
He was one of the most unique humans that ever lived. Pretty fascinating guy.

Other urls found in this thread:


>He made a full recovery and offered to demonstrate his act by eating his surgeon's watch and chain; M.Giraud, the surgeon, was unimpressed by the offer and warned him that if he did so, he would cut Tarrare open to recover the items.

Based surgeon.

>The fork was never found.

It is like poetry.

>General Alexandre de Beauharnais decided to put Tarrare's abilities to military use, and he was employed as a courier by the French army, with the intention that he would swallow documents, pass through enemy lines, and recover them from his stool once safely at his destination

>After being suspected of eating a toddler he was ejected from the hospital.


Was she our girl?

> Tarrare was given a wheelbarrow filled with 30 pounds (14 kg) of raw bull's lungs and liver as a reward,[2] which he immediately ate in front of the assembled generals
What the actual fuck.

The part about the Prussians forcing him to shit to recover the message only to get butthurt upon finding out it's a worthless test note could be from a fucking comedy show

He, Diogenes, and Timothy Dexter are the apex of humanity

>He suffered from chronic diarrhoea, which was said to be "fetid beyond all conception

You laugh, but this guy had it rough.

He's the kind of freak who'd get a TLC documentary, but he lived in the fucked up times where doctors have the idea to see if a man would eat a living cat


>Ishida and Abe returned to Ogu, where they remained until his death. During their love-making this time, Abe put the knife to the base of Ishida's penis, and said she would make sure he would never play around with another woman. Ishida laughed at this. Two nights into this bout of sex, Abe began choking Ishida, and he told her to continue, saying that this increased his pleasure. She had him do it to her as well. On the evening of May 16, 1936, Abe used her obi sash to cut off Ishida's breathing during orgasm, and they both enjoyed it. They repeated this for two more hours. Once Abe stopped the strangulation, Ishida's face became distorted, and would not return to its normal appearance. Ishida took 30 tablets of a sedative called Calmotin to try to soothe his pain. According to Abe, as Ishida started to doze, he told her, "You'll put the cord around my neck and squeeze it again while I'm sleeping, won't you... If you start to strangle me, don't stop, because it is so painful afterward." Abe commented that she wondered if he had wanted her to kill him, but on reflection decided he must have been joking.[33]

>Mark Schreiber notes that the Sada Abe incident occurred at a time when the Japanese media were preoccupied with extreme political and military troubles, including the Ni Ni Roku incident and a looming full-scale war in China. He suggests that a sensationalistic sex scandal such as this served as a welcome national release from the disturbing events of the time.[28] The incident also struck a chord with the ero-guro-nansensu ("erotic-grotesque-nonsense") style popular at the time, and the Sada Abe Incident came to represent that genre for years to come.[43]

>The judge presiding over the trial admitted to being sexually aroused by some of the details involved in the case, yet made sure that the trial was held with the utmost seriousness.

when will we exterminate these degenerate subhumans?

This guy was like an IRL Mr. Bombardini

I've read about him before, he is an incredibly interesting figure. Would be cool if a good movie was made about him

She sounds like your garden variety crazy bitch to me - promiscuous, drunk and mentally unstable.




Am I the only one completely disgusted by Tarrare? I can see how he's instersting and funny, but something about him makes me almost hate him.

He ate a living cat. As interesting as he is, he was a shitty person

>Hi my name is Tarrare and this is Jackass: La Marseillaise Edition

>Unfortunately for Tarrare, he could not speak German, and on his first mission was captured by Prussian forces, severely beaten and underwent a mock execution before being returned to French lines.

There's no way this is real.

Wait until you read the detailed section on this operation

Shit's hilarous

>He was granted quadruple rations but remained hungry;[8] he would scavenge for garbage in gutters and refuse containers,[6]

Imagine being this hungry all the time, would you mind eating living animals ?

>As a child, Tarrare had a huge appetite and by his teens could eat a quarter of a bullock, weighing as much as Tarrare himself, in a single day.[4][5] By this time, his parents could not provide for him and had forced him to leave home.[1][6]
>Tarrare would draw a crowd by eating corks, stones and live animals,

The cat is nothing
He tried to eat dead humans at the morgue and is suspected to have eaten a baby...

how did the cat not rip him the fuck up on the way down?

we should compile a list of all the absolute mad men in history

Because he actually killed the cat (with his teeth)

>On another occasion Tarrare was presented with a live cat. He tore the cat's abdomen open with his teeth and drank its blood, and proceeded to eat the entire cat aside from its bones, before vomiting up its fur and skin.[2][8]

There's a stray cat that comes to chill with us sometimes that we named Tarrare, because he ignores the cat food we leave for him instead preferring our trash and grass

>The book contained 8,847 words and 33,864 letters, but no punctuation and its capitalization seemed random. At first, he handed his book out for free, but it became popular and was reprinted for sale eight times.[2] In the second edition, Dexter added an extra page which consisted of 13 lines of punctuation marks with the instructions that readers could distribute them as they pleased.

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