/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>Pussy Slayer+ (Lance)
50% extra damage against Females

>Dick Slayer+ (Sword)
50% extra damage against Males.

Lady Celica!

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Lando when

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Playing FE7, there's too many units I like and want to field. Should I bother rotating them between maps or just focus on a main team?


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Based Reddit Flavour of the monthfu

I like Ike.

It's funny you say that, because Celica is my number 4.

>No content
Lmaoing at your lives

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Remember that one time Veronica tried to get Ephraim and Erikia to fuck one another

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I don't have anything valuable to say, but it's so early in the thread I just have to post.

Dicks and pussy! Bisexual is best!

>0.7% rate

Celica is eternal


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Now that I rolled Delthea, why the hell is she so thirsty? People joke about characters wanting your dick but she really sounds like she wants it.

You mean Gencross Lance+ and Gencross Sword+

Basically the Azura of her game. Like water, she'll flow down the stream of our memories until she's all but forgotten. When FE16 comes out, the girl they decide to shill in that game will take her place.

Welcome to mobage, where everyone does.

Emma looks so good and cute!


I want to marry Micaiah

Palla is the most beautiful and the best Pegasus knight.

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Reminder that when the servers went down /fgo/redditors went to beg /pol/ for attention. It was really embarrassing. Fate series is the MLP of Japanese games.

Fighting with dad!

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I Love All Green Haired Pegs

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Celica is the lord, Alm is the main boy

Good stream redditman

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I like Palla.

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most fe's you want to focus on a main team and fill the rest whith whoever you want but fe7's enemies really don't scale well and the game gives you enough good prepromotes to where it shouldn't be an issue using a wider range of units

Is Awakening the only FE game that's most enjoyable on a less than highest difficulty? Maybe RD too because of space counting.

lava-tan is cute


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Serika is /ourgirl/

Not the black one

Who needs content when you can grind mana prisms forever for CEs you'll barely even uss? Call me when Camelot comes out and Mash gets something new besides cool animations, not that I don't already enjoy these.

no way fag

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>hahaha cavshitters
>haha us armorbois amirite

Feels good to have this many defenses as a cavshitter, now I know why so many fags are mad.

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Marsia when? I want to hear her catchphrase

Convince me not to do this.

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Fate rerun order unless you are playing the seamonkey version redditman

Anyone knows who draw this?

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>americlaps are up again
i hope hiroshimoot shuts down Veeky Forums again overnight

>saying that when /feg/ literally went to /mlp/ instead

>Reddit's girl is /OurGirl/
The absolute state of nu/feg/

Wait so that's it ?
I can't support her with Hector or Rath ?
This support system is gay

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Americans have been up for like 5 hours, stop being an obsessed laughing stock

abel's shit taste is a thing of legend

if the problem is just starting now then the west coast is the culprit

How is a fucking subreddit rule an argument for anything?

>Palla spawned basically an entire archetype of green haired older peg sisters
How does she do it

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wait warmly

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Wait for Brazen Atk/Spd to come out on a non-limited or a Christmas Robin rerun at least.

That's the canon pairing

you can only have 5 combined support levels, if memory serves. You have to plan them out, which I don't really mind but having to camp out next to a character for forever was some very silly game design

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I miss comfy hours already

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Every chararacter is reddit then.

I love Luci__!

Does anyone actually like armors? As units, not as characters. Somehow Heroes made me hate using armors while I don't mind using them in the main games.

Kill yourself pedo.

big tits

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Characters like Faye are fucking annoying in my opinion

He is coming home lads

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The Ephraimfag who tried playing Radiant Dawn on Hardmode is playing on Normal mode this time.

Man Faye is mean, imagine if she really hates Celica.

sometimes I'm happy living in eastern timezone precisely because my sleeping hours is cancer hours

I like Effie, but I played the fan-translation.

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Alright. Who do I feather? Cordelia: +atk -res
Effie: +atk -hp
Lukas: +hp -res to replace my -atk +def one
Xander: So I can use him with his son
Nino: +atk -def to merge into my +spd -hp one
Soren: +spd -hp I think
Lissa: For Gravity memes or to fodder to my Lucius
Gordin: To fodder off Brave Bow to Brave Lyn.

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On heroes or main games? if on heroes i like them but not as much as infantry. if on the main game then yes i'm a big fan of knight class.


I assume you mean promote, Nino

Did someone say Arya?

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>Camilla's Axe
>16 mt
>Effective against armored and infantry foes.
What would the refine be?

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>Lucina retooled to Great Lord Lancina
>Celica alt for Marth
>Ike is now Brave Ike
>Roy stays only out of seniority
>Roy speaks English
>Marth speaks English
>Ike is now Greg Chun
>Lucina is now Alexis Tipton
>Robin is now Grima...... epik
>Corrin cut
>FE16 Lord as DLC because ISIS took too long
>Cyrkensia opera house stage
>Takumi assist trophy
>Fjorm trophy

So this is the power of sakurai.......................


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nino would be easiest, soren would be most fun to build


I use a couple pretty frequently in mixed teams, like BK. Guidance goes a long way to making them easier to use.

Full armour teams are decent once you've got armour march, but I can't stand using them without it.


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Effective against little brothers.

fucking when

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Why can't more Lucina art be like this

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syrene was really cute
too bad she's so useless

Armor is the most fun when you're a whale with unlimited resources


go on

Come on guys, I just fapped.

Man I wanna sex Nah.


enemy can't make a follow-up attack if they have smaller tits than camilla

Busty Lucina!

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Why would she get this?

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