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Based star daddy edition

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It looks like Ahri's finally getting the move speed removed on her Q,but she's going back to being an even more cancerous bitch.

Fuck Riot.

i am going to pull the trigger


Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!

It's a shame that such a cool design was wasted on the most boring champion in the game.

the CHAMP seems a tad busted with the new keystone.

>The guy doing the waveclear rework is responsible for the Rengar rework and the First Ryze rework
>The guy doing the waveclear rework is responsible for the Rengar rework and the First Ryze rework
>The guy doing the waveclear rework is responsible for the Rengar rework and the First Ryze rework


This has been bugging me all day, what is happening in this picture?

>look at image of popper
>heart rate increase
ummm ummmm?

>Myshop bugged again

Hopefully it resets

Also, I rolled Greybeard happily this morning - never would've seen that lore blurb had I not.

Modest righteous females are a rare commodity both in reality and in fantasy.


I need a weapon.

i haven't played top lane in about a year

is poppy any good this patch?

nami is swimming
there's a giant ezreal swimming in the background

>no shota champion
He's no shota, but we could use a Tak champion.
Heck, give us a whole tribal event with things like Woodies holding the camps hostage/replacing them, much like they did animals in Tak 2.

Iron Ambassador got a wee damage buff to help her sustain in the laning phase but other than that she's still hurting from lack of damage scale.

>no shota champion

umm I think you forgot this one honey


>be a champ that gets pushed in constantly and has trouble clearing the wave to follow the enemy mid laner
>now this will be 100x harder and allows for more "wtf mid follow your laner" autism
Game sure was fun while it lasted, this looks to be the end.

since nobody bothered guessing
it may be worth mentioning she kept jumping on top of our veigar, and I'll leave you to wonder about what would happen then

Neither of these are shotas, nor do I care about having something specifically shota in the game.

>riot says they want to add a 5th elemental dragon
>will nevre get old fashioned gold giving dragon again
fucking kill meeeee

i got cucked

I want a World Traveler or Globetrotter Riven skin

>One was so bad it forced riot to VGU him
>The other was reverted

Pretty good Nasus and Jax skins desu

that's jax's best skin
rest is shit though yeah sorry

>tfw no dark dragon that permanently decreases the enemy field of view

Actually I can't complain about this.

Jax's best skin is The Mighty Jax.

Eve and Kassa are great, rest is meh

i already have skt jax and world breaker (and pharaoh) nasus

why is my shop so shitty?
yea because you clearly are one yourself

>minions take forever to kill

we dota now

But you post something lacking Riven? Hmm.
Anyway, Riven makes bank even if she's not Riot's sales whore, so expect such a skin at some point as long as the game stays well and alive. There are so many obvious, surefire concepts for her that there's simply no need to rush.

well shit

Holy shit I can't believe I lived to see this

>not taking minion dematerializer

All trash

>Internet has been randomly disconnecting for about a month.
>Finally decide to call up ISP.
>All of our staff are busy, please leave your details.
>Hang up.
>Call again an hour later.
>All of our staff are busy, please leave your details.
>Leave phone number and email address so they can call me when it's convenient for them.

>Two days and they still haven't called me back.
is this normal

where's the proof nigga

RiotRepertoir is in charge of it

you won't be saying this when they rework nunu. Pedos will come from miles to husbando post the eskimo semen demon

ekko buffs when just got skt ekko from shop


*one shots u*

For a multi billion dollar company? Yes.

where did you see that though

>pizza out of the box
>toppings flying off
>probably cold as shit

no tip for this slut


Also ISPs have a habit of fucking their customers over. And Net Neutrality being removed lets them go further.


>no 70% off
>no legendaries
>not the cool epics
literal trash. I MIGHT buy Yas and Illaoi, but probably will buy nothing like last time

is it just me or are Your Shops getting worse?

But this skin is pretty shit. The splash looks good, but in game its bad. Especially shadow form


>out of the box
There's no box at all.

is it just me or were the last 3 my shops pretty shit?

>Winter Bard
I'm fucking angry and jealous.

I would give her a tip if you know what I mean


>got this skin from rerolling shards
>still use base
I just dont like the pontiff sullyvhan aesthetic desu
what, you thought i was some dirty rhaast picker?

>Wukong Q AD ratio increases every level by 10%
I can't wait

also she drove through the yard, ruining the grass and the tiles


>And Net Neutrality being removed lets them go further.
imagine being this wrong


2bh I like Bard and the skin is cool, but my friend already mains Bard with that skin, so I'd feel like I was copying him

what to do lads

>yasuo and trist off the table, i have legendaries for both
>i'll probably pick up the varus skin, i have arctic and valentines (both loot rerolls) and it looks kinda good

So SKT Kalista (got bloodmoon), Slayer Jinx(got all other Jinx skins), Dragonblade Riven(got Dawnbringer) worth anything?

Slayer Jinx is limited availability I think so take that if you care about shit like that. Anything involving Riven tho should be purged from the earth, feel free to kys.



probably because I already own all their best skins lmao

>Get one shot by Wukong at all points in the game

Oh boy here we go.

/pol/ shit

oh boy here we go

>Both of which were reverted or forced riot to do a VGU


>all of those champions have better skins sans trist

ignoring what you said, I'd buy Yas, Varus, and Trist. they're all cool skins with good discounts. Riven and Jinx are cool skins but weak discounts, so it's up to you if you wanna spend $20 on them

>worth anything

what? you're not buying skins to resell them. you're buying them to use. if you don't like them don't buy them just because they're on sale.

fucking lolbabs i swear to god

Shadow form is the only good form on that skin though. Rhaast is just a green recolor and the base looks really bland.


>"Upgrades" occur every 3 waves, so using the melee minion example below, they go from gaining 18 Health (plus 0.3 per upgrade) every 3 waves to ganing 21 Health every 3 waves.
>Melee Minions
Base HP :: 473 >>> 480
HP Growth :: 18 +0.3/upgrade >>> 21
Gold Value :: 20 >>> 21
Gold Value Growth :: 0.125 >>> 0
>Caster Minions
Base HP :: 296 >>> 320
HP Growth :: 6 >>> 14
Gold Value :: 17 >>> 14
Gold Value Growth :: 0.125 >>> 0
>Cannon Minions
Base HP :: 828 >>> 900
HP Growth :: 23 +0.3/upgrade >>> 50
Gold Value :: 45 >>> 60
Gold Value Growth :: 0.35 >>> 3

>Cannons even more important for gold gain
I can hear Dyrus tilting already.

the one skin i wanted and i got it

is dragon trainer lulu better than star guardian?

How do I create nice tidy webms?

both are shit

Any champion that doesn't have some sort of execute or empowered auto into their kit is fucked.

Indirect Vel'koz buffs are nice though.

Wait, if waveclearing is a problem, why invent Minion Dematerializers in the first place?

only if you have a dragon trainer tristana to duo with.

>tfw annie main

Do you play Lux a lot?

>not taking minion dematerializer
Low key I've been running it on Singed to great effect

Don't tell anybody though

Waveclearfag got his way

And now we suffer the consequences. Fuck you waveclearfag, fuck you and your mother.

>Any champion that doesn't have some sort of execute or empowered auto into their kit is fucked.
why? just git gud at last hitting... or bring back red smite ww top

See big tiddy pizza lady at door. What do?



Such best and cutest couple!

>reddit memes

What if she made it up to you

Lux is a big one, pretty much all assassins not Katarina.

Fuck off kid, dont you have some pubg to bitch about?

baited for that EXACT response

>the waveclear rework will be targeted at mages particularly
>just pick Illaoi and shove

Zed and Pantheon are safe. Ekko is safe. Fizz is insta-fucked.

Anything that doesn't have an execute on minions is fucked in general.

>people in champion select asking me to pick anyone other than Ashe
When will they learn, lol