/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging. Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 25th of March:
1410 – The Yongle Emperor launched the first of his military campaigns against the Mongols, resulting in the fall of the Mongol khan Bunyashiri.
1807 – The Slave Trade Act became law, abolishing the slave trade in the British Empire.
1917 – Following the overthrow of the Russian tsar Nicholas II, Georgia's bishops unilaterally restored the autocephaly of the Georgian Orthodox Church.
1948 – Meteorologists at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, United States, issued the world's first tornado forecast after noticing conditions similar to another tornado that had struck five days earlier.
1975 – King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was shot and killed by his nephew Faisal bin Musaid.

Random Country Picker

# News
EU4 Rule Britannia is out.

CK2 DD 19/03

>Archive (mods only)

>Where to get these games


>>[EU4] - /gsg/ and Taxes v0.2 - 12/10/2017

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.2

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 14/12/2017

>>[V2] - Music Mod

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

Old Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:



2nd for polish corridor

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bozgors watch out


based KikeKilla2233


Reminder that 90% of white nationalists are retarded

White & Based

das my future dutch africa, rate

Attached: africa.png (1360x768, 1.38M)

>7 tuntia sitten
Hello Pekka

Reminder that 100% of You is retarded.

whitebois keep making comments like this while I impregnate their women with my superior black genes


why was this deleted?

For not being white and based enough

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Polish everything

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shut the fuck up and suck my big black nigga dick

based hitlermod



The beginning of the Athenian golden age saw the publication of one of the earliest codified laws in its society. Just as constitutional norms began to be set across imperial democracy, an ambitious young demagogue began to threaten it.

The kind-hearted Eucrates the Younger took an unprecedented step in Athenian politics when he stood once again for command status in the elections. Of course, he had constructed the important justification that it was to help with the war in Lydia.

The Lydians, under the guidance of the corrupt Queen Mother, had taken to trying to pressure and dominate the politics of Miletos, to try and recover dominance over Anatolia. Athens, having just come from the consolidation of Macedonia and the recent rotations of Greek politics with the Spartan withdrawal of relations from the Athenian sphere, the soon saw it in their interest to take any efforts necessary to weaken and beat down the outlying Kingdom of the East.

Seeing opportunity, Eucrates built up public support for an alliance with Miletos and soon lead an army of 18,000 men to Lydia itself.

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Going to be setting up client states based on this map
Suggest names please

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how dat shit taste whiteboi?

Is HoI4 still basically garbage?

Sultanate of Rûm(blue)
Safavid Persian caliphate(Red)
Domains of Mansa Munsa(Light blue)
Sultanate of Zanj(brown, Zanj is the name of the region)

I generally name mine after real countries
Reminds me: I should rename the capital to Bestburg

Attached: eu4_431.png (1920x1080, 3.2M)

Surely it makes no sense having the title in the name?

Have there been any changes in HPM to new world pops moving to old world provinces? I want to do a Texans as Boers game without having to modify saves.

Eucrates was coming under criticism once he took a third consecutive term. There was a faction of aristocratic Athenian citizens who started to both run a propaganda campaign against the "would-be tyrant" that Eucrates was, his "irresponsible" war effort in Lydia, and the productive stagnation beginning to take ahold in the home territory.

However, Eucrates had developed a system of keeping things in check. While he was still out winning victories in Lydia, he had a priest, Philocrates of Tyre, advocate for him at home. There was a new set of reforms under way in Eucrates' administration, where scholarship was being promoted so he could promote a great court that would aid him in maintaining control at home.

The next victory Eucrates won was his victory in Sardes, where he had been prosecuting a long and hard siege. He ordered the citizen army of Athens to completely plunder the city, having the slaves and treasure brought directly to Athens as a means of intimidating his domestic rivals.

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Of course, it doesn't, the name placement will be terrible

Requesting contact with AARnon.

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I can't wait to be a good shabbos goy for my masters :3

A reminder that if this guy said the same for the aryan race 90% of /pol/ would defend him with their lives.

>the virgin greek declaration of independence
>the chad tornado forecast
get cancer OP

Here comes the good goy defeind their master.
Tell me, are you a communist too?

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Imperium Universalis

Coming from a considerable and glorious victory in Lydia, gaining for the Athenian state a new colony in Thrace, Eucrates had gained two more terms as the head and face of Athenian democracy. At the same time, however, it was worried by many that his amassing of glory and power was serving as a way to subvert the Constitution of Athens. There were a multitude of issues that threatened Athens; the foremost of them the issue of slavery and the fact that the slave population was once again rising rapidly.

Things came to a head when the moment there was a general peace, the slaves of Larisa declaring a general revolt against their masters. To prove his legitimacy once again (as well as gain the support of the "slave owning" class), Eucrates personally lead the 18,000 man army to Larisa and destroy the rebels.

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What ideas are suited for Moscow in EU IV? What is the best way to develop and expand?

I hate the initial border gore.

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Usually administrative is the best, then Quantity.

From there give all the sunnis the dick.

>play KR as anyone non-syndicalist
>Germany steamrolls Commune
>play as Union and do fuckall to help the Commune
>Commune fucks Germany and I have to do naval landings to ensure I get something out of the war

I just wanted a final boss

steam>library>right click "europa universalis 4">uninstal...
control panel>uninstall a program>"europa universalis 4"

>"Oh yeah there is a chance coal will appear in high development provinces"
>Only we really mean there is a chance in these select provinces around the map
>By chance we mean you need 20 development and have enlightenment
>Also England has 5 of them alone

T-thanks paradox

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yeah france vs germany just doesn't really work as a big war in kaiserreich, the weltkrieg feels just like the franco-prussian war or something, rarely do i see france vs germany last more than 2 years

imo germany vs savinkov or wrangel's russia would make for the best war that has a truly massive feel (even if it is too similar to our timeline), but it rarely happens. alternatively an entente with the usa and russia in it vs a totalist europe/latin america/india could be cool as a war in the late 1940s

>Coal shoud spawn anywhere
>England, a massive producer of coal shouldn't have a lot of coal
this is your brain on eu4

There was unbounded controversy and choruses of execration when Eucrates won his sixth command in 314. Once again he had used a military campaign as the justification for it, and now he had a posse of philosophers, politicians, and specialists operating in Athens that served his doing. Because of his plentiful successes, Eucrates, still ambitious, had now become a locus for other politically ambitious Greeks who saw much wealth and success in the shape of the growing Athenian Commonwealth.

But this wasn't only an informal ring of power, Eucrates made actual, institutional reforms in Athens as a means of solidifying his legacy on the politik and procedures of its state apparatus. In the military sphere, he set up officer schools and military academies staffed by veteran friends of his, he revised the equipment and tactical standards of the Infantry, the backbone of the Athenian army. On the home front, he let Philocrates appease the religious establishment of Athens while he made appeals to the growing intellectual base all around Greece to attract them to Athens as a place of thought. He underwent great projects in Athens, building up the Great Marketplace, paving the roads, and establishing theaters, libraries, and temples in the city. All of this was paid for by treasures conquered from abroad.

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you can't go wrong with admin, influence and religious.

riddle me something, has slaves been fixed? Last time I played a while ago I gathered too many slaves and the modifiers glitched out and I had all 4 slave modifiers in effect at once, giving me an extra 10 unrest nationwide
Could you show your slave modifiers if it's not too much to ask?

Shame the CSA wins every game and Russia does fuckall.
Also a shame that Japan's event chains are broken and don't set flags properly

But Germany barely has any

Gonna try my luck again Any tips on how to git gud in Waking the Tiger? It's weird, I can't even take fucking Yugoslavia with Hungary anymore, no matter whether I hurry and strike early or wait a while.

At first I went with 6 inf, 2 art and support eng. Yugoslavia has no hardness to speak of, so I didn't bother with anti-tank, TD or whatever. Then I read somewhere that tanks were buffed considerably, and that supposedly even light tanks are feasible in combat now. Went even worse when I tried integrating some of those.

Any ideas where I'm fucking up?

Shut up reddit nigger

I haven't noticed a whole lot of problems in the slave system? It's all just hard to read. I'm also rather new to the mod, I will be completely honest. Like I heard something about culture changing through colonization, but I haven't seen anything happen from that. It would really help with the Macedonian provinces though.

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Maybe it was just me, but in the Rome game I did, I gathered enough slaves to break the slave to state population modifier you can find in the triggered modifiers tab on the bottom right
For colonization on the province view there's a top right button that for 300 ducats (doubled for each colony you have) the province undergoes 'colonization" where events fires that add a progression % (5% then +15 for 25 dip mana, etc) and when it's completed it flips to your culture and religion

Isn't the standard template 7inf 2art?

When I hover over the button it just says "Kingdom"

I'm going to end up westernizing before korea, they've had 3 revolutions now

Attached: cm13.jpg (1920x1200, 692K)

I believe you need to be kingdom rank or above to do the colonization

It is, I think, but Hungary is low on manpower early on and Yugoslavia used to go over like nothing. The problem can't be one battalion of inf, can it?


The After the End fan-made continuation thing just came out. Thoughts?


Attached: After The End Fan Fork.jpg (1920x1440, 1.03M)

Except if they didn't rework the combat width completely the problem is that battalion of infantry.


Alright, I'll give it a try later. Thanks.

>Dev Diary: Reddit.com

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holy shit this is the most success I've had with china EVER
is conquering mexico early game the secret to chinese success?

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>still not civilized

yeah yeah I know, but between Paradox Forums and Reddit it was the better option.

Didn't Reddit edit the genocide decision in HPM to kill Dixies and other white ethnicities?

As Lithuania, holding Poland in a personal union, how can I make them lose six provinces so I can press the stupid button to inherit them? I can't seize it thought subject interaction and I can't seem to find an opportunity to give up their stuff through war

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And who exactly are you? A dev?

I mean, Dixie culture isn't accepted in the US after a Union victory in the civil war IIRC, so it would certainly be possible.

But again, it was more convenient to post everything to Reddit than it was to use the Paradox forums.

easiest grand strategy game for a neurotypical to get into?

I'm the head of the dev team, yeah. Also, sorry for the Reddit spacing in my earlier post. I've gotten too used to posting shit over there

I am kingdom rank, so I guess I might need to be above. Well, I'm going to probably just take the effort to get myself to Large State status.

The war on the behalf of Athen's barbarian allies in Thesprotia proved to be an unpopular and weak excuse for the continuance of Eucrates' command. Becoming slightly desperate, if not simply eager to once again aggrandize himself for the glory of his growing Athenian Empire, Eucrates decided that it was time to assert himself deeper in Greece. Specifically he wanted to subjugate the Aetolians and their allies the Phocians. Having them under Attic patrimony would guarantee that Athens would have a solidified hold in both Beotia and around the Peloponnese.

He set out his legate Prymneus to go and incite the appropriate incidents to allow a widespread invasion of inner Greece. It's at this point that it's important to emphasize other things that made Eucrates the Youngers' command rather controversial. He was known by some (disparagingly) as Eucrates the Macedonian not because of any actual heritage on his part, but rather because he spent little time in Athens itself but rather off in the Macedonian province trying to build up a personal power base for himself right there. It was humiliating for the other demagogues and reformers in Athens to see an errand boy go back and forth with messages from the man who was supposed to be the public slave. As Eucrates wrote proclamations and reforms from Pella, whether it was an expansion of the Athenian navy, or a treatise where he claimed complete support for Athenian democracy.

His documents on politics reveal a very different sort of figure and mind from his own actions, emphasizing the importance of democratic norms, a vigilant public, the rotation of officials, and countering the problem of faction.

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Head of the dev team for? Also fix your shit Paracucks, stop dumbing down your games for suburban retards

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9 mounths after my near death experience, my wife brings me a little girl! Aldonza is a fine name and she will make a fine wife some day.

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The After the End Fan Fork. This one: moddb.com/mods/after-the-end-fan-fork

Nice republican tradition you fucking tyrant mug.

>another modder figured out that he can use the long flag as the main flag

based. What mod is that?

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Fucked that one up

It seems that many of the lords in Aragon proper, actually all of them are rebeling against the king of aragon. Perhaps its due his lands being so far away from home. And it also turns out those dam hebrew loaners were actually useful other then harassing me over loans

Where the fuck did you come from?

Better Flags 2.0

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What the fuck Polan

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You do need to be above kingdom, my bad
What's your government type?
Are you aiming to form Hellas?

Christ it never fucking ends. This game has been non stop getting dowed on. The only time I haven't had war declared on me was way in the beginning when I took Bungo, and when I declared independance

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AHHHH!!! That is the sound I hear while I was in my study I come outside and I see my beloved son, died. Some one had pushed him off the balcony! But no one knows who did it or why or who was involved in the plan. After I grieve I start to think, was it my eldest son the king of Misr? He is known to be a bit cruel but he is also known as the just? My wife? This child was born way before I married her... who could have done such a thing and why. It keep me up all night.

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The fuck is this

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I made the Judaism Submod for After the End, and after the dev team went into hiatus I got permission from them to make my own version of the mod. I got a team together and managed to get v0.1 of our new version out in around a month.

We've added all the stuff from my Judaism submod, as well as a few other things, like adding the new Jade Dragon Chinese portraits for Asian characters and Monastic Feudalism for Gaian characters. We've also fixed a shitton of bugs with the old version, so it should run perfectly well on the newest CK2 patch.


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Well, fucking thank you for updating it. What are you going to do now?

We still haven't added secret religions, societies, or off-map powers, so our next three updates will focus on adding all of those things in that order.
There are also a few more things we want to improve on, like the lack of flavor in parts of South America or the fact that certain Christian religions don't have heresies for some reason.