that DK Rexxar still hasn't been fixed. Rejoice though, for Donais has said that it should be fixed when the next expansion comes out.

I really want to craft valeera DK and don't even have anything in mind for it. Please talk me out of it.

you need dust for when the next expansion's OP cards are revealed. You can craft Valeera after you've gotten a refund on new OP cards when they get nerfed.

It's not even a fun legendary. Only deck you can realistically use it in blows ass and requires other expensive shit. You'd legit be better off crafting a meme legendary.

If there's shit in the next expansion that I absolutely need then I can just dust some wild legendaries that I'll never use.

But it is a meme legendary.

Meme legendaries are things that just make the game a shit show or you can do cool combos with. Something like Nogg or Toggwaggle. Valeera just allows you to play the most grindy boring decks in the game.

I crafted all the DKs because I believe they will have a place in decks so long as they are in standard. You can't really "counter" DKs so to speak so they will always be relevant unlike weapons.

i just unpacked pyros, what deck can I put it into?

I mean you can make meme shit with DK valeera. Like a "from your opponent's class" deck.

Reno mage. It's under the radar.

N'zoth Mage.

You could make that shit without Valeera also. It might be marginally better with her, but she certainly isn't required. I unpacked a golden Valeera shortly after KoFT released and I have yet to find that fun of a deck for it. The only rogue deck I really enjoy doesn't even run her.

Secret Mage but it's not meta right now, will probably be useful in the next xpac

>Just cockblocked a rank 6 Cucklock while on the comfort of rank 5
The tought that I'm going to do it for the next 23 days makes my dick hard. Time to kill some demons.

Please don't play reno mage. You'll want to kill yourself every time you queue into a naga deck.

>He said, while playing Purple Priest

>guy with asian name who spammed emotes and BM'd adds me to talk shit
>call him a little dick chink
>he stops talking

asians sure love to talk tough online

Daily reminder to rope people who play meta decks in casual.

So everyone?

>asians sure love to talk tough online

>call him a little dick chink (online)

I usually don't face that many top tier 1 meta decks in casual. Maybe it's because I only play meme shit there.

Hey not every asian is little dick.
I am Asian and my dick is 6.5 which is average as fuck globally but super huge in Asian apparently
Jokes on them, only one girl has seen it

>play 15 demons
who the fuck made this quest? what warlock deck even directly plays demons? zoo is shit and doesn't count

It's pretty fucking sad that people have this inflated idea of what the average penis size is. You say yours is 6.5 which is average but that's a good inch longer than the global average. Saying that, asians probably bring the average down so if you exclude them then it probably is higher.

Besides, girls care more about girth anyways.

Demon zoo is alright


Just play against a friend then

as if any of my friends play this dead game

Then reroll

It is not like it matters. The only girl who saw it said it was the biggest she had ever seen (yay) and there was so way it was going anywhere near her (boo). So I got a handy. That was 5 years ago. I still live off that high.

You can get it done in one game you whiny cunt

i rerolled into this

Then reroll tomorrow

Then wait until tomorrow and reroll again you autist.

i'll get your whiny cunt done in one game

>he doesn't have a ready made Demonlock deck
I bet you don't even have Illidan

Haha yeah man I feel you. I got a step closer and got a a bj so when anyone asks if I've done the deed I say yes because I sort of have.

are you a literal 10 y.o?

Zoo is not terrible, and you can do it in casual or wild ranked (aka super casual) it you think it's still shit.

At least I am legend in HS right?

i don't have shit like bloodfury potion or malchezaar's imp because i skipped those expansions

Yeah man, that's way better h-haha

Buy least 1st wing (700 gold) and you can buy rest later. Otherwise you can't get it anymore (either gold or cash) after it rotates.

why the fuck would i want it after it rotates

>Otherwise you can't get it anymore (either gold or cash) after it rotates
You can buy old adventures for cash after they rotate.

>Draw secrets but no spellstone
>Draw spellstones but no secrets
>Draw Y'shaarj before Barnes
God secret hunter sucks. If things don't line up idealy then the deck just fucking blows. Feels like flipping a coin every fucking game. Doesn't help that deadly shot always kills the weakest minion and wandering monster gives me howlfiend.