/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #3005

You wait too long, you get Naru edition.


>Recent news
Robomi Z event for the end of March
Robomi 2 rerun is up
Cutiefest with double exp for players under rank 100, also magfest
Metatron and Avatar Raids released
Glorybringer and Nekomancer are available
Arcarum Extreme unlocked, together with Arcarum Weapons and summon FLB (which needs Magna II Omega Anima)
Celeste and Chev 4* uncap
EMP skills for Apsaras and CR and other characters.
Story chapters 106-107 released
Yaia 5* uncap and Bonito 4* uncap released

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for March:
2/28 - 3/23 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II
3/12 - 3/18 - Rise of the Four Beasts
3/18 - 3/24 - Xeno Corow Clash
3/24 - 3/30 - Robomi Generations (Rerun)
3/31 - 4/8 - Robomi Z (new)

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous thread:

Attached: wife.png (174x220, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


famitsu doko

dead game

just grobble my shit up senpai

Attached: DZOyCgZVwAAmsjY.jpg (2894x4093, 866K)

save me

Attached: aaaaa.png (333x99, 80K)

>Join these crews friends! OLs remove your deads and all

Lum 1 --game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/388489 -- (29)

NFC -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/518173 -- (22)

Triad Primus -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/632242 -- (28)

Dem Bois -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/705648-- (25)

COWFAGS -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/841064 -- (29)

Aion no Me -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/645927 -- (29)

Tenno Heika Banzai(Gransexuals) -- game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/845439 -- (20)

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This is less than 5k honor

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To user crafting ultima. Don't forget you will need another 7 for key

>tfw I'd like Song but she's light so I'm never making her

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Awkward Apollo

Attached: apollo.jpg (357x508, 49K)

Attached: DZSt7nOVoAAI-qa.jpg (440x1200, 147K)

Considering that it's possible to get only 4 Anat, am I supposed to use 3 copies for uncapping or to save them and uncap them with stones later?

Do you think Apollo acts top in public but in the bedroom when she and orchid fuck she becomes the bottom?

My daughteru Orchid is so cute.

stone all 4 to become an e-celeb

Um, yes, hello. Where do I trade these in for fabulous prizes?

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How many bars?

6C26734C metadad

atleast take your helmet off next party, Apollo.

>erect nipples

Do you really want to know? Because I don't think you do.

don't waste stones on anat, her call and atk is worse than most summons you get from the draw

This Summer.

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Rates vary from raid to raid because of HP, but blue chest drop % scales linearly and has a base chance of something around ~20%-ish at 50k or so honors.

Attached: blue_scaling.png (602x374, 14K)

Suit yourself. So far, UBHL has given me 0. I got one from Qilin last year, and that's about it.


Can't be any less than mine. 0 (Siero)

Attached: fucking lizard.jpg (243x85, 13K)

mfw i've already gotten one bar drop from the 15 or so raids ive done

Attached: chrome_2018-03-27_09-44-41.png (290x130, 56K)

>you need 700k honors for a 100% chance at getting a 1% drop

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>characters no longer automatically change their portraits when you uncap them

Exactly why did Cygames change that?

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What gbf girl has the thiccest ass

Just follow a train and get 200k-300k honours

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u rike it?

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Is this a 30 man train?

I'm sorry anons, hopefully you get a drop soon.
I've gotten two bars in around 130 units so far

Literally in her fucking sprite.

Attached: magisabehind.jpg (640x940, 83K)

Explode my dude

I only do 10-15 man trains. More manageable.

ur not my dude bro

If I post a UBHL now, will somebody help me?


Attached: DX26-S6VAAA9scE.jpg (595x1199, 137K)

I'm not your bro, fag

8277EB20 another meta

I'll come heal it for you, absolutely.

>not lady grey
Shit taste nano

Yes I'll be the thorslut

I do since it's better than 0% chance. The retards that believe than having no blue chests at all is better are probably the cucks that cry about games making them feel bad and probably use the non-term "anti-fun".

>used goods
No thanks

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What boss is this?




Having no blue chests means that the weapons would have gone to flip chests, which are miles better.


thanks for the heals


Or just red chests only, like Xeno weapons in raids

t. wanpan Esser bunny leech
Kill yourself then cunt. I'm glad you'll never see a MII weapon in your life and I hope future content follows the same pattern.

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no thors but I can do damage

Literally the only thing they had to do to encourage contributing was not making the loot table fucking trash.

begone megloomy

Or if you used your head, it means they would have just made them red only, you stupid nigger. Seeing how they made it currently, on the off-chance they did put them in the gold chest, it would have been like 4x worse than the drop rates of fucking chev swords previously. Which would be much worse than fucking contributing a little bit to a raid for a 1% chance at a item, roach.

There is nothing wrong with the blue chest addition, except the fact it has centrums.

just unlocked apsaras, I'm ready to carry

>not even a blue or red.
I don't even know how grubble works anymore.

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I hate to see it flip in magna II.

>except the fact it has centrums.
and balms, that shit is fucking foul there's enough balms in regular magna and HL and 6mans already

Attached: fa.png (457x144, 51K)

How can you forget certs and true anima?

Primal 2 raids will introduce purple chests that drop for the person that last hits the raid. The new exclusive Primal 2 weapons will only drop from those chests.

Host it. Can't carry by myself but I can definitely contribute and bring another thor.

Attached: ubhl please.png (478x488, 490K)

They're just as bad but balms are just the worst.

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that grid isn't carrying shit

There is nothing wrong with balms, you people are stupid. Complaining about raids dropping balms as apart of the trash loot is like complaining that a raid drops half-pots.

Fuck off retard who doesn't play the raid, more white certs is always good.


Sparta, I don't have Thor or any idea of what I'm doing. Pls no bully.

Uhhh kill yourself you wanpan Esser bunny leech

serves you right ruru! I got blue

i've been in a reddit crew for 2 days and i cannot deal with it anymore already

No Thor, no carry. Try harder when rolling next time.

Attached: sea.png (477x682, 751K)

But literally everything in the game has followed the same pattern. I feel like the same fucking discussion is happening every day for the last month. And yes, you are a fucking retard for expecting a chest with a better loot table than the fucking host and MVP chests. It's been 4 years, drop the game if you can't handle contributing or MVPing and getting garbage. This won't change.

At least balms are refunds for joining.
>more white certs is always good
Fuck off to t2 raids or something then, fuck having them in reds and blues

Where is the famitsu?

feel like pure shit


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3/6 2 sage 1 HS thors accounted for

Kind of weird, wasn't graph implying 700k makes blue chest rate 100%?
Or was it for alex/grimir meaning you need over 1,05m for meta to be sure to get blue?

Epic falseflag, butthurt nigger. But shitposting is all you can do now that you can't leech yourself new weapons.

Bring 2 more Spartas.


how do you survive skyfall ultimus

>fuck having them in reds and blues
There is literally nothing wrong with them being in these chests since its a basic material thats rare you always want more of. You people complain about the stupidest shit. Are you going to complain that the raid drops old ssrs in the gold boxes as well?