/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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How's everyone's F!Morgan?

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Clarine's hips make me want to do something inappropriate.

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I wanna date Eirika!

*cucks your fe lord out of soul calibur 6

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new jp leaks


I'm building a wall. I will give him Swap, SL+Def, QR3, and I guess Threaten Atk on C. That should be good, right?

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What makes Nephenee's statline good?

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Lucina is ____

How are you building your Gerome /feg/?

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not in SC6

nothing she's bad

This is the most unhype character announcement for a fighting game probably in the history of the genre. I don't want guest characters in SC6 at all but holy fuck they could've done better than this weak faggot. I thought Ezio was bad but this tops it.

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was Veeky Forums down yesterday?

ONLY /v/ and Veeky Forums, /feg/gots were treated to a one day all-expense paid vacation from autism

>not using superior defiant skills

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no, everyone just stopped posting as a part of a prank

>friend has some weird ass unit that they've clearly invested a lot into as their lead
>put them on your team for rival domains
>their unit is godawful

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Steady Breath and Infantry Pulse are the premium skills, but yeah that works fine.

Do not.

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But the problem with vacation is that the autism works just sits there and builds so when you get back from vacation you have MORE work to do :/ it's not vacation it's just prolonging extra work. It's better to not have vacation desu just keep your head down and keep being autismo

Just removed this one for a stock Bike

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+atk -res one's still tanking basically all mages in Tempest

/a/, /b/, /v/, and Veeky Forums were down because some edgy gohan poster wanted to supposedly shoot up a school. Got FBI'd

serra banner when

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I didn't roll for her because I don't want to fuck her and she has no redeeming qualities outside of her design.

You mean it had nothing to do with the /r9k/ suicide livestream?

Doing great, and apparently triggering people because her name isn't F.Corrin

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Now I'm definitely going to.

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I've been really indecisive on whether to go offensive or defensive, but I think making use of his bulk is a bit better. I also can't take off the Poleaxe because it looks way too good on him.

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I want her for her tome for Oliver but even then that's a low priority commitment. This banner fucking sucks.

If you could get any 5* exclusive unit but as a 1* unit instead who would it be?

like this right now for auto battling but eventually he'll have flier buffs and a different seal

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Wait what? Sauce?

Raul killed himself on camera the other day but before he died he left a nuclear hacking bomb to fuck over us

She's looking cute and being helpful, like always!
The TT will likely get her to 9999 SP, so I can build her however when I get my hands on actual fodder.

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i just gave him bonfire and all else is vanilla. currently he's token green and bonus tt for the time i train Eirika to be full potential.

Speaking of Eirika, what b-skill should I give her? she's +atk -def so her tanking potential is down but she can kill TTL5/7 grima if she's full hp

>tfw Ike's gargantuan sword will never be forcibly shoved into your card

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god i wish it was him

That shit is news to me. Context?

>Fire blessing
Fucking why

Don't you have to get yourself into debt because you're spending thousands of dollars on a jpeg, you retarded whale?

google shauiby suicide Veeky Forums /r9k/, had his friends watching in the video trying to get him to stop before he blows his brains out, was fucking rough.

/r9k/ was exempt from the fuckery so that was coincidental at best
it's like saying that hiroshimoot got caught under the bridge

Because the rest of her family has it. I don't use Legendary Heroes, so it's pretty much just for the SP bonus.

stop lewding lances wife

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Any links to gohanposter's archived thread then?

How to make Titania useable without DC?

Poleaxe or some shit? Her stats are garbage

i'm still rolling for another copy because i got 2 +spd/-atk copies
i'm at 4% now and i have no more orbs other than the last 23 from TT rewards i still need to get and daily logins for the next 5 days

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i have no idea what the fuck that's about

>Le generic shounen man
Looks tiny compared to Roy/Eliwood's big meaty Durandal desu.

No, because I have a job and I enjoy this game as a hobby. This "jpeg" is doing serious work in arena and TT by the way.

Instead of getting ass-blasted, you should be glad someone else is paying for the servers so you can preserve your precious f2p cherry.

Guard fodder!


>Merric in FE1/3/11/12
>Great bases
>Good growths
>Fast, but squishy
>Rapes pegaponies
>The standard to which every other good mage in the series was held on

>Merric in Heroes
>Mediocre speed
>dumped everything in HP, but neither defense is impressive
>Shit SI for others
>His weapon is weak for him, and its forge misses the point.

Why did they treat "El mago magazo" like this?

Swift sparrow/Death Blow refined Slaying Axe?

Shit. What a way to wake up in the morning.

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Fury to pad out her mediocre spread, forge a slaying axe for speed or res and then cripple everyone with ploys and smash dragons with Iceberg or something.

Go away, VenomRoy.

So you guys weren't at /qa/ yesterday? Shit was crazy

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But we’re lewding Rutger’s wife


>shauiby suicide Veeky Forums /r9k/
nigga thats deep

>not having a job to support your hobbies

too many cutposters

Forgot pic :)

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Lots of characters got fucked in the transition to FEH for the sake of stat spread diversity. There are tons of fast powerful mages in the series, but they can't all be glass cannons in FEH so some had to become slow pieces of shit.

i was there for about 4 or 5 hours but went to sleep before the /ddlc/ incident

>he's uncut

>mirror strike
>with that speed
NIGGA stop

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Nah in bunnysuit?

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Dead weight in arena but pretty good in TT

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That would be nice too!

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I wonder if this is worth doing for 120k feathers. Looks like it'll be fun to play

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Shit dude that's fucked

His speed wasnt even that bad at launch, and +spd was decent, the real nail in the coffin was his awful atk, maybe if he had better shit than hp+5 at launch he wouldnt be as hated nowadays

He should be a 3* as it is

You're bad. Neph is a good unit and a good gal.

She's pretty good out of the box honestly.

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it's a lot less fun without TT bonuses

>decide to giving a fast green poleaxe+ sounds like a good idea
>mfw searching my barracks for a fast green
>mfw searching online for a fast green

Didn't even realize it. How is this possible?

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I'm not f2p, but I'm not a fucking whale like you. Enjoy living in a box.

My Oliver has a very similar build.

>all but like two of the Seliphs on my friends list have completely abandoned him and moved to other units as soon as rival domains hit
Bunch of fucking pussies.

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The what?

just give it to legion

+Spd -Def or +Atk -Res for Sanaki?

You have titania, legion, raven and minerva as your only options and half of them have a prf, firesweep A cannot come soon enough

Now what fucking happened?

He's literally Michailis without Hauteclere.

Not much you can do to stand out

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It's still a faggot from /r9k/ so nothing of value was lost.

She's shit.

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A reminder that if you aren't using your summoner support on your best Arena unit, you're wasting it entirely.

Waifufags please go

Anyone who changed their leader from their favorite unit to something else because of Rival Domains should be shamed.

Anna is very fucking fast naturally. As is LEGION.

Legion is a fucking ace bersrker

but my waifu is my best arena unit?

I use it on Marisa for my meme Infantry teams

Well sure, I don't actually care one way or the other, it's just that listening to his crying friends nearly made me feel something.