/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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Fifth Singularity: North American Myth War E Pluribus Unum
Release date: 2018-03-15 7:00 UTC
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>[Singularity Pickup Summon]
Period: 2018-03-08 04:00 - 03-15 03:59 UTC
Fuyuki, Orleans, Septem, Okeanos, and London will be featured.
Each rateup will feature story locked servants from said singularity.

>[Half AP Story Quests]
Period (story quests only): 2018-02-22 04:00 - 03-15 03:59 UTC

>[Half AP Training Grounds]
Period: 2018-03-08 04:00 - 2018-03-15 03:59 UTC

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/edit#gid=525320539

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/ins41Ts
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975
Friendlist: pastebin.com/Am2aVbVW

Hag thread!

>quick servant with worse star gen than arts and buster servants
It's not fair even Okita has a ton of star gen and she's a fucking Saber

Who are you saving your grails for?


>command seal used
stop user, thats my fetish.


Xth for saving for J/alter/ btw

She's going to carry my ass for 2+ years.

I want to shag a hag.

>Draw a stick
>Put massive ugly watermelons on the stick
>People eat it up
Raita really has figured out the formula to get your awful anatomy loved huh

Jeanne Alter if I get her, if I don't then Gil can have them.

Jalter, then Raikou, then Gilgamesh.
Or Gilgamesh if I can't get both Jalter and Raikou.



>he doesn't like raita
Take your shit taste elsewhere

Will there be a mordred alter where she kill artoria and becomes a tyrant?

Or one where she becomes a good girl and does not rebel?


>rerolled last night because my old account was still royal garbage
>breezing through the story now
>half ap is making it so I keep leveling up
>300+ap now and I can't stop
I'm almost done orleans, send help

I like all of Raita's FGO designs (except Kintoki's weird red arms). Just not the drooping extremes approached in his Mahou Shoujo hentai series.

Is Nightingale a good FP-farming support? I thought her job was covered by Waver.

What's the minimum number of hits does a Buster card need to influence star drop? 5?

What was wrong with the old one?

Ishtar (Rider)
OG Saber
Only need 4 (or 5, can't remember) more than the current max, so enough with the singularities coming in "FGO 2"

It's pretty good though. I started some days ago and finished from Fuyuki to London in 4-5 days with the help of supports.

No but she's good for my dick

My exotic hag.

I have absolutely no clue, especially when you have to factor in that c. star drop rate varies from Servant to Servant and that there are a ton of CEs that affect drop rate as well.

I can't, Mashu. I just can't.

Mo-alter stays loyal, but is an insufferable genius type character

>having girl on the support list

what, you havent read THAT doujin?

They serve entirely different purposes, but to answer your question, no, she's not.
Can't take advantage of type advantage and a non-damaging NP.

What did she mean by this?

>tfw you have most SR and SSR
>don't really feel any attachment to most of your servants
>all content is just 3xAoE NP or 2xAoE+1xST
I feel like I've whaled too much.

Don't tell them

You stop that. Nurse is pure!

Let's just say that Ceasar and Robin don't bring me any fp but at least i can sleep at night.

Just restrict yourself.
I've stopped using my Waver and Lancelot for most content. I just go with servants I want to use even without class advantage. It makes the game much more enjoyable even if it takes 3 times longer ton finish anything.
I really appreciate Redman's attack animations now.

>doesn't have 3 buster cards

>he doesnt like knowing that his servants are providing mana transfers to other masters

>using guys at all in a glorified waifu game

Someone post THAT picture


>he doesn't know
Haven't you noticed that your female servants' faces are red everytime you wake up?

I'm hitting that point, so I've decided to instead bond point farm a Servant from each class for Soloman. That way I have a max bond on each support slot

>not used by fat old men


The Saint

Fujoshit like type-moon and play FGO too, you know.

>don't really feel any attachment to most of your servants
Just pick someone you like and grail them. That way you at least have someone special in your Chaldea.

He just wants to brag.

Someone post that image of Liz sitting alone in a Room please

I'll let those mongrels enjoy the presence of the king of heroes.

It's not like i particularly care. As long as it's not the other master screwing her behind my back, i'm fine with everything. Expecting sexual favours out of your employees is kinda fucked up if you ask me

Niec cula


>fat female master molesting support Robin

Where did mom go?

user I...

Make children

>mizuryu kei land
Alright, you got me. I'm genuinely surprised he hasn't made a FGO doujin yet too.

Imagine how mentally scarred Guda must be after all of this.


My lily.

>THAT pain breaker doujin
I hate Okeanos now.

>Cleo is voiced by tsundeRie
Wtf I love Cleo now


I think I'm going to try this when Nightingale comes out, use her instead of Waver.

Grailing doesn't really help, you constantly see people saying that they're using X servant that's 1*-3* and that they really like a certain servant because of how often they save them. Meanwhile I just look at what servant types are coming out and put two/three high leveled AoE, one ST, Waver and Herc. Even in the challenge quests that's all I did. I feel like I'm missing out because I got servants that are too good for the current content that they make the game trivial.

There's plenty of people here with more servants than me and they're probably feeling the same.

I'm not ready for Jeanne Alter, bros...

Nothing is stopping you from not using Waver+Herc and whatever.

Oh fuck off

She loves you too.

>Looks edgy as fuck by his appearance
>Actually just tells you things like 'Wait and Hope' which is the opposite of edge
>Believes that one should take their fate into their own hands and right any injustice they have suffered

So what's the verdict, /alter/? Edgy or non-edge? Did the event change your opinion of him?

Who is the biggest jobber besides Gil?

How much do you have

Every day 'till she's out

Servant voiced by Norio when


Chuuni dork/10

How good is Lu Bu as a Herc lite?
Are there good banners to get Herc as a spook from in the future?

Scat and Karna, probably.

See, told you he's just trying to brag. Like those rich guys who are all like
>man, managing all these assets are so stressful, I sure do miss the simpler things in life!

>insists that Jeanne MUST harbor some hidden hatred deep within her and refuses to be convinced otherwise
Dumb edgelord

Artoria is a massive jobber.

Haven't used him myself, but he seems very competent. 8k attack.

Like any Avenger, just a big chuuni. Gorgon and Jeanne Horta are the same really. The only one who's actually not a chuuni dork would be the headless horseman (dog).

>implying she doesn't

>NA stream is getting a little surprise
>guest is AtomicMari
Merlin already?

Lu Bu does the exact same thing as a NP1 Kintoki without the NP charge.

Get off the internet Edmond.

You retard, the opposite is the case. There's no stress in playing this game which makes it boring.

Probably 20SQ like last time, so we get a total of 30.

>had a 10/10/10 Tamamo on Caster for the last 3 months
>300 FP a day max
>put on a shitter 2/4/4 Waver
>600 in 2 hours
The memes were true.

Not like Jeanne herself is any different.
>You can be saved! You secretly long for salvation, you just don't know it!
>You're wrong! You secretly despise humans for what they put you through, you just don't know it!


>guest is AtomicMari
Literally who?

>he thinks we're getting 30 after they pretty much implied they had to suck JP cock to get that last time
It's going to be 10 at best, 20

>"Mari is a professional ballerina turned Internet personality and gamer. She is best known for hosting and producing shows for the popular YouTube channel, Smosh Games, as well as being a contestant in the 33rd season of CBS' Survivor."
"Literally who" is right.

>complaining about lack of challenge in a mobile phone game
I don't think you even understand the logic that goes behind designing mobage in the first place. You gameplayfags sure aren't as smart as you think.
