Can anyone recommend a comprehensive book on the history of Ancient Egypt that would cover all 3 milenia from the 1st...

Can anyone recommend a comprehensive book on the history of Ancient Egypt that would cover all 3 milenia from the 1st dynasty to the Ptolemaic era? I'm looking for something that covers everything from politics, art, religion to day to day life.

Pic kind of related.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ancient Evenings.
Many a sexy Egyptian babe is to be found.

Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt

I highly support this OP and would also appreciate titles. I'm taking an Ancient Egyptian history course this semester and good reading material would be appreciated.

Imhotep the African: Architect of the Cosmos

>weaboo furfags and /pol/fags

Fuck this REEEEE

Dont you get good reading material from the class....?

It's likely I'll only be getting the textbook, but I would like other books as well, compilation books to be specific, of historians examining things like in the OP, the culture, social life, etc.

And it's a 200 level course, so I'm not expecting too much, just marginally more than an intro. Then again, it is with a professor I really like.

OP here. Call him now you fucking bastard and ask for recs. Post them and you'll get the best thicc shit I ever saw here.

School doesn't start until the 18th tho.

You're missing out on the wank of a lifetime.

Also I don't like T H I C C.

I'm more of a cunnyseur myself.

Cut the bullshit scum. The best you're going to get is a babby tier Oxford history full of spooky tomb paintings.

Tell you what though, when school does start, I'll be sure to ask him and I'll make a new thread about the same topic, assuming this one prunes before then.

Civilization or Barbarism – Cheikh Anta Diop
African Origin of Civilization – Cheikh Anta Diop
he Destruction of Black Civilization – Chancellor Williams

I genuinely hope you fucking die.

>Ben, did I ever tell you about magic shoes?

>Magic shoes were a pair of shoes created by an Ewok named Teebo. He and his friend Wicket had to jump over the holes of Vacant Valley, during the search for Norky.

>The Ewoks couldn't jump like Norky's species. So, Teebo bewitched some vines he had found, that spun around Teebo and Wicket's ankles, resembling coils.

>"We'll jump over the hole with this magic shoes." he commented to Wicket, before deciding to make a stop first at Dexxter Jetster's 80's themed disco diner. They heard his banth burger bites were to die for, and die they did, when Sith Lord Binks saw there were Republic secrets on the menu. They were good friends.


here op
use to find free downloads

You earned it

The ancient Egyptians were Anglos and the ancient Hebrews were an Aryan tribe.


That's what user gets? Her only good feature is the tits. If you want to reward him with a titty monster at least get one with a cute face.


Do you trust Hawass?

>to the fore
>to the fore I reading your term paper?


I'm reading his A History of the Ancient Near East & it's fantastic so far

no its an annotated bibliography on ancient egypt. the writer and editors just fucked up

A History of Ancient Egypt by Nicolas Grimal is a very comprehensive book on the subject, highly recommend it.

hey now, what's wrong with weeb furfags

>tfw you will never fuck honeyball and her "thighs as wide as a horse's"

Just play Pharaoh, everything is 100% accurate, the game was programmed in hieroglyphs 4000 years ago.
