/hbg/ - Homebrew & Hacking General

Previous thread -SAFE FIRMWARES-
3DS: 11.3 (11.6 via magnethax or system transfer)
Switch: 3.0.0 (4.1.0 "eventually")
Wii U: 5.5.2
Vita: 3.60
PS4: 4.55
PS3: 3.55 (4.82 for 25xx models (minver 3.56) and below)

3DS: pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
↳CFW + b9s: hax.b4k.co/3ds/guide
Wii U: pastebin.com/DhfG6z7F
Switch: switch.hacks.guide/
Vita: pastebin.com/6DjeR08L
PS3: pastebin.com/6rH9Fc2E

[Mar 12] Firmware update 5.0.0 released. Do not update.
[Feb ??] SciresM is working on a custom firmware for Switch called Atmosphere: github.com/SciresM/Atmosphere-NX
[Feb 18] nx-hbmenu released. Homebrew Launcher for 3.0.0. It's happening. Instructions: switchbrew.github.io/nx-hbl/
[Feb 17] "fusée gelée", a PoC coldboot exploit has been teased and is said to be unpatchable. twitter.com/ktemkin/status/964780654142484481

[Mar 14] VitaShell 1.83 released. github.com/TheOfficialFloW/VitaShell/releases/tag/1.83
[Mar 11] TheFlow released the exploit for 3.65, still requires 3.60. github.com/TheOfficialFloW/update365
[Feb 24] TheFlow has an exploit chain for 3.67, but is going to leave it until at least the end of the year before releasing.

[Feb 28] "Holy Grail" PS4HEN released, allows running unsigned packages and much more. wololo.net/2018/02/28/ps4-4-55-holy-grail-ps4hen-released-enables-pkg-support-homebrew-backups/
[Feb 28] 4.55 kexploit released. wololo.net/2018/02/28/ps4-4-55-jailbreak-specterdev-releases-full-implementation-payloads-pending/
[Feb 27] 5.05 webkit exploit released. wololo.net/2018/02/27/ps4-exploit-5-05-webkit-exploit-released-4-55-functional-jailbreak-probably-matter-days/

[Mar 3] PS3Xploit 3.0 HAN released, enables running unsigned packages on any model PS3 on any firmware wololo.net/2018/03/14/ps3xploit-3-0-han-released-compatible-ps3s-firmwares-4-81-4-82/

Attached: hbg_gf.png (680x639, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.de/gp/aw/d/B01M6ZGICT/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dpID=41UMaeJXI7L&dpPl=1&ie=UTF8&keywords=nintendo switch&language=en_GB&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&qid=1521379499&ref=plSrch&sr=8-4

First for Asuka.

Attached: __souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_0ten__sample-368a0832198c6fe115f05d04e0e95b (850x1511, 177K)

Second for C.C.

Attached: 1484761131814.jpg (1200x773, 170K)

Third for SciresM will turn trans soon

Fourth for don't post that stupid fucking discord link.

game when?
the vita/ps4 could pull it off

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Is there another way to delete trophies from PS3 using CFW? I deleted the icons by going to /dev_hdd0/home/0000001/Trophy and deleting them, but apparently you need to have the game to have them deleted permantly, and have the trophies I deleted were for games I only rented or don't have anymore, anyone know if there's a less convoluted way?

I know this is a really fucking late reply, but thank you, seriously. I hope it's not dolphin porn engineered to brick my Vita, even if all files look legit.

I'll think about it if Atlus doesn't ever localize it, I'll probably die before completing it due to my NEET status though. I also can't code for shit.

Attached: 5122f5548c47b45d900eb147048ae698.jpg (1295x1700, 1.09M)

here's the new and improved asuka

Attached: [Glue] Darling in the FranXX - 10 [8241C2EF].mkv_snapshot_22.16_[2018.03.17_21.55.46].jpg (1280x720, 116K)

I haven't tested it yet, but it seemed legit and I still had the link on my history.

still waiting for that cross ange english patch

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Give me some lewd vita mods

iirc only the the first Senran and Criminal Girls have them.

Someone managed to unbutcher Criminal Girls?

For people who haven't seen.

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smells like bullshit

Fake. Nvidia actually tests their products unlike Amd.

Yeah, patch should be on the leddits.

i don't think she has any reason to lie about it, but she doesn't really have much history in this scene. we'll know in 3-4 months time if she's legit and does go through with "responsible" disclosure





someone tried installing homebrew at Target and bricked the machine

Attached: 655.jpg (5312x2988, 3.69M)

don't forget dungeon travelers 2

Don't get this meme. I'd bang her, just because she looks slightly like a male doesn't mean she is one.

How do I move big PS3 files using USB if the bigger flash drives don't use FAT32? I can only format it as exFat the only USB I have that's big enough for big PS3 files.

Please don't go around bricking display consoles. I know the picture isn't your doing but I hope all of you have restraint

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Use FTP, dumb nigger.

It's safe to delete the update365 folder and the 3.65 henkaku enso updater app, right? Last hurdle here bros.


yes. you might be tempted to run them or something

/hbg/-chan, daisuki~

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What is LFCS_B and why does my girlfriend (male) want to borrow it?

How the fuck do I get neogeo games to share a single neogo.zip bios for fba 2012 in my Snes Classic?
CPS1,2,3 games just work fine, as do random games that fba supports like Jackie Chan that dont need a bios. Just Neogeo games giving me issues.
I have neogeo bios copies over to retroarch's system folder, and I know it works copying the bios into the game directory on my flash drive (but its only a 4gb so I'm almost out of space, hence the need to share bios).
Its pretty frustrating.


go away

Attached: akiqt.png (684x662, 373K)


Some user asked me to dump some 3.65 games for 3.60 last night i cant find a maidump update anywhere should i try using vitamin?

For the love of everything holy, never use vitamin.

Just about to get my switch, how hard are these bad boys to homebrew?

Homebrew is 3.0.0 only, only good for Retroarch.

Custom firmware coming before the end of the year up to 4.1.0 probably.

Do not touch 5.0.0 update, it patches lots, also good call getting a Switch now because Nintendo is releasing a revision that fixes hardware bugs that BTFO the system.


Wait what. I didn't know this.

SoC = system on chip

>tfw I'm worried my Switch will break in a couple years and will impossible to find one with bootrom bugs

Has anyone ever dumped the pre-order dlc of hackers memory?

So this means it's gonna be harder to homebrew right?

where are the fucking switch keys
i want to decryp oddysey

I can't get the framecounter plugin for vita to work. Is there another plugin that displays framerate?

yes, it will take a lot longer for hacks for that firmware+SoC

Key for decrypting Super Mario Odyssey:

How do I find the psp save data in adrenaline? I want to have my Disgaea 2 save recognize the Disgaea 1 save.

It's in ux0:pspemu/PSP/SAVEDATA.

Wrong, you have to put your dick in the memory card slot.

that doesnt work i tried

Where is your brain located?
In your middle toe?

Thank you.

Seems like things have calmed down a bit on the Vita scene finally.
I finally set up PKGJ last night, downloaded like 14GB of games and they all just werk and even update properly.
Good times.

She's is a tranny, you fucking moron. I'd bang him too, but at least I know it's a him. Check his Twitter if you're in doubt, he even talks about HRT.

Is there any way to fix freeshop when the music stops and it hangs on Queued for every game in the download queue?

Pronouns are just a generalization. While English may default to male when gender is unknown, there is a feminine avatar right next to the name, so it's natural to use feminine pronouns when YOU DON'T CARE in this case.
Here, to use male pronouns, you have to actually care enough about the person to label it as such. Which means you're paying attention to matters beyond hacking and homebrew, into personal lives. Which is gay as HELL.
Regardless, I don't think it's actually relevant to anything at hand. There will be no banging.

Finally got back into playing stuff my XBOX, but I'm having a strange issues where the game I'm playing (Whiplash) has bugs that apparently don't happen with the legit retail game, I'm not finding shit anywhere about this game in particular running on modded systems, is there a popssiblity the game has some AP shit built into it or that somehow my specific softmod won't run that game properly? (Used SiD 5.12, XBOX is a rev1.1 running UnleashX build 572)

>Check Switch Firmware
Bah. At least It's still able to get hacks one day I guess.

we know its you, "kate", fucking attention whore. show that feminine and boipussy.
i would fuck the shit out of you, yes homo.

amazon.de/gp/aw/d/B01M6ZGICT/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dpID=41UMaeJXI7L&dpPl=1&ie=UTF8&keywords=nintendo switch&language=en_GB&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&qid=1521379499&ref=plSrch&sr=8-4

I'm looking to pick up a Switch before the hardware revision will be the only model available. Is this a decent deal?

Only 5 months to go!


>copy over (presumably older) version of framecounter that I had on my pstv
>it works
Also I overclocked Atelier Ayesha and the framerate still dips to the teens in town. Bravo Gust.

Attached: questionmark.png (672x808, 158K)

fuck off faggot

till the new vagina!


have the overclock & screenshots without watermarks plugins been updated yet?

Dunno about oclockvita but pngshot has been.

>hear about Nyko dock bricking Switches on 5.0.0
>be on 4.1.0 with a desire for a spare console
>email the Nyko service rep, claiming you've now got Nintendo-licensed masonry supplies

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>Don't even own a Switch or Nyko dock
>Email them anyway
Welcome to REAL piracy.

Oh, also
>maidump Ys Origin works on my Vita
>doesn't on my PSTV
>other maidump games do work on my PSTV

I love when companies go into full PR-salvaging mode — it makes duping them a lot easier.

Attached: ewe fookin bother.jpg (640x640, 55K)

enough of this shit, what's the point of a discord server when we have the general?

I'm calling the cops enjoy getting v&

>fixed Vita showing march after february
based OP

>pirate 40 Vita games
>Play none

Who else?

I only downloaded like 30 after doing pkgj but I think I fucked up because I didn't check the regions of the ones I backed up my saves for
Don't really want to start from scratch. Salt and Sanctuary is fucking good though.

Is there a way to use cheats on Vita with Enso? One that works with NoNPDRM and Maidumps both preferably.

When a person is given freedom without also being given direction, that person will often simply stop. It is natural to.
Before that freedom, one could take the limitations as a challenge and decide which one is worth taking. Afterwards, there is no challenge or obligation.
You must at that point either rely on others to direct you, or direct yourself (Much more difficult), to prevent doing absolutely nothing.
This applies to every action in life.

Wtf I am a good goy now?!

wow user that's deep

Because I don't have control over the general.

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Really makes you think, dunnit

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just play your fucking video games user

I filled up my 128gb sd

what was sony thinking with those pitiful sized memory cards?

128gb of legit Vita games is well over 1000$.

At the price point, the costs of memory cards are trivial.

Is there such thing as fake sign in? I don't want my PS3 to get banned but certain stuff needs PSN login, such as TLoU download.

my legit vita game backup folder is 200 gigs

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Killing Bites - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.55_[2018.02.26_13.36.26].jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

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you can be a mod on the discord

I am, assuming picross counts.

Not really, that's still over 10% of your total spending to store only half your games at a time based on what 64GB were going for before SD2Vita came out.
Nevermind their failure rates.

>What are cartridges
Memory cards are supposed to only host saves and digital-only games.