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Crashing this league

>Patch 3.2: Patch Notes
>Patch 3.2 League: Bestiary
>Patch 3.2 League: Challenge Rewards
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>people said that this league was unrewarding

uhhh....sh*tcrows explain?

league still sucks

projectpt died for this

who six link astral plate here?

we should start duping our posts

What are people getting upset over? It's literally working as intended and everyone who took a look at the recipes when they revealed them before the league could already predict this would be used to duplicate elder/shaper 6Ls and bases

>yfw you realize this league is actually garbage and the doomsayers were right

fuck this shit I'm playing Vermintide 2 tonight

>People have already made multiple mirrors off 1 recipe
>It wasn't disabled earlier
briss chilson strikes again

>not playing Elemental Hit

and you call yourself a Hardcore player...



LF someone with i84 shaped helmet with GC enchant to dupe on sc

>etup duped an elder ring
>raiz duped 4 elder opal rings
>zizarian about to get in on it
>hundreds of others getting in on it
It's been a fun hour, can't wait to see what GGG's response will be.


reminder that if you duplicate your posts that you have to split your affixes between them

Fusings now automatically fuse to the highest amount of links possible

I play SSF so the economy crashing in tradecore is just an amusing thought to me

>People trying to price fix the astral plates while the price is still going down


regal orbs will become more expensive than divines

>tfw ranger and no one duping eva gear or bows

exploiters should get b&
the craft is specific about what is permissible


I'm not even joking, if you have one we can dupe it

can't dupe uniques can you?

based retard

>Not price fixing DOWNWARDS so you can make money after the recipe is disabled

>Be conservative as fuck and make most of the league garbage because MUH ECONOMY
>Leave a recipe that ruins the economy harder than anything else
Fucking eat shit GGG.

well I'll use the cheap fusings to my advantage then

fatfat664Nu hurt std ;~; [score hidden] an hour ago

This whole league and everything about it is ridiculous, from insta-nerfing/buffing ascendancies (trickster, marauder, chieftain) AFTER reddit freaks out about them, to the garbage net implementation, 1 red beast per 5 maps, shit bestiary UI, no beast tracking, elementalist, SST and garbage recipes (except bugs like this LUL) gated behind rng. Everything clearly shows that they didn't test anything.

"Enjoy your sin and innocence cherub pets though" - 1000 hrs experts btw

Does he have a point?


>went to sleep exactly when all the duping shenanigans started

>What are people getting upset over? It's literally working as intended

It's not. You can dupe Elder rings for example

I know that you can beat the belly in resists very easily, but the point of the belly is the fat life roll

ggg's 1000 hour art team would be pretty useless for testing and fixing bugs
so, no, pretty much every time someone cries about ggg's mtx production they are wrong

You didn't miss much, it started like an hour ago. I'm amazed they haven't panic-disabled the recipe while they work on a nerf to it to limit the """"damage""""

And? That's exactly what I said, learn to read:
>could already predict this would be used to duplicate elder/shaper 6Ls and bases
What else did you think the recipe would be used for, except to create another copy of valuable base?

It was around 1 AM nz time when it happened. They sleepin

It literally says "Can not be used to split Elder or Shaped Items" on the menu

>first they were duping regularly with 6-links to test the waters (still shouldn't have made it in but it's technically the most "legal")
>then they moved onto lab enchants
>now they're just straight up duping elder/shaper items on stream even though it's not supposed to work on them
this is a fucking shitshow

>garbage retention league hotfixed 1000 times
>banning shills and remaining players
They won't do shit.

maybe we'll get a race season to try and cover this up

>raiz reporting the bug on forums after duping 3 elder opals to try and cover his ass

I just found my first non trash item, too. Got a Lion's Roar with 24% on it.

Now people are duping shit and it'll probably be worth nothing.

Do you Vrici your 6 sockets or do you spam jewellers at it

another reason to play SSF and never look back
too many abuses going on in tradecore, regardless of the league

duping only works on non uniques bro

I love rng and gambling so the latter.

Only failed me once, every other time i 6socketed in around 110 jews

The recipe says you cannot dupe elder items.

Jewellers, it's significantly cheaper. You can usually get a 6-link in about 150-200 jewellers if you 20q first.

Neither you dupe it ;)

Oh, good.

only took 30

yes goyim put all your duped items on the poe.trade so i can flip them for 200x profit after they fix it

6-socket, rather. I guess at current prices you could probably get a 6-link with 200 jewellers now that I think about it.


want 2 split shavronne's wrappings mods

>tfw just got really neat elder chest that I have to link
Couldnt care less about whole duping shit but thanks for cheap fusings

I honestly have lost about 95% of my faith in GGG in the last 2 weeks alone. They keep pushing unfinished and untested content on impossible to meet deadlines, all because they need to push new leagues out so they can get more packs and MTX out for cash flow. They have lost control of their game and can't afford community uproars so they will just give in to anything at this point.



they won't ban etup. his autistic fans will harass them for weeks

>tfw cant dupe the oni gayoshi


i would rather go long on argentinian bonds than this

who is that picture? i see it every thread

why should they ban him?

How could the fuck up so much in the first place? It's like they didnt bothered to think even a little bit about impact that their new crafting may have, not even a single fucking thought.

reddit crying and bitching

why did this blow up all of a sudden when it was in since day 1?

too busy with xbox release

the only bug here is shaper/elder dude

this is free 6l the league now

It's not like it's unusual - GGG has never thought about the consequences of their additions. Hell, back when they made Eternal Orbs they thought people would use them to imprint 5-links while they try to roll 6-links over it.

>Don't have the dupe Recipe
>Just ran 10 underground tile set maps
>All the beasts were complete RNG, birds, monkeys, snakes etc
>Outa yellow maps now
>Will be back to white maps tomorrow.

Going to bed. Have fun lads, gl. I hope this doesn't get rolled back, found a nice culling elder axe tonight.

Damage controllerino

>lol GGG is so dumb they never think anything through, they didn't even envision players crafting +3 bows/staves in forsaken masters
Does this narrative make you feel better about yourself?

It doesn't work anymore, GGG hotfixed it to not work on anything now while they work out what to do with it.

And the fact it copies lab enchants as well


>it doesn't work anymore


ahaha. the people who so adamantly insisted that it was intended. go eat cardboard.

inb4 they give everyone a free mystery box to try to apologize for this heap of shit of a league

Yo it better stay in, i want to corrupt my gloves after duping the base item

>item splitting disabled already


10 minutes of play testing would be enough to think about "oh shit we added a dupe recipe, better test if it works properly"
how the heck does this happen


the actual state of grinding gear games right now

odds on them rolling back the illicit duplicates (not the 6Ls, the elder rings or whatever) without touching the rest? if that's even possible?

People are fucking retarded. This entire league has been gimped to death to not allow anyone to make any kind of currency with beastcrafting. Of course this shit wasn't intended.


>the ability for this recipe to work on Shaper and Elder base types is a bug, it's intended that it can copy six-link items and other valuable base properties.

>recipe disabled
>people who duped tons of 6l kept the gear
>etup made 1300c in 2 hours

if they don't rollback this I'm out

We priced the recipe as best we could using the simulations we had available before getting data from millions of players on the live realm. Our intention was to keep an eye on how people used them, and react quickly to change the recipe pricing if there were problems.

The minimum requirement to join our QA team is 1000 hours of PoE experience, and we still turn people with that prerequisite away if they're not good enough at the game. Our design, balance and QA team are experts at Path of Exile.

They confirmed they will not rollback

working as intended.

>it's intended that it can copy six-link items and other valuable base properties.
Retards BTFO

You know what would have made Bestiary fun?
A relatively common recipe that opens a portal to a zone similar to a Pokemon Safari zone full of Beasts you can catch with area level and area type based on the top-left mob.

>We priced the recipe as best we could using the simulations we had available before getting data from millions of players on the live realm. Our intention was to keep an eye on how people used them, and react quickly to change the recipe pricing if there were problems.
Are you fucking kidding me you retarded fucking kiwis?

General public too unimaginative and need others to tell them what to do.