/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Triple Torpedo Edition

Previously, on /wtg/ >Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeb pedophilia and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>vg chatroom:
If asked for a password, use "memes"

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

>Dank Bants to Spam in Chat for Salt
>Nanking was not raped

Poccия - кpyпнeйший в миpe мycop
>Russia - The world's largest trash can

中国人不是人 他们是动物
>Chinese people are not people they are animals

REMEMBER: Spam reports on all D*scord shitposts, all muttposters, GuPshitters, and kiketube spammers. Be the chemo
/wtg/ needs.

Attached: martin mauler.jpg (402x268, 26K)

What's the absolute worst vehicle in the game?

Attached: 1512778978853.jpg (543x540, 27K)

Attached: boin.webm (800x474, 2.84M)

Justto be clear, since I am a fucking idiot. APDS on russians front plate is 50% bounce 50% kill? Thanks

competition between the OS2U and Po-2. For ground vehicles probably that first russian SPAA.

PT-76 for ground forces, Swordfish for air forces

50% bounce, 50% have the fuel tank absorb all the shrapnel, maybe the drivers toes will get tickled

Aim for shot trap.

7.7 tonks anyone? murrica

I will try thanks

isn't pt-76 just a bit worse object 906? i thought it'd rape tier 4

What nations has the best jets? America?

That's not how you pronounce ASU-85

everyone except french

either ASU-85 or Ka-Mi

each nation has a good jet

depends on the tier? Below 8.0 the Yak 23 is the best jet, followed by the F84G. Best 8.0s are the G-91 R/1, La 200 and Me 163 (if you can use it). Best 9.0 is the CL13, second best the F40. Behind that come Hawker hunter, Mig 17, F2

TBD for planes

RU-251 for tanks

Slavs have best everything.

>"bug" where all the german tanks could catch fire from non penetrating machine gun bullets
>IS-6 secret armor
>APDS strange behavior
>Matchmaking changes to prevent MBT and KPz from teaming up a week after
>Yak-23 and La-200 BRs
>Of the tanks given hull break in 1.77, Object 906 was the last one
>Gun barrel HP
>Heavy censorship of any and all criticism on the forums
But remember that there is no reason to think they would ever bias in favor of any nation, and anyone who thinks so is just a racist! )))))

>and anyone who thinks so is just a racist! )))))
>all these people calling slavs subhuman
They do have a point you know.

>british & eu stand up to russia
>all sudden slav tanks performing better

10 second reload with a 76mm gun that comes with pure shit APCR stock. 0 depression, HEAT-FS has 200 pen but has troubles killing even a single crew member, dies to .50 cals frontally and quite literally any single plane gun in the game from above. It is an absolute pile of shit.

Reddit doesn't think so, and I don't see any posts about bias on the game forums.

Dude, you must be smoking something because there really isn't any bias in this game. You're just nit picking.

The Abrams is really good high tier, and people aren't complaining that theres USA bias now, are they?

It's just people being butthurt that they don't know how to play the game correctly.

Attached: 1514316382612.png (598x564, 220K)

>stand up to russia
>angry voiced letter and a dozen or so diplomats ordered to leave

>hit a milktruck square in the cab with HE from the Ho-Ro
>entire crew is only red

give up
those subhuman slavs have an army of shills and brain dead retards who spent hundreds of dollars on this game

Attached: NOBIAS)))).png (1282x304, 92K)

>this is your average WT player
chances are he posts here as well
btw go ahead and try to guess which vehicle was he using

Attached: shot 2018.03.25 18.14.01.jpg (1031x484, 157K)

they can show bias towards russian vehicles and you can also be a racist, these aren't mutually exclusive points

They show bias towards Russian vehicles?

I'ma need proof on that one, yo.

He 162.

kys shill


waaaaaaaaaaaay worse. if I say ULQ you say....



>object waiting in bush for half the match for you to drive past

every time

hint: it's a prem

Object 120.


Obj. 120

>object 906 is close
>it's a premium
Ru 251 or object 120

What ''APDS strange behaviour''?
APDS rocks. You just have to aim a bit. Funnily enough, Russian tanks are easiest to kill with APDS, it's German tanks like Tiger IIs that cause some issues.
All this other shit you autistic retards cry about is mostly non-existent. Yes they made some retarded game design choices and there are bugs but I never saw this ''Russian bias''.
If you think they're biased and that WT is some Russian conspiracy, stop playing this fucking game, instead of sperging out in every fucking thread. It was kinda funny first few times, now you're fucking obnoxious.

check out my new favorite hiding spot

Attached: shot 2018.03.23 21.49.59.jpg (2560x1440, 1.32M)

>he has a

+5000 GE!!!

+25GE to such a dedicated shill!


how would you explain a 105mm APDS bouncing off the LFP of an unangled T-54 from ~50m?

that's actually not the ASU-57. I haven't tried bushing that one up.
Is it possible, with the open top?

you forgot to add ''sl*v(e)s shoudl be xtrminated'' and some other original comment
imagine being so fucking autistic you play something you hate/that you think it's rigged, and you waste hours of your life on it, and you take it as a super srs business on Laotian agricultural forum
I mean I'd forgive you if you were funny, but spamming same retarded comments for years is just fucking sad and cringy

It used to be. Its so small that one of the large bushes covers most of it.

>posting a screenie of yourself sperging out

It's called ''bugs''. This game has a ton of them. I also experienced bugs when driving Russian tanks.
Just because a bug happened while you were driving non-Russian tank doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.
And fuck this shit, I'm not gonna discuss this idiocy anymore. This is pure fucking cringe. Play the game, and if you don't like it don't give them your time/money. There.
I like it, despite some retarded design choices. I also appreciate that a game like this is a very complex things and that they can't polish it 100%. If you can do better, make your own game, and we'll try it.

>people actually paid for a slower m60 without the indestructible hull
I would laugh if it wasn't so sad

Attached: jewtank.jpg (2560x1440, 1018K)

>t. Tk210

Calm down Anton, you vatnik ape

this has been bugging me for a really long time

What does the

>driving along
>no1 can see you
>teammate gets shot at
>shot misses by a few metres
>over his hill & head
>hits you


>paying more for less
Truly a jewish tank.

It means the.

>play British tonks
>enjoy a bit with Comet and first Centurion
>unlock rest of Tier IV
I really wanna try out Chieftain but I guess I'll never unlock it

>Mutts wake up
>thread goes to shit as usual
Do something you lazy hotpocketeers

>suffering as british
How does it feel to suck at the game?

>Soviet tanks constantly fight decades newer tanks specifically designed to kill them
>People still can't L2P

wtf i thought slavs were op

Attached: one player.jpg (500x703, 94K)

It's not that the vehicles are shit, it's shitty repair costs and expensive ammo

Attached: New T-64 'CHEEKI BREEKI' HE.webm (1152x720, 2.86M)

Fair mate, fair.
At one point I had to resort to playing BR 3.7 to make SL.

>there are people here that actually believe the russian bias meme
imagine being this delusional

Attached: .jpg (326x344, 68K)

>you can't do this with western tanks no matter what caliber you use
Ha ha
no bias am i rite?

>irl british sabots & hesh fuck up russian tanks
>ingame theres a 60% chance of shotdeletion/bounce no matter where you hit
>their weaker tanks dont even hull break when hit by 120mm hesh/sabots

slav(e) shill going into meltdown. Expect a category 5 chimp out with m**tposting within the next 10 minutes or sooner.

Did you know Russia has tigers?



what an awful, awful bait

>slav(e) chimps get called out
>bias is proven in thread
>immediate spamming of shill, shitposts and m**tposting
>chimp shrieking for their pet janis to shield them and let them continue to be cancer

t6 was a mistake
scratch that, tanks was a mistake

it means "signed" or something like that. it's finnish I think

This desu

The whole “Russian bias” shit is people justifying their shit skills. Human error is always going to be present in video game designing and coding. I give Gaijin their props for making a great game. There are a few questionable design choices, but Ithink overall they have done and will do their best.

If you don’t like all the “bias” then don’t play the fucking game.

*chases nametags in his dead gamemode*

So this.. this is the power of hotpocketeer protection. Cancer unchecked and unrivaled.

this but unironically

>gaijin actually have dedicated paid shills to defend their game from attack by mongolian knitting enthusiasts
What even is this world we live in?

Attached: pepdalf.png (852x944, 70K)

>wanting mods to delete posts you don't like
literally okay stona/reddit

>bias is proven

Sorry, but it’s just flaws in the game coding and design. A dev team can’t keep track of everything all at once, which is what you stupid fucks want them to do. They try their best, but you niggers won’t stop shitting on them.

If you don’t like the damn game, don’t play it.

I meant it unironically.

+100 gold!

>being raided by literal slav animals and paid shills
>hotpocketeers will defend this
>hotpocketeers will do nothing, since they're almost certainly in the pockets of their chimp masters in moscow

They don’t pay me a single kopeck. I do it for free!

>playing bore blunder

>this delusion

It’s simple, faggot. If you don’t like the “bias”, either make your own tank/plane sim or stop playing and un-install.

I've always wondered how do this kind of posts bypass the spam filter

>don't play the game/don't give them money if you don't like it

Attached: f19.jpg (277x296, 22K)

kys WoT shitter

>great spots no1 else uses

Attached: sneaky.jpg (1511x930, 691K)

No one else plays Karelia at this rank.

post discord