Proof Ancient Egyptians were Black

This article proves, without a doubt, ancient Egyptians were Black people. I bet /pol/tards won't be able to refute one point in this list without resorting to memes and images. Wrestling history from White Supremacist is chess and I just got check mate. King me, nigga.

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But I saw a facebook picture where the skeletons of all different races looked exactly the same, with the message that racism is bad. What am I supposed to believe now?


Nigga get yo whitewashed bust outta here.

I like your sentiment OP, but I'm going to need more than a single source to take your argument seriously. The teenage /pol/tards definitely won't accept Atlanta Black Star. Not that they'll accept much of any evidnce.

doesn't roleplaying belong on /qst/?

The only roleplaying is Euros pretending to be my ancestors.

not white

not black

fucking brown

pls stop ty

Are Southern Italians, Greeks, Southern Spanish, Southern Portuguese, Albanians, South Slavs and southern Rumanians Brown or White in your eyes?

To me they aren't White, Black or Brown but Olive. I would call Egyptians Olive as well.

Stop. Niggers were separate from Egyptians.
Even says so in the Book of Gates.
Horus saith unto the creatures of Ra who dwell in the Black Land (Qemt, i.e., Egypt) and in the Red Land (i.e., the deserts which lie on each side of the Black Land formed of the mud of the Nile):--"Magical protection be unto you, O ye creatures of Ra, who have come into being from the Great One who is at the head of heaven! Let there be breath to your nostrils, and let your linen swathings be unloosed! Ye are the tears of the eye of my splendour in your name of RETH (i.e., Egyptian, men). Mighty of issue (AA-MU) ye have come into being in your name of AAMU(Asianic); Sekhet hath created them, and it is she who delivereth (or, avengeth) their souls. I masturbated [to produce you], and I was content with the hundreds of thousands [of beings] who came forth from me in your name of NEHESU (i.e., Nubians/Negroes); Horus made them to come into being, and it is he who avengeth their souls. I sought out mine Eye, and ye came into being in your name of THEMEHU(Libyan); Sekhet hath created them, and she avengeth their souls."
Look at pic, it goes by fours: Top right are the Libyans, top center are the negros, top left/bottom right are the asianics, bottom center are the Egyptians, and bottom left is Horus.


The phenotype of Nubians and Egyptians were near the same. The nilotics were much more southerly, more South Sudan rather than southern Egypt to Northern Sudan.

Secondly the representation of Nubiana by Egyptians 1. Varied, king tut portrays some Nubians just as he did himself and 2. Nubian represented themselves much like Egyptians.

The representations of others is used to reinforce notions of Otherness. It not some static and necessarily "true" monolith.

The were East Africans with Western Asian ancestry. Regardless Nubians and Egyptians are two sides of the same coin. One could not exist without the other, they were on a north south cline genetically.

Egyptians were white Natufians and brothers of Europeans.

>According to ancient DNA analyses conducted by Lazaridis et al. (2016) on six Natufian skeletal remains from present-day northern Israel, the Natufians carried the Y-DNA haplogroup E-Z830, which is ancestral to the E1b1b-M123 paternal clade. One Natufian individual was also found to belong to the N1b mtDNA haplogroup. In terms of autosomal DNA, these Natufians carried high frequencies of the Basal Eurasian component, but were slightly distinct from the northern Anatolian populations that contributed to the peopling of Europe. The scientists suggest that the Levantine early farmers may instead have spread southward into East Africa, bringing along a West Eurasian ancestral component separate from that which would arrive later in North Africa. Elsewhere on the continent, the Natufians were found to share no significant genetic affinities with Sub-Saharan African populations.

Afrocentrists BTFO by genetics. Black DNA does NOT belong anywhere north of the Sahara.

Best post in this thread.

What if the Ptolemaic dynasty? Obviously culturally Hellenistic, but do you know (or did anyone know) of the genetic history of the Ptolemies? Cleopatra's heritage is a popular point of contention, Black folk wanting to reclaim the famous queen as 'one of their own', which is why I ask.

You should probably 1) take a look at a map and 2) review the migration/conquest history of the lower Nile region.

Egypt was settled by people from Levant.
There wasn't a single drop of Black DNA in Ancient Egypt. This is a biofact.


I guess it depends on what you mean by 'ancient'. But as says, there was continual cultural and genetic admixture between the North and South Nile peoples.

Obama is Black. That doesn't make George Washington Black now does it?

It's obvious to anyone that the original Egyptians(4000 bc) had nothing in common with the Blacks but the late ones had already met them and slightly admixed with them.

This isn't a racist opinion it's more of a fact.

We're talking about several thousand years of continual contact and influence. And if you want to bring the United States into this, just look at the RADICAL demographic and geographic changes that have occurred over the course of a mere 235 years.

I'm not arguing for the asinine bait OP claim. Butt to claim, contrarily, that there just weren't 'blacks' in Egypt is equally ludicrous.

It's more or less a fact.
Blacks simply don't belong there.
Ethiopia also used to be non-Black.


>That doesn't make George Washington Black now does it?

are you saying he wasn't?

No, of course not. You would have to be a fool to think he wasn't of African Decent.

ill never get this meme why do the Egyptians have to be one race or the other?

>Amerifat alert.
I guess you have no connection to your race or ancestry.

but there so old that there ancestry would be completely irreverent

nevermind that. have people considered that maybe they had a racially diverse population? them being on the Mediterranean and all that


Natufians are from Israel and their skulls were described has Negroid as it was Caucasoid.

Of course they could have been hornets migrating from Lake Tana/Western Ethiopia north following the Nile.
The desire to look to Egypt as their own is much more symbolic of African unity and continuity than literalness. What she represents is much more than what she is.

Regardless she probably had East African roots, I don't think it was the majority though

>Regardless she probably had East African roots, I don't think it was the majority though
t. knows nothing about Egyptian history

just keep on kanging, jamal.

but olive doesn't necessarily have anything to do with how light or dark your skin is. Scandinavians are normally more tanned then spaniards or many italians, but spanish people and italians are olive skinned. Tanned/dark mediterraneans are olive-brown, tanned scandinavians are golden-brown. But there are olive skinned people who are pale af and look like they're glowing green

Some were, yeah.

Do you have problems reading? Natufians were genetically 100% Euro-Asian.
Ancient Egypt was founded by Natufian descendants.

Of course I know about Egyptian history. I'm Jewish because of it.
E-Z830 is Northern African in all likelihood expanded upon via the Neolithic Subpluvial.

You shouldn't be trolling like this. It a irksome for a ferenji to talk about a continent they know nothing about

You are false.

Are you serious? This is an actual genetic study on Natufians by Lazaridis, a respected geneticist.
The conclusion was that they had absolutely nothing to do with Sub-Saharan populations, which includes the Sub-Saharan admixture in East Africans.

Haplogroup E was spread into Africa by Euro-Asian men who had sex with Pygmy and Khoisan women I think.

See now I know you're trolling

>Ricaut et al. (2008)[13] associate the Sub-Saharan influences detected in the Natufian samples with the migration of E1b1b lineages from East Africa to the LevantĪ± and then into Europe. Entering the late mesolithic Natufian culture, the E1b1b1a2 (E-V13) sub-clade has been associated with the spread of farming from the Middle East into Europe either during or just before the Neolithic transition. E1b1b1 lineages are found throughout Europe but are distributed along a South-to-North cline, with a E1b1b1a mode in the Balkans.[14][15]

>"Recently, it has been proposed that E3b originated in sub-Saharan Africa and expanded into the Near East and northern Africa at the end of the Pleistocene. E3b lineages would have then been introduced from the Near East into southern Europe by immigrant farmers, during the Neolithic expansion".''[15]

>"a Mesolithic population carrying Group III lineages with the M35/M215 mutation expanded northwards from sub-Saharan to North Africa and the Levant. The Levantine population of farmers that dispersed into Europe during and after the Neolithic carried these African Group III M35/M215 lineages, together with a cluster of Group VI lineages characterized by M172 and M201 mutations".

Ancient Egyptians were Semitic Folk

Semitic is a language group and Egyptians didn't speak it.

>outdated crap

Doesn't explain why unlike Ethiopians the Natufians were 0% Sub-Saharan African.
As of last year the evidence leans towards a Euro-Asian origin for E.

there is no proof of jews ever being in ancient egypt, much less enslaved like the fantasy novels claim.

Basal E is African. Their is so debate that E could be in the Levant at the very top of Africa at an early time and back migrated but consensus remains African.

Natufians have African origins, again the study above speaks on it.

Regardless the cultures of the Nile are inextricably tied to the Neolithic Subpluvial where the boundaries of Afroeurasia were thoroughly blurred. You grasping for purity is childish given the information we have at hand.

>what are hyksos

I'm talking about my roots in Yeb from 495BCE

just some barbarians

>Natufians have African origins

Why do you keep repeating this? It won't make it true.

They had no Sub-Saharan admixture. None that could be detected with modern technology, flat 0% essentially.

You may as well claim Japanese as Africans becuase they have the same level of SSA admixture.

Actually 650bce but really it's too late for me to talk in depth about these things.

cut the crap honky. King me nigga. check mate.

You need to stop same fagging. But if you want to live in your fantasy that the Neolithic Subpluvial, the expansion of Saharan herders aligned with Tenerians as well as the "cosmopolitan" Nile Valley that formed Nabta Playa did not occur than so be it.

The studies and archeology are there, theirs no convincing you but luckily the scientific and archeological community is for the most part

Most likely the natives of Green Sahara had nothing to do with SSA Negroids either but it doesn't particularly matter if some were.

nigga can yo even read?

Cosmopolitanism between non-Black Green Saharans and non-Black Natufian descendants in Nabta Playa. Gotcha.

>Of course I know about Egyptian history. I'm Jewish because of it.

You're a black american aren't you?

t. melanin warrior