Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Fuck jive

Lexia General

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hmmm now where have I seen her before

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If you don't post a sniff right this thread you're not a part of the /fgg/

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>yfw you are not Mike "Make FGC Blacker" Ross

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In Darkstalkers as the Anakaris function.

Broski: The Double Agent

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play dbfz

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Anyone for MvCI PS4?

it's pretty fun honestly. fuck adult gohan though.

Our Guy General /ogg/

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i sent gllty a dick pic ama


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Year of the dog!

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-because I suck at it

>sfv in trouble because of mike ross
>dan schneider finally caught and dropped from nickelodeon
weird times for fighting games holy shit

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if you don't want to become mai irl you are lying to yourself

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She's a bitch


Play Cammy

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fucking wew

I'd rather have a Mai gf desu


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tfw no mai gf

dan? lmao
who is always right again? its on the tip of my tongue

haha, look at this dude who doesn't know how to crosspost

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in like every other pop culture representation of queen cleopatra since the mid 1950s or so

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2 years from now on

since he's too retarded to do it right

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>visit Egypt
>there are no cute brown girls with bobcuts
What the fuck
Overwatch, Jive, and Skullgirls lied to me

>build mike up just to break him down

why did he do it bros

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All FANG players are scumbag pieces of fucking garbage. Instant blacklist, every time. Get that ass banned.

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This but with Menat players

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oh nononono bros

kemono fighterz @ evo when??

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Thanks, I really needed that laugh you need the board letter after the quotes

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How big was she in her response pic

>mfw the Melty Blood tournament got cancelled because the toilet overflowed

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You are at least 3000 years too late bro.

post egyption girls

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stop hanging out with friends

how the hell do I beat urien as mika?

this matchup is impossible.

Post succ.

Is there any good fighting game related ASMR?

What do big milkies like these feel like in your hands

I main Tsuchinoko!

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Jokes on you, I left all my friends 10 years ago

queens blade fighting game when??

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You ask for succs everyday and we've posted pretty much every succ pictures in the world!
Ask for something else for once!

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my friend works in japan so dont think i will hing out with him any time soon

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im snifing

How the fuck would you make that? Fighting game sound design strives to be as loud as possible.

i actually have a serval figma
its a shame what happened with the show

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stop hanging out

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Would be based on nu-Queen's Blade so no thanks

What friends? I haven't had a friend since I was a kid.

There's a new one?

Chun main making a new fighter ID on SFV.

Any good name ideas?

Maybe QuadGoddess?

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THE Marvel King, Chris G just said DBFZ is better than Marvel Infinite and that Marvel Infinite would be whack if it didn't have his favorite characters to play with.


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What if Falke isn't sniffy enough to quell all the vappa anger in the community? What if she looks bad in the trailer this weekend bros??

We cant let the bad guys led by Mike "Too Old To Hang Out" Ross win...

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I have literally not posted "post succ" in a long time. And you have not posted even close to every succ pic in the world, let alone every morrigan pic.

Not out yet but yes

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Imagine giving a damn about chris g opinions.

>the west coast scene is very fake - Chris G

BROS THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!! I thought the least coast scene was full of snakes and will we recover?

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How about this

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It succs.

Post yfw you don't suck dick.

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More like it inccs

Is Laura the only "big girl" in fighting games? She's not even that big.

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Why does Guile get to have safe long range normals, zoning, and amazing jump ins with the addition of two great V-Triggers?


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That's not fucking Queens Blade. What the fuck have they done!?

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so does Ryu




do you really want to play? what's region? I was never good and haven't played the game since launch but it mite b fun

Is SFV the only fighting game you have ever played?

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Same thing they've been doing since Rebellion: ruining it