Dragon Ball FighterZ General - /dbfzg/

Golden Boy Edition

Previously on /dbfzg/: >DLC Pack 1 revealed:

Useful info:
>Basic mechanics:

>Numeric Notation Sheet:

>PS4 and Xbox controls:

>Characters moves and statistics:

>All assists:

>List of hidden mechanics:

>Hitbox/Hurtbox info:

>Network colors (the square next to the name):

>Ranks and their respective amounts of BP:

>How to unlock Android 21 and SSGSS Goku and Vegeta:

>Prima guide:

>CouchWarrior's beginner guide:

>Semi-universal combo route:

Modding Linkss:

>[un]Official Anime Music Pack:

Attached: we're the CHADs of a, v, vg, and fgg combined.webm (480x320, 2.83M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>MFW using jumping Dragon Rush
Why didn't anyone tell me about this? It absolutely destroys people who tech up all the time...which is pretty much everyone who plays the game.

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Whiffs way more often than not.

enjoy missing and eating a 2H

are the blue transformations a pun? They're super cyan

Neo wolf gang fist!

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This but with Nappa and his little buddies.

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>Light Green since launch day
God damn it everyone I fight is either a dark green or yellow/red. It's insane how I've hardly ever fought any other light greens to get me off of this block color.

What do anons listen to while playing fighterz? The game itself or anything cool?

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You don't need to beat greens to become a yellow. It's a myth and the people spreading that false rumor in these threads are either mistaken or trolling you intentionally. I went from light green to yellow by beating reds. Just keep winning and you'll change color.

No bully! Only awoo!

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Yamcha is for bully

Does anyone have that page where Goku keeps saying "Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan" and bites his tongue?

I listen to the game itself. If I could figure out how to play Challengers over every match, I would.

dude, HIT is fucking retarded.

nah, his low is as slow and short range as a 6M

So do I just block high or what? He teleports all over and I can't tell the difference between his moves so I keep getting crossed up. Everyone complaining about 16 and Black but Hit is the only one that makes my blood boil.

Are there decent mods for this game?

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You keep your eyes open for cross ups, the block stance doesn’t matter much because the speed of his highs and lows are so slow.

You have to be very mindful that he can punish a lot of moves other characters can’t. He can punish projectiles from half screen and if you reflect he can immediately be right back in your face with a 5M. Basically, he’s a ground character so staying in the air is a good idea.

It's easier to spot his one low "lowverhead" stomp than his actual overhead, so standing may be more advantageous.

It's more important to focus on his left/right mixups by paying close attention to which Stance he goes into.
If he puts his hands in his pockets, then just keep blocking. Any attacks from that Light stance are from the front.
If he pockets and is surrounded by a blue fiery aura, he may teleport behind you after that Medium Stance... or throw out his triple punch.
A sneaky addition to his Medium Stance is that his ranged triple punch, Time Release, has an overhead in it. Another reason to stand block.
Going into his stances are slow enough that you should be able to react to it, either poking him out of it before he does anything, reading the Light Stance and just keep blocking, or reading the Medium Stance (flames) and the teleport effect to block (or Reflect) him coming behind you.

Jumping can neutralize a lot of his threat, but his 5M and 6M have deceptively high hitboxes, so he could clip you even if you think you're high enough.

Attached: DBFZ_Hit_TidesOfTime.png (440x710, 392K)

I mean 5H.

WRONG. That's what Hit players want you to think.
The truth is that getting hit by his overhead isn't that big of a deal, and it's just as slow as the low anyway. He can't convert off of his standing overhead any better than he can off a 6M (i.e. not at all without an assist or vanish).
Meanwhile getting hit by his low lets him do a full combo on you without needing assists or meter. Slow as it is, it's tremendously more devastating than getting clipped by a stray reactable overhead.

Can anyone give me some examples of how/when to use Cell's 2S? I know it's plus on block but I'm really not sure where exactly the best time and place for it is.

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>It's easier to spot his one low "lowverhead" stomp than his actual overhead, so standing may be more advantageous.

Leffen was only talking about this the other day. Hit gets nothing off his overhead but a big fuck-off combo off his low. It's also quite difficult to spot the low, especially if he's covering it with an assist.

Don't fall for the meme, block low against Hit.

But his 2M Low is slower than either of his overheads and any other character's overhead. Meanwhile his 2L overhead is faster than any other character's universal overhead. Even though Hit's 2L is truly isolated, any character can confirm off of a universal overhead thanks to assists, so it's hardly any better getting hit by one over the other.

This is way easier to spot than his 2L. I'd rather block his overheads automatically and react to his low and not take any damage, rather than getting chipped by his 2L overhead every now and then or full combo'd by a 5M + assist.

Attached: DBFZ_Hit_2M.png (846x1226, 1.1M)

what do you do against a kid buu spamming his m auto combo?

Block and punish? It's not like he has any built in mixups in his M spam.

Block Low. He has no mixups in any of his moves*.
If he's doing MMM > 236L, then you can punish him with anything.
MMM > 236M will have him cross sides but whiff you entirely, giving you more than enough time to throw a Ki Blast or something long reaching to catch him.
*Dangerous point, MMM 236M in the corner is a ghetto crossup. It will hit behind if you're against the wall, so prepare to block opposite if you are in the corner.
Everything else he has won't do anything good for him.

>all these anons seriously think they can stop the jazz by just blocking low

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What now fag

I continue to improve.

*double jumps*

*Tides of Time Release while offscreen, tele-punches you back to the ground because you aren't moving fast enough from a double jump to avoid the tracking*
This is the stance.

Injustice vs DBFZ

>keep dropping bnbs and eat shit for it

fuck how much practice am i going to need to stop dropping them

Maybe you dont grind the combos but actually calm the fuck down when you do land a hit?

10 post below will be tri beamed to otherworld

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Anyone on PS4 wanna try playing some matches?

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>Hit tries to 5M on round start
>hit him with a 2M and get a free combo

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>tri beamed the thread to page 10
Thanks Tien

Tribeam yourself faggot

not with ez mode gohan

I can use someone else if you're afraid of Gohan.

*anti-airs you with a standing low*

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not his fault dbez is dead already

is it just me or is yamcha a decent point? assists help shore up his weakness of getting in and his combos build ok meter.

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Yeah fuck anyone who wants to play the game.

its a dbza reference

How is it a dbza reference and not just a regular dbz reference?

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>online sets changing to bo5
>no mention of changing teams mid set

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kys stupid frog poster

Adapt, pussy.

Is there a "blockstrings for retards" video out there

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Did you try searching your character's name + blockstring into youtube?

You glorious bastard

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you retarded? who cares if you get an extra match anyway? its just an option. dont want the extra match? just leave. more options better than less options bro

>be bills player
>use 236L and 236M in the air
>opponent superdashes
>use j.2H in the air
>they run straight into it every time
It can't be this easy... can it?

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If you have time to punish a superdash with j2H after a 236L/M, then that has nothing to do with you.

Can double Beerus Ball be done without sparking? I can't seem to get it to work at all.

>highest power
>highest reach
>lowest speed

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>accidentally hit vanish when trying to attack
>it cancels your animation
I know it's because I've only played for six hours since launch but that's pretty cool.

That's kind of the main point of the mechanic

No, it's primarily a mixup tool and combo extender.

And how do you achieve that?

You press Medium + Heavy.

>Sneeze at opponent
>Noobs try to Superdash through it
>Any reasonable player will just shoot you with a beam

Attached: DBFZ Beerus Hairball.webm (1302x864, 2.92M)

Which cancels your animation

Did they announce the release date yet?

>some people say vegeta blue is dumpster tier and some say he is high tier

Which is it? I'm playing him regardless.

He's somewhere in the middle.

in v-jump this weekend

I bet it'll be a week after the proper Bardock trailer.

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Use it in your blockstring.

Everyone knows who the top 5 is, but how about the bottom 5?

Nappa, T.Gohan, Fat Buu, Ginyu, Beerus?

what the hell do i do when someone puts me in 30s blockstring with 3 mixups built in? i find the gap i can level 3 or reflect but then they call assist and im stuck reflecting all this shit while they can just IAD back in and continue pressure. while their assist recharges. fuck man i wish you could cancel backdash into block.

I really doubt most can react on you reflecting back to neutral. What you gotta do for proper reflecting is to not spam it and follow up on it. If you do another reflect after the first, the chance is wasted. Try to ki attack, get into the air or assist of your own after it at least.

Vanish and pray

OP/Please Nerf Tier

High Tier

Mid Tier
>Everyone else

Low Tier
>Fat Buu

i just switched from pad to keyboard and after a day of getting used to it i can say that is SO MUCH BETTER

every input is super fast and precise with basically zero errors, also the tactical feeling of using every finger is amazing

definitely gonna buy/build an hitbox when i get more serious about the game

noob here
how do you recognize gaps? On the fly by simply observing or you study the enemy blockstrings?
If the first one, what do you look for?

if it's a real match and i dont already know the gap i try to test it out by reflecting at different points where it looks like there might be a gap. otherwise i take the character i lost to in practice mode and do the blockstring and then try to find it.

>Low Tier
pls no. I've intentionally not played any Goku's because I want Bardock on my team.

>stuck in light green despite 75% winrate
>after 50 games I finally promote to yellow
>queue times go from being 20 seconds long to just not ever popping
I've been sitting here for half an hour waiting

I'm on the same boat. Suddenly not getting nearly as many match accepts anymore. Which is weird since lower greens etc. going against colors better than themselves don't affect their own color in a negative manner at all, win or lose.

I remember the first time I played on a traditional stick and having this feeling. I would equate it to playing an FPS on a controller vs mouse&keyboard; super awkward at first, but much much better after you adjust. I know there are lots of players that could wipe the floor with me on pad (memelords SonicFox and HookGangGod play on pad), but for me, playing on a stick is part of the fighting game experience.

I've never tried HitBox before, but I've heard good things from people who have played them. The only complaint I've heard is that they are fairly cheaply made and the $200 price tag is more for their proprietary button layout.

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I've been having a similar problem where I can't find any matches with anyone that is the same rank as me. Everyone is either two ranks above me and I get absolutely murdered, or some poor white square that just bought the game and playing for the first time.

I built my own hitbox using a Brooks PS3/PS4 adapter. Works fine on PC as well. It's a little cheaper than the universal one that works on Xbox as well (no one I know has an Xbox).

The only tricky part is the case, but you can just use a plastic box from an art store or even a heavy cardboard box to start out with.

I don't regret it at all. The only real downside for me is it doesn't have the super satisfying feeling of a stick when you slam home the final part of a 632146 super to win a close game.

>learn a bunch of cool looking combo extensions with assists
>they all do less damage because of standard bnb because of the damage scaling

>guy superdashes closer than fullscreen
>press 2H
>i get it
>the delay jumps to 5f every time the the opponent superdashes


most standard bockstrings (low to mid level players) are going to go LLMMH and then end with a special. During the chain combo (LLMMH), if you try to do anything (punish, reflect, chicken block, vanish, call in assist) you will get hit, but there is enough time between their H and their special to reflect or chickenblock. If you are using a character with a reversal (Vegeta's knee, T&A Gohan's DP for example) you can also do that as a "get off me" move.

As you rank up, blockstrings my not be that format, but you will have learned to recognize when a chain is ending and where a special begins. Each opponent is going to be different so you have to be able to learn, read, and adapt to your opponents playstyle. If that sounds complicated, it sort of is, but that is really what fighting games are about. Less about flashy combos and more of being able to adapt to different playstyles.

so there is no way to visually recognize it without blind trying or previous knowledge

Try different combo starters. If you start your combo with an L, that can drop the damage by 1000 or more.

>hit a wall
>dunno what to do anymore

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You can tell from Broly's trailer alone that he's going to be worse than 16 outside of having a better 5S and his A.Gohan-esque drop-down stomp. His grabs aren't quite as versatile as 16's, and I'd bet his 2L doesn't hit low.


Id say hes a different niche, the Alex or Abel to 16's Gief
Or the Ralf to his Clark

Bluegeta is quite good as a character.
Anyone who prizes Super Vegeta Assist usually put Bluegeta lower, but as an actual fighter, Bluegeta is objectively better and more well rounded.
Super Vegeta is extremely straightforward with core moves - invincible DP, divekick, Tatsu, and a (not true) fireball on ground and air. Almost like a manlet Akuma.

The few different normals (5LLL, 5H, 5S) are comparatively better than Super Vegeta, and his Specials are more powerful neutral/offensive tools.
Blue's version of Super Dash Kick is a rekka with more nuanced variations depending on the buttons pressed and can set Bluegeta up in more advantageous spots on block.
One2Ten is an excellent grab crossing 75% fullscreen, with variations for ground and air/anti-air. It beats Super Dash, beats most air normals and even a couple specials, it also is really generous so you can snatch lots of guys hopping around in the air without much concern for timing and spacing.
His singular Ki Blast is really good for its fast startup, high speed, and anti-air variant. The way it props up the opponent allows you to hit confirm from a little over halfscreen with a 236M. The air version is also great since it stalls his air movement for a second, but he keeps that trajectory afterwards instead of dropping straight down like SuperVagina.
Big Bang Attack as a Special is very good. I'd take it over anything Super Virgina has.
He also has far better Supers.