/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Retard mods edition

Previous: >Chaldea Boy's Collection 2018
Log in consecutively to get several tickets and Arthur's new exclusive costume

>Arthur is always in the gacha
Waver: 12
Cu Alter: 13
Tesla: 17
Vlad III: 18
Ozy: 19
Enkidu: 20

"Event" Craft Essences
>Arthur SSR - 400% Star attraction + 3 stars every turn
>Dantes SSR - Art 10% + Buster 10% + NP gain 10%
>Karna SR - Buster 8% + NP damage 8% + Crit damage 10%
>Poker SR - NP 3% per turn + NP gain 5% + Np damage 5%
>Old men SR - Pierce dodge + Art 5% + Buster 5%

>12M download campaign
Master missions now give out 3 fragments
More exclusive lines for costumes

>Kiara is always in the gacha
Lostman, Lip and Suzuka: 13-14
Lip: 11-12

March 2018 Monthly Mats
>Forbidden pages
>Proof of hero
>Yggradasil Seed


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View listdocs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

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Other urls found in this thread:


Post servants that your parents would actually allow you to marry.

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NP strengthening when

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>mods are so retarded when dealing with /alter/ spamming threads that they delete us too


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Fuck off

>edition bullshit

>muh correct thread

We are alter. They learned it from us.

Yours isn't any better.

Fuck off /alter/

fuck off retard, move

Make me fag

My parents would be happy about any girl willing to marry me

Same lmao

literally me

Did everyone move to GBF?

Post cute girls

Stop making these threads
Let’s just merge with /alter/
No point in a thread for a game with no content

Why don't you fuck off to /alter/ instead?

My wife is a very cute girl.

Attached: DX7QYqQV4AAWnJt.jpg (163x280, 17K)

>tfw you realise user is actually best girl

Attached: best_girl.png (1152x720, 696K)

your wife and also everybody else's wife lmao

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what is this?
a whore for ants?

rip the shit OP survived

The artist was drawing supports so the pics were all smaller.
Here, have a larger picture.

Attached: DXqJsJuXUAApWLb.jpg (954x1199, 138K)

dead game

How much money does this game make

Almost a billion yearly

Let us sleep for the Festive times ahead.

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Is Maeve even capable of feeling genuine love and affection for someone?

>tfw I would roll for myself if I could

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Her deepest wish is a pure, married love.

They deleted the last thread because it had a naked loli in the OP. Even if no nipples or holes were being shown, too much lewdness in OP almost always gets threads deleted. Give that lewdness to a loli, and you're guaranteed to get a thread deleted.

I've been saying her name as SCAYTH-AHCH. Is this wrong?

If it wasn't for /alter/'s shitposting marathon the mods would not have cared.

Just say Scat. Or Ska-ha. No one is going to ever correct you, because no one knows a literally who like Scat. The few that do, they don't know how her name is pronounced.

Abib cares very much

Nah, our threads only get deleted when /alter/ makes 5 threads like they usually do, drawing the mods attention to us too.

But that wasn't what she wished for on her cup when she got the chance

Scahowk/Scahawk are the most commonly used desu

Who was the idiot who wrote down the letters "th" when they really just wanted to denote the sound "h?" Those are completely different sounds.

In Persona the protagonist simply pronounces her as "Sca-ha"

Dunno. Ask the people who spell Medb but pronounce it as Maeve.

she herself says it like this
>in her case Medb says "medubi" as it's written instead of how it supposed to sound

i give up

NEWS in 500 hours!

Yesterday's ticket get NP2 Columbus, today's ticket gave me NP2 Caster Cu. This almost makes up for wasting everything and not getting a crab.

>arthur shipping ishtar/gil

Can Kiara clear hands?

>tfw playing memeborn
>there's some guy praying at a statue
>I agree to work with him
>he gives me some items
>I start hitting him
>now he's trying to kill me

What did Apex say about Bedivere and Agravain in today's line?


>Arthur gave us shitload of tickets, a free gacha ce and a costume as he hit on (you)
>Semi only made us grind to give her perfect honmei chocolate to Amakusa

Is it fair?

olga apparently ships it, too

Rose line.

There's more than one line, I also got one about explaining the origin of roses.

It's only a beta couple to her main OTP, herself/REAL Lev.

I did get a bit emotional next page when her wish was to be by that man's side.

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What was the quote? "Tohsaka Rin pleases ancient sumerian kings for gems?"

I got the line about hanakotoba and the meaning of roses yesterday. I got distracted during today's line but he mentioned those two

You're somehow worse at the game than Meduseless.

Wakey Wakey Spic Trannytards
>The name “Quetzalcoatl” means “feathered serpent” or “winged serpent.”
>Mesektet: The Solar Ship of the Dark Night
>It radiates towards the surface a powerful magical light called “the serpent that slaughters other serpents (Uraeus)”

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That Lev is pretty hot.

He's /our king/ so of course he spoils us.

The Merlin+Arthur CE is quite good.


Why the fuck does Olga love a man at least 10 years her senior who unironically dons a top hat, has hair like the frontman of a power metal band, and is a demon to boot?

The Bedi and Akkun line from Arthur

>mats I need have completely shit drop rates
>no events in sight

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>forgetting that ere mats line she's competing with ishtar for cas gil.


I fucked up
>that laugh and daijoubu daijuobu

Jokes on you cunt, I love both

Cute sneks.

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You don't hit npcs you don't want to kill in souls games. Just start a new character if it bothers you that much.

Olga has massive daddy issues, so it's only obvious she'll fall for the reliable older guy. Also Lev's supposed to be Roman's (fake) age, isn't he? So the age gap isn't that huge. It's just that Roman looks like he's in his early 20s (because probably his body didn't age since the wish was granted?) while Lev looks in his 40s because of the stress of demon possession actually because Takeuchi sucks.

He explained in lost room he's styling his hair and clothes as a traditional mage of his family (in an archaic way) out respect for the Animusphere because Chaldea is their workshop which made Olga's heart skip a beat. It's not what he'll wear outside of it. He only does this on Chaldea (at least when Lev was still in control, Flauros probably didn't give a shit to change his clothes).

Olga's supposed to be in her mid 20s at least. She also looks young because Takeuchi fucking sucks at drawing adult women. Pic related shows more her true age. She's a young elitist woman burdened with her job, so it's just realistic she falls for the man who has done nothing but supports her, is from a noble magi family, and is older which suits her Electra complex.

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Oh wow, Olga is a Hassan after all

Dreams do come true.

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Olga complained about the way he dressed and kept his hair, but Lev explained he looked this way because is traditional for a magus of his family and he wore that look in Chaldea because it was her family's workshop. This made her warm up to him.

You need to remember Lev used to be a kind, concerned guy who only wanted to help others. He was one of the few people along with Roman, who was concerned as Mashu. A very rare magus before Flauros hijacked him and destroyed the world he was looking to protect. She fell in love with that Lev. He had it all: wealth, magus status (noble ancient magi family), intelligence (super genius who made the Chaldea lenses), he was the one there for her when her father died and backed her on everything, became her shoulder to cry, he tolerated her rudeness (she was always a bitch, but he handled her gently and told her he hoped one day she would trust him). Being older isn't that important when Olga has some gigantic daddy issues, so she'll look for older men, like those mommyfags latch on Raikou.

I was going to say it was fucking cruel she died thinking Lev betrayed her, but looks like Lost Room finally patches that shit.

gib plox

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Congrats, user. I threw all my tickets and failed at getting him to NP3 today. Finally got Columbus though.

Are we about to get a wave of Cu/Rin art because of LE?

FUCK. Sorry. Here.

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>dressing like that is traditional for a magus of his family
What, is his family a bunch of Hasidic jews?

Too bad Angelica is going to lose to Sakura

Yes, his family tracks back to Solomon's, you know.

But the implication is that he didn't wear that outside Chaldea, in which Nasu fucked over other authors and mangaka who had assumed he did. Nice going Nasu.

Damn, I want to impregnate Olga and take responsability

>Yes, his family tracks back to Solomon's, you know.
So does Zouken's, and he's not a jew. Hell, Mozart isn't a jew either.

>Marisbilly wished for money when he won the HGW
What do you think?

>Elliot Rodger style
>TM is aware of the Supreme Gentleman
Grand Rider Elliot soon?

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>because is traditional for a magus of his family
This is honestly stupid. His design looked sketchy since the initial reveal. You could tell he's the bad guy. And his design is similar to the demon pillar (hat and his hairstyle make him look taller and wider while his moronic tie is almost identical to the pillars' columns of eyes.

AU where Da Vinci (adult) and Roman are around, and so are Olga and Lev (True)? I'm sick that only Mashu's love life is the one rewarded.

Bros, we're running a severe news deficit.

Roman isn't concerned about money though. Was he a black sheep? His wife seemed to give more of a shit than he does.

This is the official interpretation. Lev wasn't possessed until a few weeks before your arrival too.

Olga's love life is never rewarded because Lev usually kills himself.

>This is honestly stupid.
Argue with Nasu.

>too bad
Angelica has no personality, and she was part of the problem. So fuck her.

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Thirty Years' War order when? There are so many cool historical characters in there.