/ink/ - Splatoon General

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Tags: /nintyg/

New weapon: H-3 Nozzlenose D is available! Sub: Suction Bomb; Special: Ink Armor
Next JP Splatfest is Latest Model vs. Popular Model (sponsored by Nike)! 2018-03-24 06:00 UTC - 2018-03-25 06:00 UTC
Chicken wins the latest US and EU Splatfest!


>Patch notes

>S2 gear & weapon lists (contains unreleased weapons)

>Loadout planner with weapons, gear, abilities, and stat calculations

>List of possible main abilities for gear from Splatnet

>League weapon usage data

>Add your FC to the list of FC below:

>List of FC:

Attached: 1521214427734.webm (715x529, 342K)

Other urls found in this thread:


*teleports behind you*

Attached: Pressure.jpg (356x366, 124K)

*unzips dick*

Attached: DYUbyXBUMAAkq1U.png (811x1199, 553K)

I apologise but I can only make noise.
It is all my mouldered brain can understand.

Woomies in berets!

Slut seducing other woomies!

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Hoodrat is here!

Attached: sideways.jpg (4032x3024, 2.77M)

You must be an uneducated nigger

Sushi hair can die in a fire. Squids shouldn’t slice their tenticles, they should style them natually. I’ll take the abomination of pic related before I take those in-game hairs.

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Speaking of

Schoolgirl will always be her true waifu

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I'm afraid it is true, you have discovered my darkest secret.

But what about her Daddy?

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Now that is just uncalled for.

Attached: but woom tho.png (1000x1000, 100K)

Threadly reminder to not feed the anglerfish.

Attached: riba_rib.jpg (220x281, 8K)

You think an Octoling has ever twisted their suction cups around to try and live among the inklings?

No different from cutting arm tentacles into fingers.

waifus and husbandos are different user

Playable Anglerlings when?

>that one artist who doodles loads of futa marie on callie smut but draws their faces oddly

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If you just wanted shadman pics why didn't you say so?

Attached: shad.gif (242x240, 3.05M)

Storyanon here, thought I’d ask the thread if they had any story suggestions before we jump to our next project. The Octo-story we made was our try at something a bit more on the darker side, you can consider that story completely non-canon (I mean come on, who would want octofucker as an agent?! She’s liable to defect!)

Personally I’d like feedback, would you prefer more darker stories or some lighthearted stuff?

Lighthearted, easily.

>all those complaints in last thread about the SR shift
Is /ink/ only full of SR shitters now? What went wrong?

Where the hood at edition

I'm sorry. I'm drunk and feeling more shitpostier than usual

I like lighthearted stuff in general but a darker story every now and again would be welcomed as well. Some stories of squidkids hanging out together and getting into some wacky shenanigans would be nice. The "Remember when John did that stupid shit and ended up having to hide naked in a cow barn all night" kind of stuff.

senda-chan hast appeared so all the rooms were full of shitters

I can tell.


Attached: shouldered.png (187x258, 118K)

You should write what you want, I personally think dark can be cool, but dark smut is just not my thing.
Lighthearted headpats>Darker sex easy peasy

>that one artist that draws degenerate shit

I'm going to need that one artist's name please

Throw a rock and you'll hit one.

Okay, I took your advice on board and I made another audio track video for you.
I didn't really know what to use for it so I just took what I assume is /ink/'s favourite artist.
I hope you like it!


>that one artist who does the same yet the opposite, drawing everything but the faces wrong

Theres a few blacks at the bar today and they were hooping and hollering and it us generally frustrating. I never see then out here I hate it. Can you communicate to your race to stop acting so black? Thanks.

>splatnet shoe sale goes away
>new sale is for the same model shoe

God damnit. I hate when I play with a shitty team on a Ranked battle.

Is this actually BETTER than the original or am I insane?

Hope you do something with the Octoling sex gang idea for a couple of threads ago. I know I'm in the minority but I like dark smut and honestly I think things are looking up for /ourboy/ Orion. Who wouldn't want to be Marie's servant?! Some post orgy followup stuff would be cool too.

Attached: 231b13e7094eaf4ec916091c70121b7c43159566b9c8f1f649fcc57549b861d0.jpg (521x700, 137K)

Can you write Sweets/Octo GF? But non lewd?

Here is my advice, webms suck. Stop making them webms


I am sorry, what format would you prefer?
Something iphone friendly one would assume.

It'd suck if you missed limited edition shoes just because you weren't playing Splatoon for a day.

Well as a correction, I like some dark smut, octo sex-based brainwashing tourture, nah. I like those ideas individually, but it’s too much added together.

Yeah, i'm thinking colored girls are best.

Attached: DESEGH7U0AATTS4[1].jpg (576x1024, 112K)

>bought spla2n on day 1
>multiplayer wasn't working
>played single player through first boss
>had something else that needed attending to
>haven't had the time or interest to pick it back up since then

Finally started playing today. Just as much of a blast as I remember from the first. Is this game surviving? I still have no idea what salmon run is.

This looks like she shit her face

I want more pics of Shy interacting with /ink/lings.
Who would she be friends with?

Nah you will never be able to be good because nobody plays low rank

Get the shit out of your eyes.

Attached: Best Girl by PandaPopPlay_691324322.png (1024x1024, 759K)

Fuck thats scary I trayvon martin her if I saw that nig

when can we order the ameebs?

Sweets would probably keep trying to steal squibbin from her to see if her plushie is actually sentient, Schoolgirl would try and be polite whenever Slut hits on her, Art would constantly pester her to be a model while Paparazzi has to keep reminding himself he’s a taken squid, and Hip-Hop would probably get along great with her in private since they’re both somewhat shy.

>that one artist who does both perfectly

Attached: tumblr_p5deupqJd81uxmqhbo1_1280.jpg (746x537, 61K)

How do I get into splat brella? I can't really seem to hit anything with it and only feel like I can play sportively (which thankfully it's kit is good for). I'm noticing that I need to lead my shots a little, so would practicing with a short-range charger translate well to my brella aim?

anyone wants to sr?

Attached: 1518986083511.jpg (1200x1200, 132K)

also I forgot to ask, but what would you recommend for kits

>Only rentable weapon I dont hate are the dualies
>Have only gotten them twice so far

Attached: good mood.jpg (480x640, 37K)

Your link doesnt work for me, can you upload on wsg?

I would, but I'm level 510 and would have to play in handheld.

Sure send I have you in my friend list

>scan splatoon folder for duplicate images
>1279 results found

Attached: 1504334855920.png (582x582, 83K)

awesome Im going to open the room

I dont mind user you are more than welcomed to join if you really want

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Some lighthearted story would be nice

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I like the black stealth brella I can’t remember the name of. The detachable shield is cool on paper, but I never use it and it only hinders me. Just keep mid range and make sure your shield is up when you’re targeted. Try to sneak up so you catch them off guard, the brella has a slow fire rate, so it’s best used for stealth.

Senda is only 580 lol

Handheld is more the problem than anything.

You aren't black are you?

Perfect. I'm one of those assholes that picks up a game for quick bouts of time-killing. This just happens to fit that role well, and I had forgotten about it.

Whitest person you'll ever meet my man.

Good. I was afraid you were on welfare and didn't own a TV.

I just started user Im at 400

>playing with randoms in SR
>get a [WUT] and an edgelord with 666 in his name
>wave 1 low tide me and Angel have to make quota while the other two are squid partying at the spawn point
>wave 2 and 3 [WUT] player hardly slams any salmon but sure as fuck ready to run golden eggs
>still win anyways

Angel you live up to your name mate where ever you are

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I gotta clean up my files, shit is scattered across multiple devices, hard drives, and USB sticks. Last time I did a major cleaning I got rid of 20GB of uneeded or duplicate files (everything, not just pictures), I am certain some squid images could be duplicated up to 4 or 5 times.

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Are you on wellfare, user? You're not a dirty NEET, are you?

SR room open 3/4

are you ok user? looks like you are choking

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Attached: Baller.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

I haven't really done this before but, I'd like to play with some people. How do I go about doing this? Would anyone like to play with me?

Post FC, open a room, and wait for friend requests.

If you have people on your friends list there's 4 things you can do.
>Host a Salmon Run room with friends
>Host a private battle
>Have people join you while playing turf war
>Play pair or team league (playing the ranked modes in groups of 2 or 4 instead of with randoms)

Which one were you trying to get people for?

Got game on wednesday morning and been no lifing it since then.

Should I go and buy myself a pro controller? I'm going to buy one for smash anyways but if you guys recommend it I'll probably go tomorrow morning to gamestop and get one.

I bought one because my joycons were drifting on me, but I honestly find the joycons more comfortable.

Thanks, sorry guys but I just got my third crack on my ranked bar for having a crud team and I am ragequitting for the night. Mostly playing pair on team league though

What rank are you?

is there a way to downrank that doesn't involve throwing a bunch of games, this ranking system is retarded

That dude gotta be outta the solar system for that bullshit

sorry guys Im playing like a go getter right now

Woomy belly buttons

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post squibs

Attached: file.png (600x600, 96K)

Just got Splatoon 2 having only ever played splat 1 at the very end of the wiiU's life. Just finished the first world and am debating if I should finish it completely or jump into multiplayer

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