What is it with American protestant groups and Israel?

Like, I know that some protestant groups want to trigger the end times by getting the Jews to rebuild the temple.

Is just weird is all. That some of these protestant groups are some of the most zealous Zionists on earth.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it really that surprising?


>A sex scandal led to his resignation from the ministry. Subsequent revelations of accounting fraud brought about his imprisonment and divorce. He later remarried and returned to televangelism.

it's like poetry.

>By the early 1980s, the Bakkers had built Heritage USA in Fort Mill, South Carolina (south of Charlotte), then the third most successful theme park in the U.S., and a satellite system to distribute their network 24 hours a day across the country. Contributions requested from viewers were estimated to exceed $1,000,000 a week, with proceeds to go to expanding the theme park and mission of PTL.[5] In justifying his use of the mass media, Bakker responded to inquiries by likening his use of television to Jesus's use of the amphitheater of the time. "I believe that if Jesus were alive today, he would be on TV", Bakker said.[this quote needs a citation]

>From 1984 to 1987, Bakker and his PTL associates sold $1,000 "lifetime memberships," which entitled buyers to a three-night stay annually at a luxury hotel at Heritage USA. According to the prosecution at Bakker's later fraud trial, tens of thousands of memberships had been sold, but only one 500-room hotel was ever completed. Bakker sold more "exclusive partnerships" than could be accommodated, while raising more than twice the money needed to build the actual hotel. A good deal of the money went into Heritage USA's operating expenses, and Bakker kept $3.4 million in bonuses for himself.


Why wouldn't you want to support our greatest allies?
Are you an anti-semite?

What's not to like? The Jews kill muslims and if they rebuild the Temple that will trigger the apocalypse! Aren't you ready to meet God user?

why is it only proddies who are obsessed with eschatology prophecy?

How prevalent are these views in America?

The Muslim-killing part is 'Murrican but yearning for the apocalypse is a pretty universal trait of Christianity.

intensity varies, adventists probably being the most apocalyptic sect.

They need Israel to exist in order to bring back the Messiah. In a way, they are literally trying to bring about the Armageddon.

You're helping fulfill bible prophecy alright, except you're helping the anti-Christ. Enjoy hell.

>rebuild the Temple that will trigger the apocalypse

Be protestant
Sola scriptura

A theory that you won't find anywhere in the Bible.

It's sad that Christians would rather donate money to groups like the Temple Institute to make sure the third temple is ready to go up on a moment's notice, than give money to people who are trying to preach to Israel that their savior is Christ the Lord.

It doesn't matter who participates in the temple building, or if they have help; the things in God's express will shall be done, whether anyone participates or not.

And Israel will hail the antichrist as messiah, no matter who preaches to them, or not.

Except of course in Paul's second letter to Timothy.

Oh, but you don't know the bible, do you.

No, it doesn't

fuck off christfags your religion schisms more often than a waning empire in the balkans

so sick and tired of you retards sissyfighting yourselves over who can get closer to Christ, Christ

time to get saved user

>History and humanities

>Thread about religious people's views
>Not humanities

>what is religion

>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion,

>religious GROUPS and their political tendencies
>not about their actual religion

What has Veeky Forums ever done to you, /pol/ exists for a reason, there's no reason you couldn't have this there

Someone do a meme with that macro
>it's time to get saved
>user, no!


>their eschatology isn't part of their religious theology and affiliation

really user


>but yearning for the apocalypse is a pretty universal trait of Christianity.

t. Protestant

All of the Abrahamic faiths are.

Apart of protestant stuff, in Christianity it's not about "yearning" for the apocalypse but acknowledging the second coming of Jesus in the end days as the final moment of salvation, and that is totally unrelated to what jews, shintos or hinduists do or don't do.

Abrahamic religions are all death cults, senpai. Just because your pedo priests be countin they gold in the fairy palace at vatican city like they will never die does not change the fact.

It's too bad JC won't get off the respirodol long enough to save anyone.

All of the abrahamics want YHWH to crash this world with no survivors so they can cash in their GBP and live forever with god in an awesome afterlife. They're fucking death cults that revolve around preparing for Armageddon.


That's unbiblical