/kcdg/ - Kingdom Come Deliverance General

Jewish bascinet edition

>Official sites & social media
twitch tv warhorsestudios

look it up faggot
there's dev blogs on youtube, loads of losers on twitch, funny moment and bugs compilations everywhere and webms floating around /v/ and /wsg/


Interactive Map - kingdomcomemap.github.io
Labeled Hi-Res Map - mega.nz/#F!LIx32A5Z!Vt0Y82cykdN8DjoxUMJq6g


>Game Art
Artbook - mediafire.com/file/he4hwaaa6scurd6/Artbook_EN.rar
Soundtrack - mediafire.com/file/8a2d8ogtky5bthm/Soundtrack.rar
Maps - mega.nz/#F!mCZ0AYQI!qz4FZnueP_f0_SlrxBnMxA

FAQ, Console Commands, etc. - pastebin.com/F9W9bwCz
Other FAQ - pastebin.com/mSvK6ec9
Item ID's - pastebin.com/iaudJWDw
Perk ID's - pastebin.com/wFFJUEaM
OP - pastebin.com/ETJE9iPD

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Implying saving by sleeping wasn't bugged

>all we ever talk about in KC:D is talk about a 7 year old game that's kicking this one's ass
>No YOU have the skyrim fetish user!

You guys are pathetic

Is playing as a thief rewarding at all other than moneywise?

Or do you guys who are thieves literally just carry a suit of armor for fighting anyway?

>Implying saving by sleeping wasn't bugged
It wasn't, dipshit. They added saving in unowned beds as a crutch for the shitters that bought this game thinking it was for babbies like Skyrim.

No it wasn't.

What else is there? We already talked about the game a lot, so now it's just very brief discussion when new players have questions or shitposting arguments.

I think it's fun gameplay, so yes, rewarding. But you're always going to be better off in a fight with armor than without it, obviously.

You can sneeki breeki poison bandit camps and shit but when you're ambushed on the road that obviously isn't viable.

Did you guys managed to complete the "Weeds" quest? I failed it...

It's weird to me since even in the TES series, Oblivion seems like a 10x better comparison in overall style and scope.

Was it your first in the genre? I always compare shit to Morrowind because that was mine.

did you get all the weeds you lazy bastard?

Yeh see I've been getting fucking wrecked trying to play a speedy dodge counterattacking henry but in 1vMany and I'm also a little salty that Henry dialogue is still muh good boi christian even when I'm a filthy murdering thief. Was thinking of playing as some sort of Lawful Good Paladin instead (probably what everone does)

Yes, but I waited a couple days to see Nicodemus and the weeds had magically regrown.

Paladin is fun but not always convenient, but fucking merciful playthrough is painful and I highly suggest you not bother with it.

Fuck merciful. I meant Lawful Good, punishment is death edition.

What're the things that count as dishonorable? Besides the obvious things like stealing and killing innocents of course.

It's hard to separate all the bugs, features, and new content from eachother with this game.

>continues to talk about skyrim
>can't talk about anything except the divinity of this game and constantly comparing it to skyrim
How does it make you feel, user?

Touching dead bodies, whoring at the baths.

Morrowind was my first too.
Gave me a totally different feel from KCD though, at least the way I remember it.

Looting corpses, poaching, intimidating people.

Feels different sure, but it is the last game that enthralled me like KCD has.

Are they fixing the bugs or did they take everyone's money and run?

Is Morrowind still good enough to play, or has it aged poorly? I didn't play RPGs when I was younger, but I've really enjoyed KCD and I liked Divinity OS2 (even though it also had some really annoying problems). I didn't like Oblivion or Skyrim though.

Graphically it's aged like milk but if you're not an illiterate brainlet you'll enjoy it.

Sadly, I am an illiterate brainlet. I often have to reload before quests in KCD because my mind wanders and I forget what people just said to do.

It's still the best. There are graphics overhauls that make it more tolerable but honestly, I still play the base game from time to time and enjoy it immensely.

>talk to ulfric while he's in bed
>get him to help me with clearing out the camp
>he just shows up like this

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kek he did the same thing with me
left all his shit in the guest chest at the inn

>shoot his steed out from under him in a field
>it's laying there dead at the inn when I go to meet him a couple of days later
He carried a ton of horse across half of the region, what a boss.

Sneak attacking is also pretty good. Both pressing F to knock someone out and then finishing them off later, and also jumping them like a retarded monkey and beating the shit of them before they can draw a weapon and properly defend themselves

>almost all protein sources in the game cost you energy
What sort of faggot vegan is Vavra?

Why would you do that to that poor old man?

The quest was to catch him so I shot the horse. I didn't know he would become a bro. What happens if you just follow him? I'm not that far into my second run.

>weapon selection
>combat variety
...combat was rockem sockem robots, copypasting morrowinds fight system across oblivion and skyrim. both of them suffered the same issue when it came to gear, hit level 20 and suddenly every bandit is wearing Glass armor dropping top tier weapons. And if you like bows, everything is dead even quicker.

it actually took a lot of the fun out of the game once it became clear i could go to windhelm and mine ebony, go to mehrunes dagon statue for infinite hearts and Mass produce every daedric weapon...... the game already had a problem incentivizing exploration by scaling drops. being able to craft weapons even more retardedly powerful was the final death knell.

>character progression
>open world
kinda already address this above but as you level enemies drop better stuff making exploration pointless, as there isnt anything useful to find hidden in the world. And if you level up a damage dealing skillset, you go from scrub to god very quickly. i remember doing a mission for the Companions, tracking down some Ancient Axe, picking it up and immediately putting it in my box of junk. a big, Oh wow i did all this for some fancy Moon armor that became useless 30 hours ago, and a axe less powerful then my letter opener... and find out everyones a furry. great.

the casualized progression they started to use in Oblivion ruined any sense of achievement through the game. their quests were already cheesy, each faction hunting down some Super important XYZ all at the same time, then you find the thing and you accidently over leveled to the point where its useless. enter the thieves guild opening hard locks at level2, sneaking around retarded ai and through the magic of progression by the time they give you the Extra special sneaky armor you are already sneaking passed people through 9 dimensional space in armor made of tambourines, opening Ultra God Locks with a tube sock when you get your hands on a master key

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Reminder to not engage with the Skyrim poster, it's actually a Witcherfag false flagging because there's a new hot Eurojank RPG in town.

How they fucked up Hounskull Bascinets so bad? They even watched that video screenshot is from and yet still choose to add modern sports version of the visor. And they really need to stop to tuck every aventail in and not over the shoulders.

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>caring about the fedora of helms

the concept artists ignored the history adivisor at WH studios if facebook coments are to be belived

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/kcdg/'s dream come true

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>He can't afford a proper helm and walks around with a metal bowl on his head

I use the Italian Bascinet because I'm not a Redditor like you, hounskullfag.

Well at least you're not a kettle fedora fag. I use the Italian bascinet too. Is there a decorated/gilded version?

Not that I've found, but if it's like the decorated German one I'd stick with the normal version anyway.

A fedora is a helm, so wouldn't fedora be the fedora of helms?


This just makes no sense. I'm really interested to see a train of thought of artists that gone "SCA version looks much better". When you look and compare both, this one simply looks better because it looks like a more logical piece of armour that is supposed to protect your fucking head.

What if they added multiples different ones with varying designs?

Well it's not like they were made from a blueprint in a factory so I don't see why this shouldn't be a thing. The in game one looks mighty rough tho.

Yeah it would make plenty sense.
I’m upset you can’t get gambesons tailored and dyed to suit your fashion needs.
Maybe if we get sensible mods that add all of that I’d be happy.

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main reason of why i cant wait for modding tools to be released

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Man, the change from hunting bow to longbow arrow arcs is way too weird. I'm tempted to switch back.

Sugarloaf Greathelms were still kinda a thing too. Nice to have some.
Pic would be lovely too.

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This is just getting ridiculous.

Think that's bad? Try a Cuman bow.

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early armets could be nice too and it wouldn't be terribly inaccurate considering that they are depicted as early as 1410

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How do you even make a bug like that? I don't understand what they could have changed to create the infinite halberd pile.

It's been like this for a week. I'm honestly just going to see how big the pile can get at this point.

I need help, involving the Tough Love quest.
Elishka isn't spawning outside of Executioner Hermann's home, which prevents me from leveling up Henry's literacy to completion as the scribe is still afflicted with fibromyalgia.
So, for Tough Love, should the questline always be active, or must you activate it with a precursor questline?
I've also tried completing the Good Thief quest and going to jail for murder, neither of which helped.
Any ideas?


install this mod and teleport that bitch to you. I had the same problem with Peshek when I first started playing, and then Radzig later. Teleporting NPCs to you when they just vanish is so helpful.

They are rubbing the fact that we cant use halberds in our faces.. Fucking Vavra..

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But will this activate the questline?

yeah. Wait, don't you activate the quest line by talking to the executioner instead?

I think you have to see her crying outside first, this activates an objective. Then you speak to the executioner to continue with the quest.
Besides, he still wont talk to me.

I did it by talking to her but it may well be that both ways work.

My knigga.

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So do you absolutely have to sabotage the bandit/cuman camps in Nest of Vipers? From what I understand its a pain in the ass.

What do?

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cheat_teleport_npc_to_loc token:Elishka_(last name) x:1 y:2 z:3

Is that even how you really spell her name?

What is her last name?

No, you only have to scout the approaches, the rest (sabotage) is optional.

You can also just kill them all and haul all that sweet, sweet loot away.

This is the stupidest game of wack a thief I've ever played.

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Does anyone know how to find the charlatan again after he flees from sasau ? are there any commands i can use to teleport him to me ?

cheat_teleport_npc_to_loc token:Charlatan x:1 y:2 z:3

Does Dadzig chew out for not sabotaging? I don't want to disappoint another father in my life.

Dunno, I just take the genocidal route, it's easiest and there's more profit in it.

Why wouldn't you sabotage? It's so easy. Just ride in with a horse, do a few circles so they all show up to chase you, then ride out on your horse. Once past the bridge just turn around and go back to light all the arrows on fire. I don't know how to poison their water.

Is it actually possible to kill enough bandits/cumans there to make a dialogue option come up saying you already did it all?

I'm pretty sure the optional objectives just get you extra praise.

I stole evrything from him so he went and killed two baandits bare-handed

>I don't know how to poison their water.
Not the water, the food. Just put poison into the pots.

Nah, you can do all the sabotage after purging the knaves and subcumans though to get full credit from Dadzig but the battle is scripted to that the camp magically repopulates. It would be awesome though if the game would let you roll up with your army to an empty camp and then you have to sheepishly explain why the only living inhabitant is a very frightened and lonely Runt.

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Not bad for an indy game.

Maybe in the hype patch. I just wish there'd be more acknowledgement for players who are actively fucking murder machines since the game likes to tell you to "run away and live" a lot.

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Fuck off Witcherfag.

fuck off

>let's conveniently forget that the only thing keeping Skyrim afloat is mods.

I actually am fairly bad at the combat in this game, one or two enemies I can take alright but more than that I just can't handle.

What level are these bandits/cumans? Are we talking Interlopers level bandits, who kick my shit in if I try to fight fairly?

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I'd recommend gitting gud before soloing Pribyslavitz, there's a lot of perfect blocking mastercunts who will rekt you if you're not equipped and skilled enough.

Either that or cheese/kite/savescum your way through.

Nah they are more on par with the Cumans that Robard sends you to kill. Interlopers is endgame shit, especially the hounskull/Milanese guy.

>not sneak killing everyone

I'm in full plate and have St. George's Sword (that I got from the dev cheat chest that was removed), should I buy and level up maces in preparation? My mace skill is 3 when I tried using them early on but switched to swords.

Too boring

I just used Herod's Sword and whatever plate armour I'd scavenged, having sword at level 20 helps.

Does St. George's sword exist at all without that chest?

it's Hans' sword
you can pinch it during the bathhouse quest

>stealing from Hans

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Probably for the best considering he won't be needing it not too long from now.

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Why is Radzig never where he's supposed to be

He was in fucking Neuhof during the time he was supposed to be in Merhojed

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he gets around
got a kingdom to save

Wait what the hell, my Robard does not give me any cuman hunting mission, I only have Bernard bandit control quests.