/vtg/ Vermintide General

>>Information about chests and when to open them

>>Book and Angry Book locations

>>Performance guide

>>Mega of shit:

Old and broken -

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gay dumb game lol

>friend has 3 reds
>I have 30 more hours played and 0

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Just be yourself lol

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how to fix crafting system

>pay 100 scrap and 50 dusts to get a gauranteed stat combo on your weapon, on oranges maximum rnage isn't guaranteed

I'd rather have a hat than reds
I have neither at 160 hrs

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She decides to shoot me NOW?!

you gotta be neet

>At least the sun is shining, aye?

I don't even play this game, I will only be able to get it by the middle of the week, but tell me, why do you guys hate elves so fucking much?

You'll find out very quickly.

looking at the elfposters in this thread alone should tell you more than enough

fuck elves

What if all rats invaded the sun instead?

You'll soon know where the saying "Around elves, watch yourselves." comes from.

I wish. I'd have 200 hrs at least and more chances at a hat.

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>Bitter rain today

You thought dwarves and paladins hating elves was a meme but comes out that its always justified.

ib players are the worst. id rather have an elf player on my team

The elf character attracts bad players even if she's good in the right hands. She's also a complete unredeemable asshole towards genuinely sympathetic characters for no other reason than that she's an elf.

as long as they don't have ff pistols

So Kruber is the the weakest hero?

I was wondering this earlier aswell, playing the first class and I'm doing 0 damage to bosses

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foot knight has the best crowd control in the game, he can singlehandedly fuck a chaos patrol or a boss in the ass with his charge

>charge in
>they get up and fuck kruber in the ass cuz lmao no dmg

Get the halberd. Use only the halberd.

If we ever get a new hero will it be olyesa or someone else?

>knock them down
>team kills them while they try to get up
this isn't rocket science

Honestly the hardest class to use at start is dwarf but they all have their strengths and weaknesses

IB and Foot Knight seem to be the safest bets if you want to do Legendary with pubs due their survivability.

as soon as you hit a chaos or shield rato, your charge ends

playing him in a meta fashion still does not change that he is overall a worse hero then the others.

Rot Helms immediately prop back up after getting hit even if the hit was aimed at something else and was blocked by their armor anyways.
It's shit on rot helms unless they're alone and your team can gangbang them asap.

>str potion
>rothelms die in two hits to basic 2h hammer attacks
>pop, plonk, knock em down
it just works

Her voicelines are always bitching about something. No class is safe from baddies, but her comments are annoying which outlines bad players.

>It's shit on rot helms unless they're alone and your team can gangbang them asap
or i can 3 shot them with the halberd, 3 overheads in a row from push attack
or roll 2h hammer

>presses F, dashes through all the ratmen/chaos with arms extended behind back
Too easy...

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It's about the weapon you use, not class you play.

Krubers ranged weapons suck dick against bosses. Only the handgun does reasonably damage, although extremely slowly, so only use it when you can't reach the boss with your melee weapon or your melee weapon is shielded/2h sword.

The 2h sword and weps with shields are terrible at dealing with bosses, as is the 1h sword.

Experiment with charge attacks vs light attacks on the other weapons. Also, don't forget all weapons have a counterattack (hold click after pushing), which can be very potent (krubers halberd in particular, the counterattack is a overhead chop, and if you follow it up with a light attack, it does the 3rd combo move, which is nearly the same).

I'd argue the halberd is the best boss killer along with the glaive ESPECIALLY if you have aggro simply due to how free movement is during it, and how long the range is. Backstep attack while blocking, retaliate with a double overhead chop, repeat. Melts bosses on your own. Even if you don't have aggro, light attack spam on the halberd is STRONG.

Hey lads, I'm downloading the game now. Decided I want to try kruber of saltz first, as far as ranged goes, when am I supposed to stay back and when should I be meleeing?

merc has great cleave, gives your team attack speed and his ult with the revive 25 talent can make him very clutch
huntsman is great for legend because of longbow killing elites/stormvermin and chaos warriors (still needs his ult fixed to not rape your fov)
foot knight is tanky and charge is amazing, still deals good damage with a halberd or 2h hammer, can even stunlock bosses with charge if you're going cdr build and have a conc potion

Read the fucking comment I replied to you moron
The guy said the charge was good against rot helms.
It's fucking shit because they prop back up and either immediately kick you or start their swing animation.
It's better to not use it or use it on the trash mobs and let your team deal with the rot helm.

Team without elf is a myth. You have to make a 4 player premade group for that

Both should be in melee for the most part and save ranged ammo for deleting specials.

>Also, don't forget all weapons have a counterattack
god I hate fatshark

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>all people talk about is halberd halberd halberd sometimes hammer
>nobody ever mentions the sleeper mace
good, now fatshark wont know

mace has no cleave

Used to exclusively use 1h mace during VT1.
Halberds are just my favorite type of weapon so.

>god I hate fatshark
wat? elaborate

>Spend hours doing pic related
>Finally beat it.
>Open Legend Emperor's chest
>All blues


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fresh out the oven

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pretty sure the game doesn't mention at all that weapons have a unique counterattack if you keep holding down light attack after pushing

should be how heretical

Executioner Sword is Krubers best weapon bar none, but one of its attacks don't connect. It does almost as much damage as the halberd in two swings than the halberd does in three. Plus it has an on demand overhead attack, which cannot be beat by any weapon in the game.

Pray they fix it soon.

I guess that's true, I basically found out by accident myself

all basic attacks have cleave, it's also fast as fuck
the push attack has plenty of cleave, this attack also makes it krubers best crowd control weapon
with merc you have more cleave
strong attacks are all overhead easy headshots that have higher armor piercing damage than any halberd attack

it's a very good weapon

So is weapon usage tied to specific characters or subclasses or both?



I picked the elf as my first character and I'm having fun. Also, why do the daggers suck so much dick?

increase fov

It also generally breaks shields

reminder to complain on the steam community forums to buff saltz axe

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i dont
its a meme

The daggers are great, just need to get good with them. They're best on Shade. Let's her ohko most things from behind and they do massive damage after using her active skill.

they dont, you do

That would have been super helpful to know.

You deserve it for doing deeds on legendary. You should fo them for the challenge, not the boxes.

Reminder to join Discords for teaming up
>official game one
>non autistic Veeky Forums one

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anyone else think bardin is a bit too small? hes halfing size unless kruber and saltz are 6'6

Yeah I noticed the dwarfs on TW look a bit shorter than the human infantry which I'm guessing are average height.
Bardin is either too small or the dwarfs in war are too big


Is sword and board Kruger even viable? It takes me 2-3 hits to down trash barring a headshot and taking down armor takes forever when everyone does it in a split second. I know winning the run is all that matters for those chest but I feel like I'm not doing enough for the team other than giving them breathing space with charges and holding back the hordes. I usually roll +push/block angle and block cost reduction for the foot soldier.

he is that small to allow others to shoot over him

I just took forever to kill grunts with it, picked up the glaive and never looked back

>Playing Kerillian on Into the Nest on Legend
>Have latency so It's definitely not Europe
>Doing well the party aren't complete idiots
>Picking off most of the Stormvermin and Specials while just sitting back while Sienna/Saltzpyre/Bardin do the heavy lifting on Hordes
>Reach the boss cleanly with nobody dying and nobody going down, fighting the boss relatively well with just Sienna going down but we had a medpack
>The Boss goes into a corner and we clear all the rats before going back on the boss
>I am shooting the boss
>Saltzpyre (who is the host) walks through me
>Hold my fire and move out of the way
>Fire arrow which manages to clip him (probably due to latency)
>Down him because it was a crit
>Literally only instance of friendly fire on my part
>He says "thanks"
>call him a faggot for being a passive aggressive cunt
>Finish the level shortly afterwards
>We get to the keep and it's taking suspiciously long to get a new map going
>"You have been removed from the lobby"
This had to be America. I have literally never been kicked while playing on prime time Europe

>halescourge champion
>everyone is doing great
>about to enter the arena
>host crashes, map restarts
>30 minutes wasted for nothing

great fucking game

>half of the talents in the game don't work
>huntsman's active breaks your fov settings
>BH's passive is broken
>beam staff is broken
>a plethora of game breaking glitches
>final level of the game is acknowledged as "unstable"
priorities straight as an arrow

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just die irl

>elf player uses mic
>sounds like a fag

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Sounds like your teammate hit you.

>girl on the mic
>turns out to be little boy

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did you put your dick back in your pants or did you keep going?

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even better

yeah let me get right on that fatshit, all for a soldier box

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bh passive is fine though

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>789 KB 1920x1080 webm

Bring back bounty board ree

Why is the bile troll such a fucking absolute nigger

bile troll isn't as bad as meme spawn

Does ammo on headshot work with weapons like grudge-raker and blunderbuss? Last time I had one with that trait it didn't function.

I don't understand why people complain about troll. His bile is super easy to dodge and everyone gets a ton of free hits while he's puking. The bosses with that stampeding attack chain are way more annoying.

>His bile is super easy to dodge

Next time you are on into the nest look at the cogs on the water wheels. They don't fit or rotate at the appropriate rates.

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Not like bosses even matter if you have a Pyro sienna fucking dicking them in the dick. Also the troll got nerfed anyways already.